Chapter 271 Visit
"I'm smarter and more talented than you, right?" Idle Yu said this sentence as if chatting, and added a knife after finishing speaking, "If nothing else happens, you will only be able to look up behind me for the rest of your life. I."

Good medicine tastes bitter, but faithful advice hurts the ears, so the truth sounds particularly ugly.

I was not surprised to see the faces of the three of them were obviously ugly.After all, sometimes it's one thing to be clear in your heart, but it's another thing to be pointed out openly, especially in such an almost humiliating way.

They wanted to refute, but they knew that what Xian Yu said was the truth, and they couldn't refute it at all.

"God is never fair, and there is a natural gap between people." Lei Yu paced in front of several people, and continued to speak slowly: "Some people see the gap and choose to face it, and some people see it. When you reach the gap, use all kinds of excuses to make yourself give up. What kind of you are?"

"If you motivate us, motivate us, what are you talking about so badly!" Zhao Tian suddenly yelled at Xianyu loudly.

Xian Yu smiled helplessly, this reaction was very interesting, she thought they would run out angrily and ignore her again, but it turned out to be like this.

"Since you know I'm motivating you, why are you still giving me such a bad face?"

"Then we haven't seen you for a long time? Why don't we do something!"

"All right, all right, you have the final say." There was no way to deal with them, so I had no choice but to compromise.

Then he rubbed Zhao Tian's face to show comfort, "Let's go, I'll take you to experience the food in the laboratory, it's much more delicious than the school food."

Zhao Tian had calmed down, but she couldn't let go of her face, so she hummed a few times, and then pretended to be unwilling to follow the spare time to experience the food in the laboratory.

As soon as they go out, they feel that their eyes are not enough.Just now when they came in, they were watched closely, Brother Bing didn't allow them to look around, now no one cares about them, they can look at it with confidence.

They came in time for lunch, otherwise they were worried that they would be busy in spare time, so they would have to take time out to entertain them.

Now there are a lot of people coming and going on the first floor, and many of them are rushing to the upstairs laboratory with several lunch boxes in their hands.

Zhao Tian and Liu Jia looked around in front of them, while Zhou Mei walked slowly side by side with Lei Yu.

"It's a good thing we have you." Zhou Mei suddenly said softly, "Our experiment has entered a bottleneck these days, and we are quite irritable, and you are not here, so we are not confident that we can do well, especially Zhao Tian, ​​who tortured Lu Fanyun terribly. "

"I can't give you confidence. Confidence is obtained through your own hard work. When you have your own independent results, confidence will come naturally."

"It's different, no matter how much we achieve in the future, we can't do without you." Nothing else, Xianyu represents a peace of mind, like a pinnacle of tranquility, as long as they know that she is there, they will do nothing no matter what. Fear.

Lei Yu smiled and joked, "So I am so important."

"Of course." Zhou Mei answered firmly, irreplaceably important.

"Wow!! Leisurely, the food here is really good! Is it all free?" Zhao Tian pulled Liu Jiaxing and ran back excitedly.

The two of them just took a step ahead to look at the dishes, and the result was that their mouths almost flowed out. There was a combination of Chinese and Western meat and vegetables, as well as a variety of snacks, soups and fruits. There was a snack shop next to the cafeteria. She just saw a lot of food. Someone about her age took a big cart to buy things like milk chocolate and nuts from the snack shop.

"This is a working meal, of course it's free." They are all old professors and academicians who have worked so hard to do research and development, so they can't treat them badly in terms of food, right?Moreover, these researchers are all old, and their stomachs are not very good. If they don't cook here with balanced nutrition and delicious food, it won't be long before these people will suffer from stomach problems.

As for the snack shop, it is also prepared for them not eating on time, especially some who work overtime at night, and cannot survive without snacks.

"Idle time, is there a shortage of people in this laboratory? It doesn't matter whether you eat or not, the main thing is that I want to serve the country!"

"Yes, welcome anytime."

"Huh? So easy? You don't need to sign a prostitution contract, do you?"

"No, because this laboratory is mine."

What is invisible showing off?That's it.Yu inadvertently stated the ownership of this laboratory, showing off his wealth invisible.

If it wasn't for worrying about the wrong occasion here, they just wanted to say: What a big mess!
Even the only thing Zhou Mei could think of at the moment was shit!Zhao Tian and Liu Jia may not know that her mother's company Zhibo Technology has a laboratory. According to her mother, the cost of her company's laboratory is [-] to [-] million!

They knew about Xianyu's wealth. After all, they came from poverty together, and they also got rich together. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for her to buy this laboratory. It should be a gift from her parents or brother.

Several people shed salivating tears again, "Xianyu, is there really no shortage of daughters in your family? I think I can do it!"

Xian Yu couldn't laugh or cry at this, "There is no shortage of daughters, but two sisters-in-law are missing."

The three who were still salivating immediately turned into shy away, "I still can't do it, your two elder brothers are the snow of Cangshan Mountain, how can mortals like us get their hands on it."

"The play has been performed." It's not that exaggerated, it's just an ordinary flower of Gaoling.

"By the way, let's not talk about this, let me tell you, do you still remember Yang Meng when we welcomed the freshmen in the sophomore year?" Several people made a bunch of gossip while choosing their favorite food.

"Remember, what happened to her?"

"Since school started, she has been asking us about you all the time." After taking a bite of the dish, her eyes widened instantly, "Wow, it's delicious!"

She didn't have a chance to make a fuss in her spare time, but asked directly: "Why does she have nothing to ask about me?"

"How do we know that, anyway, An' must have no good intentions." A few slurred answers, that Yang Meng provoked Xian Yu when she was welcoming the newcomers, her heart was higher than the sky, and she suddenly asked Xian Yu, who knew what she wanted to do.

Lei Yu heard about it, but seeing that they didn't know about it, she didn't take it to heart. Right now, she stays in the laboratory every day, and won't have any interaction with that Yang Meng.

After the meal, Zhou Mei and the others were sensible and didn't bother them too much. They went back to school quickly after eating. It felt like they came here to catch up on the meal. Not to mention, the meal was really delicious. Next time they have a chance, they will return to school. Come on.

And that night, Lei Yu received a tearful thank you letter from Lu Fanyun.Thanks to her for making Zhao Tian return to the original sweet and lovely little bell pepper, instead of the deadly pepper that would jump to the sky after one bite.

[Screenshot taken, no thanks. 】

Lu Fanyun regretted his mistake, and begged for spare time to delete the pictures.

 title is rubbish
(End of this chapter)

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