Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 272 The Spring Heart is sprouting

Chapter 272 The Spring Heart is sprouting
Lu Fanyun was sent away, and Lei Yu continued his days of being addicted to experiments every day. Ji Mo, the captain of the security team, stayed in the laboratory every day, except for three meals a day. I didn't even see Xianyu when I was eating, but Hua Wei, Xianyu's assistant, came out and packed food directly into the laboratory.

It was another day when Hua Wei was packing for spare time, and Ji Mo directly stopped Hua Wei. "Go and eat, I'll deliver."

Hua Wei was stunned. She knew the handsome soldier in front of her. His surname was Ji. When Minister Lu introduced him, he asked them to call him Colonel Ji.

Colonel Ji was ordered to protect the safety of the idle team, and the idle team seemed to know him, and the two often ate together.

It's just that the research and development has entered a critical juncture in the past two days, everyone is very busy, and the idle team has not eaten in the cafeteria for a long time. Like other professors and academicians, they are packed and dealt with in the tea room of the laboratory.

The idle team is what these assistants call Xianyu. Xianyu doesn't have any degree titles, but he is stronger than those bosses, so it's too disrespectful for them to call him by his name.After thinking about it, I am the leader of the entire R&D team anyway, so I might as well call out the idle team.

Personally, I think this title is extremely ugly, but left and right are not a big deal, so I let them go.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Ji Mo's voice suddenly sounded, waking up the dazed Hua Wei. He frowned, a little irritable. Why was the assistant next to Xianyu so dazed? How did my cousin choose someone?
"Oh, here... Here you are." Hua Wei blushed slightly, and hurriedly handed a few lunch boxes in her hand to Ji Mo.

Ji Mo frowned even tighter, took the lunch box without saying a word, turned around and left.

After he left, Hua Wei stood in place for a long time, her face was slightly rosy at the beginning, but later she didn't know what to think of, but it became more and more red.Until someone approached and patted her on the shoulder vigorously.

"What are you thinking, so fascinated?"

The person who came was a senior from the same department as her. In this research and development, a professor from the computer department of Q University also participated in it, so their computer department recommended two students to come over as assistants. Take it all.

His idea is that Xianyu himself is a member of Q University, so he has to give Q University this face no matter what, so he simply refuses anyone who comes.

In fact, they are assistants, but they don’t do much work. They just help pack a meal or something every day, and usually spend a lot of time learning from their professors.

"No, I didn't think about anything." Hua Wei panicked for a moment, afraid that someone would see her thoughts.

"Have you delivered the meals to the idle team yet?" the senior asked enviously.

His school girl was so lucky, she was directly assigned to the idle team when she came to the laboratory.Although their initial mood was actually sympathy rather than envy.

After all, although Lei Yu is a little famous in Q University, compared with these professors and academicians, it is not enough.But who knew that later they discovered that Xianyu was actually the leader of the entire R&D team!And it's not the leader in name, he conquered a group of professors and academicians by virtue of his strength. When it comes to leisure, those professors and academicians are full of praise, gratified and admired.

And Hua Wei, the team leader assistant, has been envied by them for some time.

Hua Wei could hear the envy in the senior's tone, and she also had a secret smugness in her heart.Because of her status as an idle team leader, everyone else in the lab treated her with respect, even those professors and academicians whose names she had only heard of, treated her differently.

This kind of opportunity to practice in the laboratory is rare. It is a good resume for graduates, and it is also a good talking point for those who want to go to graduate school. It can make many doctors or professors with graduate students Think hard.

She is planning to go to graduate school. When the school selects people to come to the laboratory, it originally intends to select people from the senior year. If it weren't for her good grades and constant begging for counselors, this place might not be able to fall on her head. superior.

Now that she has the experience of being an assistant next to Xianyu, as long as she doesn't make any principled mistakes, she might be able to rely on this experience to directly guarantee the success of the research.

It's just... What is the relationship between Colonel Ji and the idle team? Why did Colonel Ji deliver meals to the idle team for her?

"Colonel Ji just helped me deliver meals to the idle team." Hua Wei said ambiguously.

Sure enough, the senior was shocked, and then teased in a gossip tone: "Yes, Colonel Ji will deliver the meals for you."

Hua Wei blushed and explained, "Senior, you misunderstood. Colonel Ji didn't help me, he wanted to see the idle team."

"Oh, don't underestimate yourself. Although Colonel Ji often eats with the idle team, it's not because Colonel Ji wants to protect the idle team's safety."

In fact, according to his real thinking, he felt that there should be few men who would like a woman like the idle team.Although the idle team is very beautiful, and it is so beautiful that it makes people fall in love with it just by looking at it, but the idle team is too strong. How many men can stand that their wives are more powerful than themselves? This is not looking for sin ?Wherever I go, I have to be pointed out that I am not as good as my wife.

But he thought so in his heart, but he couldn't say it that way. Being overheard was a trick, and he still wanted to stay here peacefully until the research and development was over.

Hua Wei was obviously comforted by the senior, her face became more rosy, but she still denied it, "Sir, don't talk nonsense, Colonel Ji and the idle team seem to have known each other before, they seem to be a good match."

"Huh? Did they know each other before? Haven't you heard of it?" The senior scratched his head in doubt. Although Colonel Ji and the idle team often had dinner together, there was no rumor that they knew each other before.

"I should know each other. I saw the idle team eating with Colonel Ji and Mr. Yun on the third floor several times before." And she also heard the idle team call Mr. Yun's father, and Colonel Ji also called Mr. Yun Uncle Yun, if you don't know him, you probably wouldn't call him that.

"Then I don't know, but it's okay to know each other. You see, Colonel Ji has delivered meals for you. Let me tell you, men chasing women and women chasing men's gauze, Colonel Ji's look You are a very indifferent person, you have to take the initiative." The senior still encouraged Hua Wei.

The main reason is that Hua Wei, a school girl, is not ugly, and her grades in school are good. If there is no accident, she should be able to guarantee her success in research. As a graduate student, she is also a soldier like Colonel Ji.

Although Hua Wei was very happy to hear it, the girl's reserve forced her to push and push the senior in embarrassment, "Oh, stop talking, let's go eat quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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