Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 270 Visiting Leisurely

Chapter 270 Visiting Leisurely
Big b, bedroom 323.

"Ah! Why are these days so boring!"

"I also think it's really boring to lose one of the four people!"

"Yang Meng, a freshman, came here every now and then to inquire about news, and I was so annoyed to death."

"It's a bit annoying, and I don't know what she is doing all the time inquiring about Xianyu's whereabouts."

"Why else? I'm jealous. I always think I'm better than Leisure, and I don't care about my grades."

"Why don't we go and have a look at leisure."

"It's not good, will it bother her?"

"Just take a look, you shouldn't bother me too much."

"Okay, let's go take a look this weekend."

Zhou Mei and the three of you in dormitory 323 agreed to go and see the spare time on the weekend.

However, on the weekend, when they arrived at the entrance of the laboratory, they were strictly stopped by the security guards at the entrance. They were asked all the questions they could ask.

When the cross-examination was finally over, they were asked to wait in the reception room, and they went to report themselves, leaving a person here to watch them, as if they were serious criminals, without any human rights.

After waiting for a while, Lei Yu finally arrived late.

"Why are you here?" I haven't seen her for more than a month and I still miss them.

"Come and see you, why is the security check so strict here?" Zhao Tian pointed to a soldier in military uniform still standing in the corner.

"State secrets, can you not be strict?"

The three of them were stunned. Is the thing I'm researching now so advanced?They have risen to the level of state secrets.

After a long while, they suddenly realized that Xianyu seemed to have begun to set sail, but they were left far behind.

"What's wrong? Stay like this?"

" can you fly so fast! We can't even catch up!" Zhao Tian said in a mournful voice suddenly.

Not only her, but also Liu Jia and Zhou Mei's expressions were not very good-looking.The shock and frustration came too suddenly, although they had realized that there was a gap between Xianyu and them, but Xianyu had been with them before, and they could comfort themselves that they could catch up slowly.

But now that Lei Yu has flown far away, will they never catch up again?

"If you have time to think about something, are you done with your research on new energy batteries?" Idle Yu is indeed idle, and the straight girl of steel is talking about her. People are so sad that they are about to cry. She is just like someone who has nothing to do.

" are too spoiling the scenery!" Shouldn't they be comforted at this time?

"I said that I will take you with me, and I won't abandon you." Seeing how pitiful the three people were, Xian Yu barely offered a word of comfort.

It was obviously just an ordinary comforting sentence that couldn't be more ordinary, but the three of them calmed down miraculously as if they had taken a reassurance.

After calming down, the three of them blushed at the same time, and almost cried in frustration when something serious happened. They secretly glanced at the reaction of Brother Bing in the corner. Fortunately, they didn't even look at them, as if they didn't exist. Generally, this made them feel a lot better.

"Did you encounter any bottlenecks in research and development?" Xianyu asked, the three of them are not so delicate, they must have encountered some problems to suddenly become so depressed.

"How do you know?" Liu Jia looked up in surprise, did Lei Yu install a monitor on them?

"What question?" Lei Yu didn't answer why she knew, but pointed to the core of the question.

"It's not a big problem, it's just that we tried to develop a lithium battery, and this battery is a bit prone to explosion." Zhou Mei also had a rare frown.

lithium battery?Lei Yu felt that she could do nothing to help her guess. She didn't have much research on lithium batteries.

"Why don't you ask Professor Qian for help?" Didn't Professor Qian cooperate with Zhou Mei and her mother's company to develop new energy vehicles?There should be some understanding of lithium batteries.

"'re not here, so we're not ashamed to bother Professor Qian..."

Idle Yu thought it was an incredible answer, but it turned out to be such an unimaginable answer.

"Did the three of you go swimming recently?"

The three of them were puzzled, why the topic suddenly turned to swimming, and, "It's so cold, who has nothing to do to go swimming!"

"You didn't go swimming together? Then why did so much water suddenly enter your mind?" Xian Yu laughed back angrily.

Zhou Mei and the three backed away at the same time, they rarely saw such a smiling leisure, once she smiled like this, it proved that she was really angry.

"What do you mean you are embarrassed to bother Professor Qian when I'm not here? Why, Professor Qian is my tutor alone? It's a waste of Professor Qian's expectations of you!" Now Yu Yu is indeed a little angry.

"Besides, I'm going to be a graduate student of Professor Qian in my junior year. Are you planning to part ways with me?"

That's right, Professor Qian really only paid attention to her at the beginning, and didn't pay much attention to Zhou Mei and the others. She was the one who kept bringing them into this circle, and successfully brought them into Professor Qian's eyes.

If it was because of her at the beginning, then Professor Qian has gradually changed his attitude towards the three of them. Talent in scientific research is of course important, but temperament is also very important. Professor Qian is actually happier than anyone else when there are students who are willing to work hard.

But the three of them were out of their minds, and they were unwilling to bother Professor Qian for such a reason. I don't know how disappointed Professor Qian must be when he found out what they were thinking.

"You... don't be angry, that's not what we mean." Zhao Tian quietly tugged at the spare clothes.

"Then what do you mean?"

Zhou Mei: "I just... think we are too stupid. I am afraid that Professor Qian will think that we children are unteachable, and I am also worried about wasting Professor Qian's time."

Lei Yu didn't ask anymore, she already understood.In fact, after all, it was because she unknowingly put pressure on them.

One thing to say, there is indeed a big gap between her and them. This is innate, and no one can change it. No matter how hard they try in the later stage, they may only be able to close the gap.But it is impossible for her to accommodate them because of this, and it is impossible for her to stop them because of this reason.

So they must understand this fact and figure it out for themselves.

All progress in this world is nothing more than understanding one's own shortcomings, and then still maintaining the original intention and forging ahead.

Lei Yu got up and let the soldiers in the corner who seemed not to care, but who were actually focused on them, go out.The soldier was not very happy, his duty was to protect the safety of Xianyu, what if something happened to Xianyu when he went out.

Xian Yu understood his concerns, and assured him: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

The soldier hesitated for a while, but finally went out.

As soon as the soldiers left, there were only four of them left in the entire reception room.Zhou Mei and the three of them suddenly felt a little apprehensive. Could it be that I was in a hurry and wanted to beat someone up?They suddenly didn't want the soldier to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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