Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 274 The villain comes to the door

Chapter 274 The villain comes to the door
"Ah, sorry I was distracted."

"Okay, go and run this data, I'll use it later." The doctoral assistant didn't care why she was distracted, and only sternly told her to run the data in her hand.

At such a critical moment, who cares about what other people are thinking? You have to know how to adjust your emotions. If you can do it, you can leave. Some people want to replace you.

Hua Wei was frightened by the doctor's assistant's stern expression, took the data in a hurry, didn't think about it any more, looked at her from the beginning to the end, and didn't notice her leisure, hurriedly went to run the data up.

When she was busy with research and development in her spare time, the "Nv Ben Heroine" written by her finally started broadcasting after a not-so-long post-processing and editing work.At the same time as "Nv Ben Heroine", there is also the time-travel novel written by Su Lian. She forgot what the name is, but Zhao Tian and the others mentioned it when they were gossiping to her in the group.

I just don't know if it's Su Lian's insistence on fighting with her or the Louyu Film and Television of the Xian family's insisting on fighting with Sheng Jisen's Shengxing Film and Television.She is more inclined to the latter, after all, with Xianlou's character, she is not like someone who would make do with her daughter.

Life experience is well summed up, there are some things that you can’t talk about, because once you talk about them, there is a high probability that these things will rush to your eyes and annoy you to death, such as the idle building she just finished talking about not long ago!
"Quiet Xian, someone is looking for you at the door, he said he is your father." Hua Wei walked to Xianyu's side and whispered in his ear.

At the same time, her heart was full of curiosity. As far as she knew, wasn't the idle team's father Mr. Yun from the third floor?I heard that Mr. Yun was the former director of Hongtu!With such a prominent status, I don't know how many people have privately discussed that a tiger father has no dog daughter.

But now the potbellied man outside who has been insisting on seeing the idle team, as if he would force his way in at any time, also keeps saying that he is the idle team's father, so the question is, who is the idle team's father? Woolen cloth?

In her heart, she even thought that the man outside was the idle team's father.Because the idle team really has too much, as if standing on the altar, looking down on everyone.And people often like to pull down the gods from the altar.

Both the party and the country have said that everyone is equal, so who can be more noble than whom?

"My father? Are you sure?" Wasn't her father busy upstairs, and ignored her for several days.

Idle words interrupted Hua Wei's thoughts, "Sure, the other party insists that he is your father, if you don't go out, he will break in!"

"Take him to the reception room and wait. By the way, I will inform Minister Lu to go to the reception room later." As she said that, she stopped what she was doing and got up and went to the reception room. She had already guessed who was coming, except Xianlou Don't do what he thinks, it's a bad guy coming.

When Xianlou went to the reception room, he found that Xianyu was sitting in the reception room with his legs crossed and drinking tea, waiting for him. How leisurely his posture is, it proves how much Xianyu disrespects him!

He was angry, and subconsciously wanted to scold Xianyu, but before he could say anything, he stopped himself in time. He came today with a purpose, and finally found out that Xianyu is here, and this laboratory is also very It's not easy, if he misses today, he won't know when he will see Xianyu next time.

Adjusting the expression on his face, Xianlou tried his best to look like a loving father, and played the family card first, "Xiao Yu, tell me why you haven't come home for so long, your mother always talks about you .”

Xian Yu was almost choked by Xian Lou's shameless words, after thinking about it, she still put down the teacup, it's not suitable to drink tea now.

"Mr. Xian, are you kidding me?" Said that Zhang Li always talked about her?That's right, cursing is also a kind of nagging.As for asking her to go home and take a look, it's even more unbelievable. It's not like she didn't try to go back to Xian's house when the original owner was driven out of the house.

It's a pity that sometimes people can be so cruel when they are unfeeling. At that time, Zhang Li heard the servant say that Lei Yu had returned, and without saying a word, she asked the servant to blow the original owner away, and did not let the original owner in.At that time, Xianlou happened to be going home, and the car passed by her without slowing down.

In fact, Xianyu was also quite puzzled, not to mention such a big living person, even a dog that has been raised for more than ten years still has some feelings?How could the Xianjia couple be so heartless?After thinking about it to no avail, she could only attribute it to her lack of understanding of human nature.

Xian Lou had a bad temper at first, not a temperament that could be tolerated, and immediately his face turned livid due to Xian Yu's sarcastic sarcasm. When they were driven away, the atmosphere was slightly awkward for a while.

In fact, Xianlou was the only one who was embarrassed, Xianyu didn't feel embarrassed at all, on the contrary, she was quite happy to see Xianlou's pale face.

"Xiao Yu, we were the ones who were sorry for you at the beginning, and we didn't get over it for a while. Think about it, who would suddenly find out that the daughter he had raised for more than ten years was not his own, wouldn't he be annoyed?" Xian Lou Suppress your temper and treat Xianyu Xiaozhi with emotion and reason.

But Xian Yu didn't take this tactic at all, "I think it's better for Mr. Xian to get straight to the point and say what you're here for, after all... I'm also quite busy, what do you think?"

In fact, no matter who knows that the daughter he has raised for more than ten years is not his own, he will indeed be annoyed, but what does it matter to the child?What's more, the reason why she was wronged was not all due to Xianlou's romantic history?Instead of reflecting on himself, he blamed all the faults on the original owner, and now he came here hypocritically to ask for understanding.Xian Yu felt that if it wasn't for his good mental quality, Xian Lou would spit out the dinner overnight.

Xian Lou's face, which was already in a bad mood, became even worse when Xian Yu's words stabbed him. Did he want to express his fatherly love to her here?If he didn't want to get the chip and robot manufacturing technology from her, he wouldn't even want to see this wicked girl!
"Xiao Yu, we already knew we were wrong. I also asked your mother when I went back. She took you 300 million at the beginning, but she was just a whim. She regretted it as soon as she finished it!" Lou took out another card from the table and handed it to Xianyu, "There are 500 million in this card, and it was your mother who forced me to give it to you, so don't get angry with your mother."

In the spare time, I didn't even look at the card that Xianlou handed over. Any card in her bedroom drawer would be worth more than this card.Tsk tsk, isn't it a bit of a mentality to show off your wealth?Will someone put him in a sack?
Xian Lou really spoke better than he sang, he might not be able to swallow his anger any moment.

"If Mr. Xian has nothing else to do, I'll leave first. I'm really busy." Xian Yu adjusted his white coat and got up to see off the guests.

Xianlou hurriedly stopped Xianyu, "Hey, hey, wait a minute!" Seeing that Xianyu sat down again, he hesitated to talk about the purpose of his visit this time.

 Today's update dropped early, are you happy?

(End of this chapter)

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