Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 279 Arresting Xianlou

Chapter 279 Arresting Xianlou
While Ji Mo was silently staring at the busy leisure, Hua Wei also stared at Ji Mo from behind the crowd.

Because she didn't call Minister Lu to the conference room, although the idle team said it was not an example, they were actually very wary of her, and they would not hand over the tedious tasks such as data operation and analysis to her before. It was given to her, and the daily meals were all provided by Colonel Ji himself.

Now she is like a transparent person in the laboratory, many people have also seen her embarrassing situation, and began to alienate her intentionally or unintentionally, even the schoolmates who encouraged her before are no longer close to her.

She obviously didn't do anything, she went to Minister Lu's office, and she came back only when Minister Lu was away, why should all the mistakes be blamed on her?Even if she thought about it a little bit, didn't the team not suffer any harm?
Regarding this, she wanted to complain, but because of the lingering guilt in her heart, she never dared to show her dissatisfaction, so she could only stay silently by herself.

During this stay, I accidentally saw Colonel Ji watching Xianyu outside the laboratory every day.

She knew that Colonel Ji couldn't possibly like her. After all, with the dazzling pearl of Xiandu, who could see the dust around the pearl?

But even so, she still couldn't help fantasizing and yearning, what if it happened?
But this just in case was broken by Ji Mo's staring at Xianyu and ignoring her time and time again. Now, once again, he looks at Colonel Ji, whom he is secretly in love with, and his eyes are full of idle teams. Hua Wei finally couldn't take it anymore.

She didn't say hello to anyone, and went back to school alone. Anyway, she is also a transparent person in the laboratory now, and it doesn't matter if she is there or not.

Hua Wei, who returned to school, quickly attracted the attention of her classmates. After all, there was still a lot of competition when the school nominated candidates. In such a big college, among hundreds of people, only Hua Wei and the senior One of the seniors stood out.

Regarding her sudden return, many people are discussing whether she was kicked out of the laboratory, or why it was the only one who came back, but the senior in the senior year did not come back?
Her roommate was also very curious about this.After all, we have been roommates for three years, so there is no need to hide any questions, the roommates just ask directly.

"Weiwei, why did you come back suddenly? You came back alone."

There was a moment of unnaturalness on Hua Wei's face, but she quickly covered it up, "Isn't this the mid-term exam? Let me come back to prepare for the exam."

The roommates nodded in confusion, so that's the case, then this laboratory is quite humane.

The roommates who got the answer worked tirelessly to help Hua Wei convey the reason for her sudden return to school, and she couldn't keep Hua Wei being talked about by others.

Since Hua Wei's grades are really excellent, no one doesn't believe this rhetoric, and it's enough to just praise the human nature of this laboratory in private.

Lei Yu in the lab didn't know about Hua Wei's unauthorized departure, but Lu Peifeng knew about it. After all, he had been keeping people's eyes on Hua Wei and was about to deal with her, but what happened next caught him off guard and made him He couldn't care about Hua Wei anymore.

Ji Mo asked Zhou Qirui to arrange people to keep an eye on Xianlou's actions at all times. Zhou Qirui found that after Xianlou's secretary booked the fastest flight to country M tonight for Xianlou, he quickly contacted the major marketing accounts. Feeling that something is not good, report it to Ji Mo immediately.

Reminiscent of what Xianlou said before to make Xianyu popular all over the country, Ji Mo immediately understood his plan. He thought he was just speaking harshly, but he didn't expect that he really had the courage to fight against the state apparatus.

"Arrest Xianlou and his secretary immediately, and subdue Xianlou before getting on the plane!" Ji Mo ordered coldly.

Zhou Qirui got the order and immediately summoned his staff. Since there were people watching Xianlou all the time, they knew the whereabouts of Xianlou well. At this moment, Xianlou was on his way to the airport.

They wore plain clothes and set up road inspections on the only way from Xianlou to the airport. Xianlou was on guard. Looking at the road inspection from a distance, they felt that something was wrong, so they opened the car door and planned to sneak away.

But Zhou Qirui and the others' target was him, so how could they let him escape so easily, and Xianlou's obese middle-aged body was destined not to be able to outrun a well-trained soldier, and he was caught before he ran far. It also caused many passers-by to watch it, thinking that it was some kind of gangster movie, but the gangsters were too useless, and the police were too capable, so there was no suspense about winning.

They divided into two groups, one side caught the prepared Xianlou, and the other side caught the secretary who was kept in the dark, and the two were turned to Jimo at the same time.

The secretary was in a state of bewilderment when he was suddenly arrested. What kind of bad thing did he do, why was he suddenly arrested?The moment he saw Xianlou, he vaguely understood that he might be implicated.

He is just a secretary, and he does everything according to orders. Now that he is arrested together with his boss, there is no other possibility except being implicated by the boss.

And the moment Xianlou was caught, he knew that he had been exposed, his whole heart was ashamed, knowing that he couldn't break free, he didn't even have the thought of struggling, but when he was brought in front of Jimo, he still couldn't suppress the resentment in his heart, Staring at Ji Mo, she wished she could eat two mouthfuls of his flesh!
"You are that bastard's boyfriend of Xianyu? You let Xianyu come over, I want to see Xianyu!" Xianlou roared at Jimo, he still wanted to see Xianyu again, and it would be good to let him cry bitterly then, It doesn't matter if you kneel down and beg for mercy, as long as you can let him go, he will still have a chance to stand up.

Wearing a well-tailored military uniform, Ji Mo walked to Xianlou not far away, looked at Xianlou calmly and said, "We have met several times, but I haven't introduced myself yet. My surname is Ji Mingmo, and I am a captain of the Army Special Forces. I am currently a colonel. , who is also an idle boyfriend, I am arresting you for leaking state secrets, what objection do you have?"

"Ji...Ji Mo...?!" Xianlou was stunned.

If you're in city b, how can you not find out who can offend and who can't, he's heard of the name Ji Mo too!
Ji Mo is the prince of the Ji family!It was the top existence in the entire b city, backed by Ji Lu's family, and he was a dragon among men, even a third-rate person like him had heard of his reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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