Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 280 Cha Lemon Online

Chapter 280 Cha Lemon Online

It’s over.

Xianlou's mind is full of these words now.

He never thought that Xianyu would have such good luck. He didn't know when he had such a powerful boyfriend. This is Ji Mo!Killing him is as easy as killing an ant.

Now he has completely lost any thought of struggling and sophistry, his face is hunched over in defeat, and he can no longer say a word.

The secretary on the side was shocked when he heard Ji Mo's crime of leaking state secrets. Leaking state secrets?how can that be possible?
"I... I didn't disclose state secrets, I don't know any state secrets at all, I was wronged!"

Ji Mo: "Is it true that Xianlou asked you to contact the marketing account and revealed that Xianyu is about to develop virtual reality technology?"

The secretary was stunned. Is this the so-called state secret?So the boss's ex-adopted daughter actually works for the country. This is not a housework as he thought, but a national event that has risen to the level of a state secret!
How can Xianlou not know the seriousness of such a thing?He knows!That's why he asked him to book the fastest ticket to fly to country m, and specifically told him to become popular when he got on the plane.

He knew the seriousness, but he still let him do it, but he slipped faster than anyone else.

The secretary was furious. Regardless of the soldiers standing behind him, he threw himself on Xianlou and scuffled, "How dare you! I have worked hard for you for more than ten years, and I have worked hard without credit. How can you Let me do this kind of thing, and plan to let me take the blame for you! You ruined everything about me, do you have a conscience!"

Xianlou was suddenly thrown to the ground, unable to fight back at all, he could only bear the secretary's fist passively, his heart burst into flames after being beaten, and he began to speak indiscriminately.

"You have worked for me for more than ten years. In which year did I not pay you a salary? I paid you to work for me. These are what you should do!"

The secretary's eyes turned red when he was irritated by this scumbag's remarks, and he hit him harder.

Ji Mo watched the play for a long time before someone pulled them away.As soon as he pulled it away, the secretary cried and begged: "I didn't know, I really didn't know, all of this was ordered by Xianlou, I just obeyed orders, I am innocent!"

"Everyone is innocent and wait for the court to pronounce judgment." Jimo waved his hand, "Take them away." Immediately, someone stepped forward and forcibly escorted them out.

There is nothing innocent. As the secretary of Xianlou, he has worked for him for more than ten years, and he has done countless unscrupulous things. One by one, just picking one out is enough for him to drink a pot up.

Now what awaits the two of them is endless prison disasters.

After the two were escorted away, Ji Mo asked again: "Has the marketing account been dealt with properly?"

When they first learned that Xianlou's secretary had contacted the marketing account, they dealt with these marketing accounts in time, in case someone really leaked the matter.

This technology cannot be leaked in the slightest before it is successfully developed, otherwise it will definitely attract coveted by the outside world, and other countries will definitely exert pressure and put forward various unreasonable demands. There is also destruction.

"It has been properly handled, and all marketing accounts have promised not to release any relevant news."

As soon as Zhou Qirui finished speaking, Lu Peifeng rushed in, "It's not good, there is a marketing account that exploded on the Internet that Idle Yu is about to develop virtual reality technology, and now the whole Internet is discussing this matter."

"What?" Ji Mo looked at Zhou Qirui, "Didn't you say that it has been handled properly? This is your ability to handle things!"

Zhou Qirui's usual wooden face also collapsed at this moment, "Impossible!" He really handled it properly, and he confirmed every sales account that the secretary contacted one by one!

At this time, Lu Peifeng explained for Zhou Qirui with a sullen face: "It's not the marketing accounts contacted by Xianlou, it's not the domestic forces."

If it's not a domestic force, then it's an external force. It's made by those countries that got wind of it, but I don't know which country it is, or which countries it is!
After hearing what Lu Peifeng said, Ji Mo's first reaction was to take countermeasures, "Go and investigate immediately, we must find out which force it is, and at the same time strengthen manpower, we must protect every research and development personnel involved in research and development!" Although most In order to save time, R&D personnel all live in the dormitory building of the laboratory, but some of them will go home from time to time, and they must protect these people.

"Yes!" Zhou Qirui led the order to go out.

At the moment, the Internet has been blown up, and many people still have a certain impression of Xianyu. After all, she has just finished a variety show in front of her. .

Now it suddenly broke out that she was about to develop virtual reality technology. Some people believed it, while others were skeptical.

"I remember she didn't major in energy and power engineering? Virtual reality technology is in the computer field, right? The major doesn't match, and this can be developed?"

"The one upstairs is not mistaken. I just googled it. She is an active professional. Now it is said that she is about to develop virtual reality technology? I don't believe it anyway."

"Believe it or not, virtual reality technology is not a child's science. If it is said to be researched, it will be researched. With such a wide range of majors, I really think she is a god and omnipotent."

"One thing to say, I don't believe it. The professional span is really big. I'm afraid it wasn't because the young lady had tasted the benefits of being popular before, so she bought it specially for marketing?"

"I don't think it's impossible. Didn't Miss Sister be exposed as a history major before? Now it's not impossible to add a computer field."

"From upstairs, I just don't understand virtual reality technology. I don't know how many people have been studying this technology for many years. So far, no one dares to say that they can research it. You can imagine how difficult it is. Can she, a non-professional, compare to the efforts of so many people?"

"Is it so difficult to admit that others are excellent? Why can't they compare with the efforts of so many people, can genius be measured by ordinary people's standards?"

"That is, there is a difference between a genius and an ordinary person. Although success is composed of 90.00% sweat and [-]% talent, as we all know, it happens to be that [-]% talent that plays a decisive role. "

"I don't know the truth so I won't comment, but Miss Sister's face is really cute!"

"Emma, ​​I finally found the Yanfen Organization!"

"Miss sister will always go down to earth as a fairy, and I will always be a virgin, I am envious of my real name!"

"Lemon essence is just lemon online, Miss Renmei has a good brain, but I'm sore."


One comment after another is constantly being refreshed. Because of her good looks and personality, everyone has a good impression of her. In addition, the gimmick of virtual reality technology is really eye-catching, and the number of retweets has exceeded ten in a short period of time. Tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of comments.

(End of this chapter)

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