Chapter 261 Be Prepared
Lu Xuyan and Lu Xushan, acting as elders, asked about how they were doing at the Yun's house, and they didn't say much after getting an affirmative answer.

But this time Lu Fan'an's wife didn't treat her as badly as last time. Although she was still cold-faced, she didn't pick her mercilessly.I don't know who taught her a lesson after she left last time, or because she has some scruples after knowing her identity as the Yun family.

No matter which one it is, she is happy to see it succeed, and it is good that there are no flies flying around in front of her.

After a round of greetings and greetings, when I felt that I could leave, Mr. Lu stopped her and asked some questions similar to Mr. Ji.

Elder Ji asked, and I could still understand in leisure time, why did Elder Lu also come to ask her?Lu Peifeng, the partner, is still sitting here. Why didn't the old man ask his grandson but instead asked her?

Lei Yu wondered, and Lu Peifeng himself wondered, didn't he have all the first-hand information that Lei Yu should have?Why did the old man think to ask Xianyu?Or, does the old man not believe in his ability?

If you have any doubts in your spare time, you have to answer the ones that should be answered. Once you are born and second time you are familiar, you can go back to Mr. Lu as you like.

Mr. Lu's reaction was similar to Mr. Ji's. Although the expression on his face was very eager to hope that she could show some impressive results, he still comforted her to take her time and not to be impatient.

Leisurely said that she was not in a hurry at all, her original intention of researching this was to get revenge on Emily Brent, although now she is infected by the mentality of the two old men, she has a little effort to serve her country Thoughts, but anxious is completely out of the question.

After finishing all this, there was no more topic to talk about, so I left with Ji Mo in leisure.There were also people who kept food, but I felt uncomfortable eating with everyone, and her appetite was also affected by eating, so I excused myself and left.

In fact, the Lu family is not indifferent or doesn't like idleness. They love Ji Mo very much, so how could they not like the woman Ji Mo identified.

It's just that politicians are used to introversion, and most of their feelings are not exposed. In addition, they spend too little time with Lei Yu, and even meet with each other very few times. Where can they find time to cultivate relationships?The atmosphere of this back and forth was naturally a little silent.

After Xianyu left, the people dispersed, but Lu Peifeng followed Mr. Lu to the study.Mr. Lu seemed to know that he would follow him early in the morning, and there was no doubt in his eyes.

"I want to know why I asked Xianyu and not you?"

Lu Peifeng stood in front of the desk and nodded, but Mr. Lu didn't ask him to sit down, so he didn't dare to sit down.

"You agreed to set up a research team for leisure because of Ji Mo and Yun Zhu?" After a little thought, Mr. Lu understood his grandson's thoughts.

"I thought Mr. Yun would join, the result would not be too bad." Lu Peifeng honestly admitted his thoughts.

When Ji Mo approached him at the beginning, he really wanted to give Ji Mo face. After learning that Yun Zhu would also bring people from Hongtu to join the team, he became even more confident, so he agreed to work with Lei Yu Collaborate to form a team.

Xianyu is Yun Zhu's daughter, no matter what the result is, Yun Zhu has the bottom line, he can't lose this deal.

Mr. Lu did not comment on these thoughts of Lu Peifeng, neither good nor bad. Although the young man has been in the officialdom for several years, he still lacks experience. This is not his fault. There is nothing to criticize. up.

"You should have heard about the prospect of virtual reality technology, but you probably don't know much about its application fields and the help it can bring. If you have time, do some research yourself, and then learn about the strength of the Yun Family." After speaking, the old man waved his hand to signal Lu Peifeng to leave.

On the way back, Ji Mo mentioned the mass production of Transformers as a toy that I had said before. To be honest, such a good mecha technology was used as a toy. He felt inferior before, and he still feels so now.

"Are you sure you want to mass-produce this technology as a toy?" Ji Mo asked again at the end, and if Lei Yu still insisted, he would help her do it.

For some reason, Xianyu suddenly remembered that Ji Mo asked her if she could produce the kind of mecha in the movie, and also thought of Yudu who was as leisurely as a housewife but occasionally a bit boring and dazed.

"You said that you want to develop a mecha, did you find someone to study it?" Lei Yu asked without answering.

Ji Mo didn't know why she brought this up suddenly, but since she asked, he answered along the way, "The time is too short, I haven't had time yet."

Lei Yu nodded thoughtfully, she didn't really understand why Ji Mo wanted to make mechas.

You must know that mechas should be more ornamental than usable on earth.

In the interstellar world, it is often necessary to enter outer space to fight against those space beasts that appear out of nowhere, so mechas are so important.

But on the earth, if there is no large-scale war, how can mechs be used?There is really a war. With the current technology of the earth, shouldn't it be more information warfare or direct long-range bombing?No matter how you think about it, it's not the mecha's turn to make a move.

Thinking about leisure, I asked my doubts.

"Take precautions before they happen." Ji Mo replied, then added after a pause: "Shock the universe."

What I'm talking about is that with the advancement of modern technology, countries are indeed more engaged in information warfare, a war without gunpowder.But once it really started to fight, it was not as simple as she thought. If you say bombing, you will bomb.

The damage caused by the bombing is too great, it is easy to end up dying, and it is easy to injure civilians, so the bombing is mostly fixed-point bombing, and the scope of the impact is minimized. It is best to only destroy the opponent's military facilities or military bases.

After the bombing, it is still necessary to return to the original human combat. At this time, the test is which country has stronger military strength or more advanced weapons.

Huaguo is a country where peace is the most important thing, and it is not easy to use mechas, but Huaguo is also a country that pursues precautions against danger, so it is necessary to have what it should have. Prevention is a must, and at the same time it can deter those A country with evil hearts.

Ji Mo broke these things into pieces and told Xianyu in detail, and Xianyu nodded while listening. It seems that she really thought of war too simply.

And she suddenly thought of certain missions performed by Jimo, such as destroying criminal organizations. This kind of mission is not big, anyway, it is not big enough to require direct bombing, but it is not small, and I don’t know how many soldiers every year So he died for his country.

If the mecha is developed, the safety of this kind of mission that requires individual combat will probably be greatly improved, right?

"Do you know what our respected Ms. Yu used to do?" Lei Yu asked jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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