Chapter 262 Persuasion
Who is Ji Mo, and he understood Xianyu's thoughts as soon as he turned his head, "Do you want to persuade Aunt Yu to study this?"

Idle Yu nodded noncommittally, "She was the brightest star of the Academy of Engineering in her early years, and was praised and admired by everyone, but she became silent for me later. She has paid too much."

Obviously able to climb to the top in the field he is most proud of, but because of his love for his daughter, he is willing to step out of the dazzling spotlight, and he has been away for more than ten years.

She wants Yu Die to return to the field she likes and continue to shine. This life is so short, you should do something you like, just like her elective history without saying a word, and like she left at the beginning Traveling is more like letting Yu Die continue to study his favorite machinery.

"If you need any help, just tell me." Ji Mo looked at the road ahead and said without turning his head. It seems that this is just an ordinary sentence that cannot be more ordinary, but it contains the meaning that he can give anything he owns at any time , but it is a little moving.

Lei Yu didn't mention this matter again, but after going back, he sorted out all the materials he had made when he made the Transformers, and added some ideas for the interstellar mecha, and then found Yu Die to talk about it the next day.

The time is a bit rushed, and she hasn't organized her own language yet, so she doesn't know how to persuade Yu Die, but Lu Peifeng's staff has almost been formed, but the laboratory has not yet been finalized, probably in the last few days She's about to go into closed-door experiments.

Once she left, wouldn't Yu Die have nothing to do every day?Procrastination is not in her character, choosing a day is worse than hitting the day, so she just talked to Yu Die directly.

On the balcony of the spare room, she sat Yu Die on a cushioned rattan chair, and handed her a cup of steaming milk tea.

"Mom, in a few days I'm going to retreat and develop together with Dad, what are your plans then?"

At that time, she and Yun Zhu will practice in seclusion, and Yun Mu and Yun Lu will be busy with the grand plan, leaving early and returning late all day long, so how can the rest of them not be lonely.

Yu Die didn't understand what Xianyu meant, "I'll wait for you at home when the time comes, what else can I plan? What, maybe you want to sign up for an old-age group for my mother to let me go on a trip?" She joked with a smile.

But Lei Yu didn't show a cooperative smile, but said to her with a serious face: "Don't you want to return to the scientific research career you love, and study your best machinery?"

Yu Die didn't expect that she would mention this suddenly, and couldn't help showing a trace of nostalgia on her face, but then she immediately woke up and shook her head lightly, "Silly girl, our family has gone to do scientific research, and there is no one at home when we are busy." , who will take care of you then?"

"Do you think I am an adult, do I still need someone to take care of me? And there are so many servants in the house, are you afraid that I will not be hungry?"

Yu Die stopped talking, every word Xianyu said was the truth, their Yinyin had grown up, and they really didn't need their care.

"You...why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" Xian Yu didn't expect Yu Die to cry suddenly, and hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face with paper.

Yu Die held Idle Yu's hand, and said with both relief and sadness, "We Yinyin have grown up and don't need our care anymore." Without their care, my daughter has grown up very well.

Idle Yu heard the words and understood the crux of the problem, "Mom, you misunderstood, I need your care very much, no one can replace your place in my heart."

"But just because you are very important in my heart, I think each of you can live happily and do what you like every day instead of compromising for me."

Yu Di was stunned, so it turned out that Yinyin meant this, "Do you think I'm unhappy at home taking care of you every day?" Yu Di laughed after saying that, "Silly girl, why am I unhappy taking care of you? As you said, there are servants busy at home, I just need to enjoy life and care about you, so why not be unhappy? I am very happy to see you." Yu Die touched Xianyu's face road.

I can't deny this point, Yu Die is not unhappy, it's just that he is bored from time to time.

"Happy is happy, but it's boring, isn't it? And there are more happy things to choose from, right?"

She can see that Yinyin's words today are full of meaning, the purpose is probably to persuade her to continue to return to the field of scientific research, to do what she is good at and loves to do.

Continue to do research?To be honest, she thought about it, but the same sentence, when people who are engaged in scientific research are busy, they don't know what night it is, and she can't bear to see Yin Yin for a long time.

Seeing that Yu Die was wavering, Xianyu immediately turned on his horsepower and continued to persuade, "I know you don't want me, but don't forget that I am in the direction of energy and power engineering, and I am intertwined with the mechanical field. If it’s not good, we will develop it together, and we will definitely meet often.”

Yu Die was really excited, especially when Lei Yu said that they might be able to do experiments together.The mother and daughter are doing the same experiment, studying together, colliding with ideas and inspirations together, no matter what they think, it makes people feel excited.

"Mum, think about it?" Yu Die asked tentatively.

"What else are you thinking about? Let's see if you are interested in this." Lei Yu took out her trump card, the information she sorted out yesterday.

People who engage in scientific research also have a common weakness, that is, when they see something they are interested in, there is a high probability that they can't help but want to study it. She has this problem herself, and Yu Die should be no exception?

Yu Di took the spare materials and looked at them for a while. At first, he just looked at them roughly, but then he looked more and more carefully, and the more he read, the more interested he became.

There is a lot of information, and it will take a lot of time to really study it thoroughly, so Yu Die suppressed the urge to continue reading, rearranged the information, and then said to Xianyu: "Is Yinyin prepared for a long time?"

All the materials were handed over to her, so she had already prepared for it.

Xian Yu nodded, "So what is Mom's answer?"

"You have prepared so well, if I don't agree, wouldn't it be a waste of all your hard work?" Yu Die asked with a smile, but his heart was soft.

Lei Yu raised his eyebrows, "I look forward to the day when I cooperate with my mother."

On the day he succeeded in persuading Yu Die, Yu Die told the rest of his family about his plan to return to the field of scientific research and continue to engage in mechanical research, and immediately received everyone's support.

Yunzhu muttered on the side: "I have persuaded you a long time ago, but you just don't listen, and you will be willing as soon as Yinyin says it." In the end, daughters are more important than husbands, and it is rare for Yunzhu to be jealous of his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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