Chapter 277

"I didn't covet state secrets. I didn't know you were working for the country. I'm your father. You can't frame me like that!" In desperation, Xian Lou couldn't care about the hand that was almost broken by Ji Mo just now. With one stride, he wanted to cross Jimo's protective circle and rush to Xianyu, but unfortunately, he was still blocked by Ji Mo as a middle-aged and obese man, and he couldn't get close to Xianyu's body.

"Whether it is yes or no, I say it doesn't count. After all, it is true that you persuaded me to hand over the technology to you, isn't it?"

"You!" When the prayer failed, Xianlou became furious, "Don't forget, I am your father who has raised you for more than ten years! If you don't prove my innocence for me today, I will let you experience what it means to be popular all over the country! "

And isn't she working on virtual reality for the country?Such a confidential and important technology, if he publicizes it, how many national forces will do anything to put her to death!If she has to be so ruthless, don't blame him for being ungrateful!
Xianlou hated Xianyu deeply in his heart, and those vicious thoughts could not help coming out of his eyes, like a poisonous snake, once Xianyu made any move, he would immediately pounce on him and bite severely.

Startled by his poisoned eyes, Xian Yu subconsciously took a step back, nearly falling down.

Seeing that Xianyu was frightened, Ji Mo sharpened his eyes and blocked Xianyu's figure, "If you don't want your eyes, you can stay here!"

Ji Mo's eyes were colder than Xianlou's, as if he could do what he said at any time, Xianlou was caught by his aura and couldn't help avoiding his sight.

"Come on, kick him out!" Ji Mo roared outside the meeting room.

In an instant, three soldiers in military uniforms stepped forward, two carried him away, and one followed behind.He wanted to struggle, but when he saw the soldier with a gun behind him, his heart trembled, and he was carried away obediently in the end.

The soldier who came out suddenly made Lei Yu notice that at some point, there were many people surrounded by three floors inside and outside the meeting room. She scanned around and found Hua Wei who was cowering in the crowd, her eyes dodged and wandered Not sure, obviously did something wrong.

Thinking of Lu Peifeng's ignorance of her waiting for him in the reception room just now, and thinking of Ji Mo's hesitation before, what else does she not understand?

"Did I finish all the work at hand, or have I developed results? What are you doing here?" Lei Yu bypassed Ji Mo and waved away the people outside the reception room.

Hua Wei wanted to follow the flow of people, but Xian Yu stopped her.

"Hua Wei, you stay here."

Hua Wei froze and had to stop. Many people who knew her looked at her curiously when they heard the voice.

After the crowd dispersed, Ji Mo left after telling Xianyu, and he had to arrange someone to watch Xianlou in case he made any noise.

Although Lu Peifeng frightened Xian Lou by accusing him of coveting state secrets, he still hadn't acted on what he said, and they couldn't just do him that way, everything had to be done according to the law.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Yun Zhu didn't stay too long, he was very busy in the laboratory, but no matter how busy he was, he still had to take some time to send some news to Yun Mu, and let him put the idler down!

Here Lu Peifeng saw everyone leaving, and he was about to withdraw, but leisurely stopped him.

"Leave later, I need to know something."

Talking leisurely, I looked at Hua Wei, "I told you to ask Minister Lu to come to the meeting room, why didn't you go?"

It was only then that Lu Peifeng realized that Xianyu had arranged for someone to call him, but he hadn't received any news. It seemed that there was something wrong with her assistant!

"I..." Hua Wei panicked for a moment, but she calmed down again in an instant, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I went to call, but Minister Lu is not in the office. I was worried about something wrong with you, so I rushed back .”

"You weren't in the office just now?" Lei Yu frowned and asked Lu Peifeng, did she wrong her?But if she wronged her, then what did she do in the middle of the crowd just now?
"I just went to the bathroom." Lu Peifeng recalled, "My secretary is in the office."

So if someone is looking for him, his secretary will tell him as soon as he sees him, but in fact his secretary didn't tell him that someone was looking for him.

"I really went to you. If you don't believe me, call your secretary over and I'll confront him face to face!"

Of course he had to call over to confront him, so Lu Peifeng directly called the secretary over.Before he could catch his breath, he pointed to Hua Wei and asked, "Did she come to see me just now?"

The secretary panted and looked at Hua Wei, then turned her head and said, "I came to the office, but she opened the door and took a look and ran away. I thought she went to the wrong office, so I didn't tell you."

Now Lei Yu frowned even tighter, saying that Hua Wei was wrong, Hua Wei did go to Lu Peifeng's office to look for her, and said she was right, she ran away without leaving anyone behind, without notifying her Lu Peifeng came over.

But her reason also made sense, she was in such a hurry because she was worried about her.In this way, she has no reason to blame her.

But Xianyu always felt that there was something wrong with Huawei, maybe it was because of her guilty conscience at that moment, or maybe it was because of Ji Mo's words that had no beginning and no end.

"Forget it, go get busy, don't be an example!" Lei Yu rubbed his brows and told Hua Wei to leave.

"Do you think there's something wrong with her?" Lu Peifeng looked at Hua Wei's leaving back and asked Xianyu.

"I don't know, it just feels a little strange."

"Don't worry about this, go and work on your experiment. The people above can't wait to urge her. I will arrange someone to watch her." Lu Peifeng took the task on himself, who made him the supervisor?It should be a busy life.

"Don't rush, the rush is dizzy, the mind stops, and then there is no power to continue. Do you still want to listen? I can say a few more."

"I...!" Calm down!She is a golden lump, it is illegal to kill someone, and it is even more illegal to kill a golden lump!

"Please." Lu Peifeng said goodbye to Lei Yu with a smile.

After finishing his chatter, he smiled and waved goodbye to Lu Peifeng, who was almost defying the law, and went back leisurely to continue to be a programmer.

On the other side, Yun Mu received a family call from his father who hadn't contacted him for a long time, and was flattered for a while.But after hanging up the phone, his face became extremely dark.

What a leisure building!
"What's the matter?" Yun Lu has been doing nothing lately, walking around behind Yun Mu's butt all day long.

"Xianlou went to Yinyin's lab to find her, Dad asked us to deal with Xianjia."

"What?! He actually dares to bother Yinyin in this idle building!"

"I see that you've been busy recently, so I'll leave it to you to deal with it?"

"Okay, I'm worried that I have nothing to do, let's see how I can deal with their family!"

Yunlu got an errand and left Yunmu's office with cheerful steps.

(End of this chapter)

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