Chapter 275
"Dad saw you on a variety show before, and you were on a variety show..."

"Stop it, I have no blood relationship with Mr. Xian, so it's too insulting for you to call yourself father right now?"

If Xian Yu interrupts Xian Lou in time, who is the father and who is being insulted!
Xianlou couldn't take it anymore, he got up suddenly and wanted to curse, but when he saw Xianyu's expression that seemed to be waiting for him to turn her face and drive him out, he once again forcibly endured it.

"It's like this. I saw you made a robot on a variety show years ago and equipped it with a chip. Dad... I thought you were still young and worried that you would be cheated, so I wanted to ask I ask you, would you like to hand over the technology of that robot and chip to Dad... No, give it to me, and I will help you turn your knowledge into wealth."

Due to being very angry by Xian Yu, Xian Lou's words were not so euphemistic, and the true face was clear at a glance.

Lei Yu glanced at his watch, she has been here in Zhou Xuanlou for a while, why hasn't Lu Peifeng come yet?

"Mr. Xian's thinking is quite beautiful, by the way, do you know what I'm researching now?"

"What?" Xianlou asked subconsciously.

"Have you heard of virtual reality technology?"

"Virtual reality?!" Xianlou was shocked. How could he, who is in the film and television industry, have never heard of virtual reality?If this thing is made, he can completely dominate the entire film and television industry!Then what will Shengxing Film and Television count as?

Not only the film and television industry, but also the game field, will also be decided by him!

"Have you researched it?" Xianlou's excited voice trembled.

"more or less."

"Xiao Yu, Dad told you that knowledge is wealth now. Instead of working for others in this laboratory, why don't you choose to come back and help Dad? How much money can you earn for others' research and development? You are being exploited. I know!" Xianlou called himself father again as soon as he got excited.

Since I have seen Xian Yu's previous robots and chips in variety shows, and the solar cells and other patents she produced during college, Xian Lou does not doubt that she said that she will soon develop virtual reality.

But the only thing he wondered was why his daughter hadn't shown her talent in this area before?If he had known that she had this ability, he would not have driven her out of Xian's house!
But it's still too late to recover now, Xianlou thought beautifully.

"Mr. Xian, it doesn't matter if your head is empty, the key is not to get in the water. Although you can praise the mental quality if you are shameless, but I have never seen a person with such a hard mental quality as Mr. Xian in my life." Lei Yu said casually. Ironically, although her life is not many years.

"You! Free time, don't go too far! You don't have to drink a toast!" Finally, Xian Lou couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped the table vigorously, shaking the teacups on the table twice.

"Whether you want to admit it or not, I am your father who has raised you for more than ten years. If you insist on being so disobedient today, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Oh? How is Mr. Xian going to turn his face and be ruthless?" Xian Yu became interested, and she wanted to see what tricks Xian Lou had yet to use.

"Since you don't recognize me, I don't think I need to save face for you. The laboratory you are working in should not be easy to enter? You said that if I spread the fact that you don't recognize your father, or Tell your leader, do you think you can still stay in this laboratory?"

Xianlou has been broken, he figured it out, since Xianyu doesn't drink this toast, then he will simply destroy everything she has now, if it is difficult for her to survive, then what capital does she have with him? What about toughness?

At that time, the laboratory will no longer want her, and he will take her back and let her study these things under his control. Once the research is done, wouldn't gold and silver mountains come rolling in!

Xianyu saw Xianlou's back move, but she was not surprised, after all, she was already mentally prepared for Xianlou's shamelessness.

She ignored Xian Lou, who was on the verge of becoming irritable, and took out her mobile phone to call Lu Peifeng.

"Why haven't you come here yet?" Didn't she ask Hua Wei to invite Lu Peifeng to come over?

"Come here? Where are you coming from? Where are you?" Lu Peifeng didn't understand, but he immediately realized that something had happened.

"The reception room." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and waited quietly for Lu Peifeng to come over.

Xianlou saw that she had called someone to come over, and then stopped talking to him. He was not sure who she called to come over for a moment, and worried that it was the security guard. He hesitated for a while, and immediately opened the door of the reception room. Just about to start the emotional performance, the plan was temporarily disrupted by two people who hurried over.

It wasn't Lu Peifeng who came, but Ji Mo and Yun Zhu.

Ji Mo received the news from the security guard, and then went to find Yun Zhu first, and then the two rushed over together.

Xianlou still has a little impression of Ji Mo, who seems to be Xianyu's boyfriend, but now he has changed into a military uniform, which is a little different from the last time he saw him.

So idle Yu's boyfriend is a soldier?No wonder she was so confident now that she dared to fight him.

It's just that soldiers also have to look at their background. If any soldier can make her think that she has found a backer, then he can only say that she really thinks highly of the profession of a soldier.

Xianlou confidently waited for Ji Mo and Yunzhu to walk in, but after the two walked in, his confidence gradually disappeared.

The bright golden two-bar three-star epaulette on Ji Mo's shoulder came into his eyes. The two-line three-star epaulet is the rank of colonel. This rank is not uncommon, but it is more unusual to wear this epaulet at such a young age.

So what kind of boyfriend did Lei Yu find?His family background is probably not simple!No, he must check the identity of Xianyu's boyfriend when he goes back today.

"Dad, why are you here?" Seeing Yun Zhu and Ji Mo who came in a hurry, Xian Yu hurriedly greeted them.

Shouldn't her father be obsessed with experiments on the third floor and unable to extricate himself?How did he come faster than Lu Peifeng?Tsk tsk, let's not get mad when I see Xianlou shouting here!
"The guard at the gate sent me a message, and I was the one who called Uncle Yun." Ji Mo explained.

I was stunned for a moment, isn't this adding to the confusion?Why did you call her dad over here?Let her biological father fight with her previous shameless adoptive father?That's not right, the two of them are not at the same level at all, it should be Yun Zhu who unilaterally killed Xianlou, thinking of this, Xianyu felt a little more at ease.She was mainly afraid of killing Yun Zhui, which would not be worth it.

"Why, if he doesn't tell me, are you still planning to keep it from me?" It was the first time Yun Zhu was so serious to his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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