Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 268 Security Captain

Chapter 268 Security Captain
"Can't you come over to see big brother if you have nothing to do?" Xianyu said while visiting the small bookshelf in Yunmu's room.

"Of course, brother is always welcome."

"Well, actually, I do have something to ask my elder brother." I finally chose to give up awkward chats, because she is really not good at this.

Yun Mu didn't speak, just sat behind the desk and stared at Xianyu intently, beckoning her to speak directly.

"That...Meng An..."

"I do not like her."

Yun Mu interrupted before he could finish his idle conversation.

"I haven't finished speaking yet."

"I know what you want to say. I don't like her, so Yinyin doesn't have to feel embarrassed."

Lei Yu, who was seen through her mind, didn't feel embarrassed at all, "I'm not embarrassed, if I didn't see that my elder brother doesn't like her, I wouldn't be so merciless." She is not mentally retarded, she can't even see this.

"Then you...?" Yun Mu didn't understand, since she saw that he didn't like Meng An anymore, why did she come here to mention Meng An now?

"So I just asked you to listen to me!"

Yun Mu choked for a rare moment, a little embarrassed, and a little speechless.

He sighed helplessly, "Okay, tell me, I'll listen."

"Actually, Academician Yu asked me to come, she asked me..."

"Stop, needless to say."

The idle words were interrupted again.

"You know again?"

"Please, Miss Yinyin, please go back and tell Academician Yu that there is no rush for emotional matters, and my son knows it well."

Xian Yu rubbed his nose awkwardly, well, this time Yun Mu really guessed it right.

She was appointed by Yu Die to worry about Yun Mu's life. After the new year, Yun Mu will be 27. In fact, with Yun Mu's conditions, she should have nothing to worry about, but Yun Mu doesn't care much about girls. Well, there are few women in Hongtu, and he doesn't take the initiative to contact women from the outside world, so how can she not worry about it!
Xianyu felt that she couldn't just go back to work and had nothing else to do, so she sat down unceremoniously, and assumed the posture of having a long talk with Yunmu.

"Why don't you tell me, brother, what kind of girl you like, and I can help you find one?"

Yun Mu smiled, "You still have time to help me find girls?" And as far as he knew, there was no other female friend besides her roommate.

But her roommates are really interesting, especially...

"Okay, although elder brother likes to talk with you very much, but if it's about this, you should go out and don't disturb my reading." Yun Mu began to see off the guests.

Leisurely: "..."

"Let's go!" It's rare for her to want to be a matchmaker, but he doesn't give face to her!
After returning to the room, Lei Yu picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Ji Mo.

【Sleep yet? 】

[I don't have to sleep tonight. 】

Ji Mo's message returned quickly.His task this time is a collective training and selection task. The best batch will be selected from all major battalions across the country, and then they will be trained intensively, and then a second selection will be conducted. Those selected for the second time will be assigned Into the top ten special operations teams in the country.

So this mission is not dangerous, and the secrecy is not strong, but it is time-consuming.

[Why do you have time to send me a message at this time? 】Looking at his watch, Ji Mo quickly replied with a message after ten o'clock in the evening. Normally, he should still be busy on the experimental bench at this time.

【I am off today. [Screaming]】I have a slapstick expression, I can't help it, being my own boss is just so arrogant.

Ji Mo cooperatively responded with an emoji of lemon essence, which greatly satisfied the idle vanity.

[Since it's a holiday, rest early and eat more. 】

[Okay, I'm going to sleep, good night. 】

【Good night. 】

It was a very ordinary conversation, and neither of them found it boring or dissatisfied.

Their occupations are special, one is a soldier who defends the country, and the other is a practitioner in the field of scientific research who disappears when he is busy. They all have the respect and understanding they deserve.

The happy time is always short, I feel that I haven't rested and tasted, and the day's vacation is over.The father and daughter who returned home hand in hand went to the laboratory hand in hand.

In fact, the holiday is still useful. At least all the R&D personnel who were exhausted a day ago, looked at it again today, and they were all revived.

As usual, I had a meeting with the main R&D personnel first, and I have been developing it for a month, so there must be a periodic report and summary.But this time everyone looked at her differently.

In the past, I was more or less contemptuous and unconvinced, but now I can't see this kind of look at all. It is full of emotion and admiration of the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead, and the waves before dying on the beach.

Although they participated in a lonely time, they have to say that they have gained something, and many ideas in their spare time have given them great inspiration.

Moreover, although Xianyu produced her own achievements in stages, she did not directly bring them over as they were. Instead, she gave ideas and ideas, and then participated in it, guiding everyone to supplement and improve step by step.

This process not only enriched herself, but also benefited others involved.

As time progressed, within two weeks, Ji Mo came back, and after he came back, Ji Mo actually took people to the laboratory and never left.

When I saw Ji Mo appearing in the laboratory in a neat military uniform, I almost didn't react.

"When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me?" And did you rush to see her when you came back?No change of clothes.

"Well, I just came back and I want to surprise you."

Xian Yu felt that these words sounded a bit familiar, she had said this to Yu Die last time she went home.

I looked around in my spare time, and many researchers had already stopped to watch the two of them.If we continue to chat here, it won't be long before the old professors will be attracted to watch together.She hurriedly took Jimo to her office.

"Why don't you rest at home and come here again, I won't run away."

Ji Mo smiled and hummed, he couldn't run away, but Missing urged him to see her urgently.

"No, you will go back to rest in a while, and it won't be too late to come back after you rest."

"No, I'll stay here."

"Huh?" Xian Yu felt that he didn't seem to hear what he said just now.

"I'm now the laboratory's security chief, your... bodyguard."

Xianyu scratched her ears again, is she hallucinating?With this identity, Ji Mo came to be the security captain for her laboratory?Then she thought of the scene when she met Jimo at the Academy of Military Sciences, "What kind of trick is the second battalion commander playing?"
Hearing the title of Second Battalion Commander, Ji Mo sighed helplessly. It seems that no matter how he gets promoted, he will never be able to escape the word Second Battalion Commander in his life. He blamed him for his low rank when he met Lei Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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