Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 278 1 do not do 2 endlessly

Chapter 278

And Xianlou, who was about to be cleaned up, was anxious for a long time after leaving the laboratory, and returned home tremblingly, ignoring Zhang Li's shout, and locked himself in the study room for a long time.

Even though the Xian family is a first-rate family in city n, it can be considered a third-rate family even in city b, but since ancient times, the people have not fought against officials, and his family has not yet reached the point where it is as rich as an enemy, so how can it compete with the state machine?

He didn't dare to act rashly now, for he was afraid that at some point, a few soldiers with live ammunition would forcefully break in and take him away.

But after staying at home in such a panic for a few days, he found that the outside world was actually calm and there was no news at all.

Slowly he began to calm down, and after he calmed down, he also realized that he might have been bluffed.

But just in case, he still had to order his secretary to look up the information of that Lu Peifeng. If that Lu Peifeng was really the Minister of Science and Technology, then he had to take it easy.

As soon as I dialed the secretary's phone, an urgent voice came from there, "Boss, I can count on you!"

"What's all the fuss about!" Xianlou scolded displeased.

"Boss, come and have a look at the company. Recently, many of the company's artists have been resigned from their endorsements and cooperation, and even many TV dramas that are currently on the air have been taken off the shelves for various reasons!"

Xianlou suddenly stood up, "What! Say it again!"

The secretary was about to repeat, but Xianlou hung up the phone.Not caring about anything else, Xianlou hurried to the company.

He just avoided the limelight for a few days at home, why did the company suddenly have such a big change!
Hurriedly rushing to the idle building of the company, he was immediately surrounded by various shareholders.

"Xianlou, do you still know you came to the company? I thought you had forgotten that you have a company!" The company's second largest shareholder roared at Xianlou.

He, the second largest shareholder, is not as ambitious as those shareholders in TV dramas. He is extremely single-minded, and the only hobby in his life is money. As long as he is allowed to earn money, everything is easy to talk about.

The major shareholder and chairman of Xianlou is not bad. Since he took office, he has been leading Louyu Film and Television to rise up step by step, which has also made him a lot of money, so he, the second shareholder, is happy to be idle.

But who knows what happened to Xianlou recently, suddenly Louyu Film and Television was suppressed from all sides, which seriously affected the stock price of Louyu, causing him, the second shareholder, to lose a lot, how could he bear it!
"Boss, you're here. Today, several waves of people from various bureaus of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Tax Inspection Bureau came to check the accounts, and took away a lot of the company's account books!" The secretary rushed across the crowd and reported the situation in front of the idle building. .

Xianlou was so shaken by the waves of bad news that he could hardly stand still, and his already obese body was even more precarious. Thanks to the timely support by the secretary behind him, otherwise he would probably suffer a stroke.

"How could it be like this, how could it be like this, how could it be..." Xianlou kept muttering.

Could it be that Lu Peifeng didn't let him go?No, if it was really the country who made the move, it would be fine to just take him away, so why bother to attack his company in a roundabout way?

Who would it be if it wasn't Lu Peifeng?Who has the ability to make his company collapse like this in just a few days? !

"Contact me with those partners, one counts as one, ask me all, you must ask who is targeting us at Louyu Film and Television!" Xianlou pushed the secretary beside him, "Hurry up!"

The secretary staggered because of his push, and the mmp in his heart almost blurted out.The second shareholder was also shocked by Xianlou's hysterical appearance, he was not hysterical yet, why should the culprit Xianlou be hysterical here!

In the afternoon, Xian Lou had non-stop meetings in the company, constantly discussing solutions.Finally the secretary found out the news, and whispered beside Xianlou, "According to some partners, the second son Yunlu of the Hongtu Research Institute made the move."

Yunlu?Surname Yun?Xianlou felt that this surname seemed familiar.Suddenly he took the case and suddenly realized that the surname was Yun. In the laboratory that day, wasn’t the surname of Yun Yu’s biological father?Cloud chasing... Cloud chasing!The former director of Hongtu seems to be called Yun Zhu!
So Xianyu and her family were responsible for it from the beginning to the end!No wonder, if it is the Yun family, then it makes sense, the energy represented by the grand plan, even the country can do nothing about it, how can his idle family resist.

But he is unwilling!How could this bitch Xianyu join hands with her relatives to harm him so badly? How could he be reconciled!
There is a saying that you are the first grader, and I am the fifteenth grader. Since you are so cruel in your spare time, then don’t blame him for not doing the same thing!

"Go and buy me hot searches, all the major marketing accounts will buy them for me, and spread the word about the virtual reality technology that I will soon develop. I must see this thing appear on the hot searches tonight!" Xian Lou gritted his teeth order.

"Wait a minute, let me book a ticket to country m first, the sooner the better, go!"

The secretary couldn't figure out the meaning of the many operations in Xianlou. As far as he knew, wasn't Xianyu the adopted daughter of the boss who was kicked out of the house?Why put her research on virtual reality technology on the hot search, and make it known to everyone?And what does the boss do when he flies to Country M at such a critical moment in the company?The sooner the better?
The confused secretary didn't dare to ask Xian Lou who was in a rage, and could only follow his orders.

After a while, he came back with his mobile phone. "Boss, the fastest flight ticket is at seven o'clock tonight, and I've already booked it for you."

"Okay, hurry up and buy a marketing account and trending searches. Whenever I get on the plane, I will be trending!"

After talking about Xianlou, he took his things and left in a hurry. He wanted to go back and pack the things in the safe, and then rush to the airport immediately.

As for Zhang Li, Su Lian and his illegitimate son?He can't even take care of himself, how can he take care of them?Besides, when the others are in country m, once their lives are in danger, he can completely control public opinion abroad to ensure their safety. The most important thing now is that he himself cannot be controlled!
"Captain, Xianlou suddenly booked a flight to country M at seven o'clock tonight." Zhou Qirui reported to Ji Mo.

Ji Mo tapped his finger on the table, why did he book a ticket to country m?Also booked in such a hurry.

"Keep an eye on him, as well as the people around him, including the secretary's family. If there is any trouble, you don't need to report it, just control people!"

"Yes!" Zhou Qirui replied with a standard military salute, and then walked out.

After he left, Ji Mo went to the spare laboratory, not intending to disturb her, but just watching quietly from a distance.I hope that this annoying fly in Xianlou can be solved once and for all, so that she can do experiments with peace of mind in the future without being disturbed by these troubles.

 Today's update also dropped early

(End of this chapter)

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