Chapter 273 Unfair

On the other side, Ji Mo took Xianyu's lunch box and walked straight to the laboratory where Xianyu was. Xianyu was sitting in front of a computer with a bunch of people discussing something.

Ji Mo knocked on the door hard, and the people in the laboratory turned their heads when they heard the voice. Seeing that it was Ji Mo, they booed and made oh~ sounds.

After a while of spare time, the team leader has already gained considerable prestige. Looking around, all the people who made a fuss silently quieted down and dispersed, not daring to make fun of the two of them anymore.

"Why are you here?" Lei Yu took Ji Mo to the rest room.

"If I don't come again, do you still remember who I am?" Ji Mo asked leisurely.

Lei Yu laughed twice, "If you forget anyone, you can't forget the Second Battalion Commander." She is a bit busy these days, and she doesn't remember anything else at all.

"Let's eat." Ji Mo opened the lunch boxes and spread them out in front of Xianyu one by one.

It wasn't that he was angry that Xianyu forgot about him when he got busy, if he cared about such a trivial matter, then he wouldn't be in love with Xianyu, this kind of situation will happen more in the future.He was annoyed that he didn't eat on time when he was busy in his spare time, and eating was also a deal with two mouthfuls, and he finished eating hastily.The body is the capital of the revolution. If she struggles like this, she will die suddenly in the laboratory within a few years.

I was still thinking about research and development in my mind, and I was a little anxious when I ate, but before I had eaten two bites, I saw Ji Mo lightly knocked on the table, and said to her word by word: "Chew slowly !"

Due to Ji Mo's coercion, Lei Yu had no choice but to finish the meal slowly, one bite at a time, to fully experience what it means to eat slowly in the true sense.

"What, I think you are usually very busy, why don't you let Hua Wei deliver the meals next time? After all, she is my life assistant, so I can't let her have nothing to do, can I?" Lei Yu watched Ji Mo pack the lunch box while struggling.

Speaking of Hua Wei as an assistant, Ji Mo remembered the situation when he took the lunch box from Hua Wei just now, "Your life assistant..." He suddenly didn't know how to organize his words.

He is not a fool, he has seen that blushing and beating heart a lot, so he can naturally see Hua Wei's thoughts.But it's not something he can do to discuss people's right and wrong behind his back, especially that Hua Wei didn't do anything against the rules, but blindly dreamed of someone who shouldn't be dreamed of.

He couldn't let Xian Yu kick her out just because of Hua Wei's little thoughtfulness, it seemed that Xian Yu liked this assistant quite a bit.

"Forget it, it's nothing, you can go to work first, and I will come to deliver you food in the evening."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

After listening to the idle talk, I was actually too curious, but the laboratory was really busy, and she really didn't have time to worry about these things here, so she could only put this matter on hold for now, and hurriedly talked to Jimo. Go to the lab.

Here, Hua Wei and the senior had finished eating together. On the way back to the laboratory, Ji Mo happened to come out with a lunch box. The senior pushed her gently behind Hua Wei, signaling her to hurry up.

Hua Wei walked up to Ji Mo in embarrassment, stretched out her hand and said to Ji Mo: "Colonel Ji, thank you for delivering my lunch at noon, take the lunch box for me to clean." Even her voice became much softer.

Ji Mo didn't give her the lunch box, nor did he care about her face, and said bluntly, "I didn't give it to you, but to my girlfriend."

Hua Wei instantly blushed and was ecstatic. Does the girlfriend Colonel Ji mentioned refer to her?So Colonel Ji has unilaterally identified her as his girlfriend?
Then the rosy cheeks turned pale again, no, the girlfriend Ji Mo said was not her.

"Ji... Is Colonel Ji's girlfriend... from the idle team?" Hua Wei asked with a trembling voice.

"if not?"

Hua Wei's face turned even paler after being stimulated by this answer. The senior behind her saw that the situation was wrong, and held Hua Wei, and didn't care about washing any lunch boxes. "Colonel Ji, we have to leave first."

Ji Mo nodded slightly, staggered around them and left.

Seeing Jimo leave, the senior quickly dragged Hua Wei into the lounge, but he has never been in a relationship, and the mother and child are single until now, so he really doesn't know how to comfort the girl, so he can only worry back and forth.

But it didn't make him anxious for long, and Hua Wei returned to her usual calm and self-sufficient appearance in a flash, except for a slight red eye socket, as if nothing had happened.

"Senior, I'm fine, let's go out quickly, the professors will be looking for us later." Hua Wei said with a smile.

The senior looked at Hua Wei worriedly, "Professors, they will not come to us if they have something to do, and we can't help you." That is to say, but the professors are very busy recently, and they can still help a little if they go back earlier I'm a little busy, and this kind of busy time is the time to learn something.

"I'm really fine, senior, let's go back and help." After speaking, Hua Wei walked out first.

The senior behind him was stunned, thinking that the junior was thin-skinned and didn't want to face him now, who had witnessed her embarrassment, so he simply stopped thinking about comforting her and went to work in the laboratory by himself.

Hua Wei, who returned to the laboratory, looked at Xianyu from a distance who was busy in the crowd and watched with admiration by everyone.

She is obviously a school girl who is not as old as her, how can she compare everyone to the dust?Good-looking, smart, and from a good family background, she is the daughter of Mr. Yun and has such a handsome boyfriend.Presumably her life should be very happy, without any setbacks.

Because of such IQ and talent, he has been envied and envied by others since he was a child, and what he wants can be offered with both hands immediately.

And what about her?Coming from a working-class background, she is mediocre, and she has to work hard to get what she wants, such as the position of assistant this time, and her current grades, which are all obtained by studying day and night.

And more often than not, she couldn't get what she wanted no matter how hard she tried.

But... why?Why is God so unfair?Some people are born in Rome, while others are thousands of miles away from Rome.

She already has so much, so there should be many people who like her, right?And she doesn't seem to care much about Colonel Ji's appearance, and she doesn't even eat with Colonel Ji when she is busy. In her heart, I am afraid that an experiment is more important than Colonel Ji, right?
Since she doesn't care about Colonel Ji so much, why does she want to occupy Colonel Ji?A person like Colonel Ji deserves someone who likes him wholeheartedly!

She admits that the idle team is very good, very powerful, and worthy of matching with an excellent man, but there are many excellent men, and she only needs a Colonel Ji who she doesn't care about, which is not too much, is it?
"Hua Wei! Hua Wei?! What are you doing in a daze? I've called you several times." A doctoral assistant in the laboratory walked up to Hua Wei and waved vigorously in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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