Chapter 281
With the increasing number of comments and reposts, more and more people have expressed doubts about this, and many people even cursed that the current students are all unrealistic and only know how to market themselves.

Ji Mo flipped through a few comments casually, his face darkened the more he looked.

At the same time that Ji Mo's face turned black, many people who were familiar with Xianyu were shocked by the sudden attack of hot searches, and they called to care about her situation.Lei Yu was busy working in the laboratory, but was suddenly interrupted by a phone call, and he was in a fog.

After she finally figured out the situation, the phone didn't stop.Calling one after another, she simply sent a circle of friends to show that everything was fine, and then turned off the phone directly. She didn't care about the comments from the outside world at all, and was still busy with her own work. , As expected of the team leader, this heart is strong.

In fact, it's not because she has a strong heart, but because she knows that these comments will not have any influence on her at all, and as long as she presents the results at that time, all the rumors will be self-defeating, and the previous slander will also change. Into a wave of praise.

The idle phone can be turned off without stopping, but Lu Peifeng is even more miserable, he can't even turn off the phone.The superior leaders called him one after another, asking him to protect every research and development personnel, and at the same time do a good job in his spare time, so that she could not feel the slightest psychological pressure. He is asking!He wanted to cry but had no tears.

A person has to bow his head under the eaves, what can he do, he eats the country's food, the job is in the hands of the upper class, he has no other choice but to ensure that the task is completed.

With the ferment of time, hot searches on the Internet snowballed and became bigger and bigger, and even spread to the Internet under the advocacy of caring people, which aroused eager discussions among many foreign netizens.

Country m, ST technology company.

"Things have exploded, do you know how to deal with them?" Raffarin, the president of ST, leaned on a chair and asked the secretary Hayes who was standing opposite him.

"Yes, President."

"It's best to get the research and development materials without anyone noticing. If you can't get them, you must ask for a share!"

"Please rest assured, President."

This hot search is very unfortunate, and they also contributed a lot.As early as in the last competition, they had already noticed the leisure, and they had such a talent at a young age, and anyone with a brain would pay attention to it.

Apparently they were the ones with the brains.After the competition, they have been paying attention to Idle's actions, and tried to approach her on the grounds of buying her solar battery patent, but in the end they didn't even see anyone.

The other party is very against them, and has a lot of patriotism.For something like genius, if you can't control it in your own hands, then destroying it is undoubtedly the best choice.They had thought of destroying her, but then they immediately found that there was someone protecting her all the time, and after inquiring, they found out that the other party turned out to be Ji Mo's girlfriend. No wonder they were so tightly protected.

Ji Mo and the others can't afford to offend them, but they are unwilling to let Xianyu develop like this, and then threaten their interests one day in the future. For this reason, they can only spend manpower and material resources to keep an eye on Xianyu all the time.

Fortunately, these manpower and material resources were not in vain, and they were still rewarded. Didn't this intercept the news that the other party was about to develop such a big virtual reality technology?

This kind of technology that will cause a sensation in the world as soon as it comes out, how could they ST just watch and want to develop it secretly?Impossible, if it doesn't come out, how can they have an excuse to ask for a piece of the action?
After leaving the CEO's office, Hayes immediately contacted the people in Huaguo and asked them to start from spare labs or friends, whether it was coercion or temptation, as long as they could get the research and development materials.

On the other side, Country Y's Brent Manor.

"Did the news break out?" Emily Brent asked leisurely, looking at the newly dyed red nails on her hands.

The butler bowed his head and stood below, "Yes, Miss."

"Let that man speed up."

"Okay lady."

"Let's do both. Start with the woman's family. If the man doesn't work, use her family to threaten her."

"I'll make arrangements now." After speaking, the butler withdrew.

After the housekeeper left, Emily Brent showed a disdainful smile, she was free and reciprocated, we will wait and see.

In China, due to the lack of any response from the parties and the intervention of the state, within a few days, netizens were attracted by new trending searches, and gradually fewer people mentioned virtual reality.

But the netizens didn't mention it, and various forces from the outside world are constantly in contact with the Chinese side. These forces are not those netizens who watch the excitement.

If such an important technology is only in the hands of one country, then what awaits them must be controlled by others.So this time, everyone unanimously began to put pressure on the Chinese side, asking for joint research and development.

The external pressure is increasing day by day, but what is surprising is that the Chinese side, which has always been relatively soft, gritted its teeth this time, and did not agree to any party's request. and declined.

Just kidding, they are soft and not stupid. Once such a technology is jointly developed, what is the difference from giving it away?At this time, knowing the mention of the community of interests, how can you be cleaner than anyone else when it comes to relevant interests?
As we all know, cooperation is for win-win. The current situation is obviously that only he wins, and there is no win-win. They don't have average education and only prenatal education. If you say cooperation, you just cooperate?
In short, this time Huafang was quite stubborn, directly rejected all soft knives and olive branches, and insisted on independent research and development.And to be blunt, want to collaborate?Yes, when we have developed it, everyone will bid for the patent fee, which is fair and just, and does not hurt the peace. What a good way!

Of course, the refusal was tough, but they were still anxious. Everyone knew that the longer this matter was delayed, the worse it would be for the country of Hua. Forced to do so, they could only put pressure on Lu Peifeng to make him spend his spare time, and asked her to be sure. The technology must be developed quickly, otherwise they really won't last long.

Lu Peifeng was already numb after receiving the notice, the official university crushed people to death, he had no spare time and ability, and he was not as superior as the official university, the old man didn't care about him, he just had to accept it, who hasn't made sandwich biscuits yet.

So he took an opportunity to express the country's pressure and willingness to Xianyu tactfully. He thought he would be rejected again, but Xianyu graciously agreed!

"Okay, I'll try my best." Her side is actually fast, mainly because Father Yun's nerve connection has encountered some difficulties. She has already given Father Yun all the ideas that she can, and she can't get in the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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