Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 269 Security Captain

Chapter 269 Security Captain
Just as he was waiting for an explanation, someone knocked on the office.


"Hey, is it the right time for me to come?" Lu Peifeng teased with a smile.

Ji Mo glanced at him expressionlessly, knowing that it was not the right time for him to come?He didn't believe that he didn't know that he was in the spare office, and he clearly came to make trouble on purpose.

Lu Peifeng was indeed here to make trouble. With the progress of the experiment, he now regrets that he gave up too much at the beginning, and all of this is Ji Mo's fault. If he didn't give up an inch, would he regret it so much now!
"What's the matter?" Lei Yu asked.

Lu Peifeng has been in her laboratory for a long time. At first, he wanted to stay only for a while, to take charge of all the work, and when everything was on the right track, he would leave it to others to handle his own affairs. After all, he A person who works for the country can't spend all his time in a laboratory.

However, as the progress and results of the experiment were reported, he couldn't leave!The country actually asked him to just take the position of logistics manager until the end of the experiment.

That's why he can still make light bulbs now.

"Let me introduce you to our new security captain." Lu Peifeng turned sideways, letting out a man behind him wearing the same military uniform as Ji Mo.

As soon as the soldier came in, he didn't greet Xianyu first, but stood at attention and saluted Jimo and shouted: "Hello Captain!" Will be accused of disturbing the people.

I waited and watched for a while, wondering if it was Xi Shi in the eyes of her lover, she always felt that the military uniform was the best when Ji Mo wore it.

But... "The second battalion commander won't explain to me?" Just after he said that he was the security captain, he was exposed in a blink of an eye.

Ji Mo coughed lightly, "He is the security captain, and I am the captain of the security captain, referred to as the security captain." There is nothing wrong with it at all.

Xian Yu is also convinced by this sophistry, but she has no time to talk to him for the time being.

"Hello, I'm free." She greeted the security captain in front of her.

"Zhou Qirui!" He still gave a military salute in a sonorous voice and went back to leisure time, his words and deeds seemed to be engraved in a template, mechanical and inflexible, and it was a bit difficult to continue the conversation.

However, Zhou Qirui didn't intend to chat with her, after getting to know her, he gave another military salute and went out by himself.

Lei Yu was stunned, you said this person is polite, how could he be polite if he leaves after a disagreement?If you want to say that this person is not polite, the problem is that they gave a military salute before leaving, but they didn't say a word in a daze.

Lu Peifeng was also surprised, he asked Ji Mo in wonder, "Where did you find such a treasure?"

"He was selected in this selection." This Zhou Qirui is the best soldier in his selection for this mission, and he is also the king of soldiers in his own army. Some people were stationed in the spare laboratory to do protection work, and he brought them here directly.

"Then it seems that the skills should be good." Lu Peifeng nodded in satisfaction. The more capable the people sent by the higher authorities, the safer the laboratory will be.

Lei Yu was a bit confused, of course, the most important thing was that she didn't understand why soldiers were suddenly arranged to enter the laboratory as security guards?Will it be too good to use it?And she remembered that the laboratory originally had security personnel.

Seeing her doubts, Lu Peifeng took the initiative to explain without waiting for her to ask: "This is a new manpower assigned by the country. It is not responsible for guarding the laboratory, but only for the safety of you and some other people." The laboratory has the original security. No one dared to break in openly, so these soldiers came to protect the personal safety of important researchers like them.

"The one who protects us? Why is it so sudden?"

Lu Peifeng was speechless, is it true that people who engage in scientific research are like this?The eyes only grow on the test bench, and once the research and development starts, everything in the outside world is indifferent.

"The laboratory has already reported the results of two phases. The results of these two phases have already attracted the attention of the country, so it is not sudden."

After listening to it, I thought about where these two phased achievements have reached, and then suddenly realized that they have progressed to surpass the most advanced technology at the moment. If they have made breakthroughs and are ahead of the world, they naturally need to be protected. up.

However, she was a little worried. Wherever she went, she needed to send special soldiers to protect her. If the research and development was successful, would she still be able to live a peaceful life in the future?

"We need to send someone to protect it now, so what will happen after the research and development is completed? Don't forget, I haven't graduated yet."

"Please trust me a little bit in my ability to handle affairs. I kept your identities confidential before the R&D started. No one will know that it was Miss Xian who led the R&D of virtual reality technology. Are you satisfied with this? "

Lei Yu heard the irony from Lu Peifeng's answer, and was obviously very dissatisfied with her questioning his ability to work.

Leisurely shrugged her shoulders indifferently. After a period of time, she was no longer as cautious towards Lu Peifeng as before. At the beginning, there was a bit of Cousin Ji Mo's meaning in it, but the more she got along with her, the more she found that Lu Peifeng was a cold-faced, hard-hearted and stingy Even though he is stingy for the sake of the country, this does not change the fact that he is stingy.

Always thinking about pulling her vested interests out of her hands, it would be a ghost for her to be kind to him.You must know that she and the Yun family invested [-]% of the investment in this research and development, and the laboratory was provided by herself, and the researcher Hongtu also contributed a part. It was a matter of gold falling from the sky, and it would be unreasonable for her to give in.

Ji Mo replied on behalf of Lei Yu: "Satisfied, is there anything else for our Chief Lu?"

When Director Lu heard it, Lu Peifeng's face turned pale instantly, he snorted angrily, slammed the door and left, at the same time spurned in his heart, Xiu Enai died quickly.

"You are so angry with cousin, aren't you afraid that he will tell Aunt Yun later?"

"Do you think a mother is more willing to favor her son or her nephew?" What's more, he is trying to vent his anger on Xianyu. As long as Lu Yun knows that it involves Xianyu, she will definitely be on Xianyu's side. up.

"What you said is very reasonable, so can you explain to me what is going on with you, the so-called captain of the security captain?"

Ji Mo took it for granted: "There must be a reason to enter the laboratory, right?"

Very good, this reason is very straightforward, and I can't refute it. As expected, the Second Battalion Commander came here for personal gain. It's really... well done!
(End of this chapter)

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