Chapter 282 Conspiracy
"It's enough to have you!" Lu Peifeng was very moved, thinking that this cousin and daughter-in-law still cared about family affection.

Lu Peifeng's moved expression was not concealed, and he couldn't help but reflect when he was watching, was she very heartless and unreasonable?How could he be so moved?
Before he could figure out why, Ji Mo knocked on the door and delivered the food. After he opened the lunch boxes and arranged them, he found that Lu Peifeng still hadn't left, and he became a little impatient.

"Do you want to stay for dinner, cousin?"

Lu Peifeng shuddered when Ji Mo called his cousin, looked up and saw that there was only food for two people on the table, he laughed awkwardly, "Hehe, no need, you guys eat, I'll go to work first."

Didn't even prepare his portion, and invited him to dinner?Hypocrisy!Brainless!hypocritical!
"Hey, wait a minute, by the way, I have to go back to the mid-term exam in two days' time." Suddenly remembering this spare time, he said to Lu Peifeng who was about to go out.

"You still go back to take the exam at this juncture?"

"Then why not? I want to go to graduate school, and the grade point will not be affected by the exam!"

All right, Lu Peifeng completely forgot that Lei Yu is still a student whose life is controlled by his grades, "Let Ji Mo arrange someone to follow you when the time comes."

This is his last compromise.

Lei Yu gave a perfunctory answer with an OK gesture, and then concentrated on eating with Ji Mo. Lu Peifeng, who hadn't left the house yet, was annoyed by the ruthless appearance of the two couples, snorted and nodded. Did not go back.

In the school, dormitory 323.

"Let's go eat, Liu Jia, are you eating with us or with your seniors?" Zhao Tian picked up her small bag and asked Liu Jia.

"Eat with you, eat with you, wait for me." After speaking, Liu Jia quickly packed up her things, for fear that the two of them would abandon her and leave first.

Seeing her anxious look, Zhou Mei expressed some doubts, "Why didn't you eat with your senior today?"

When they came back from the spare lab last time, they were laughing and playing all the way, and accidentally bumped into a senior in school, specifically Liu Jia bumped into a senior.

At that time, the senior was holding a model in his hand, when Liu Jia bumped into it, he fell to the ground, which frightened Liu Jia a lot.

You must know that if you accidentally damage someone else's model at Q University, the consequences will be very serious, because no one knows whether this model will be an entry that others have worked hard for several months to participate in the competition.

Fortunately, the senior was very lenient and didn't blame Liu Jia, he just said that he could reassemble one by himself.

But others don't blame her, but Liu Jia can't walk away with peace of mind. She has to ask the other party about the purpose of this model and discuss the issue of compensation.

In the end, if you don’t ask, you don’t know, but when you ask, it’s actually the work of the senior’s graduation project, which is a bit serious. If you ruin the other’s graduation project and make the other party unable to graduate, it would be a great sin.

So even though the senior explained that there was still some time left before the submission of his final design, and that it would not be difficult to reassemble the model, Liu Jia still insisted on making compensation. It would be nice if Liu Jia invited him to dinner later.

After going back and forth, the two of them vaguely showed signs that the senior had become more attentive to Liu Jia recently.

"Don't mention it, isn't Xianyu a hot search a few days ago? He knows that we are roommates, and now he mentions Xianyu to me as soon as we meet, saying that he is a fan of Xianyu, and he admires her. Later, he even wanted me to take him to the spare laboratory to see, can I agree to this? I always feel that there is something wrong with him, so I don’t want to eat with him anymore.”

After listening to Liu Jia's explanation, Zhou Mei and Zhao Tian frowned at the same time. In this way, there is indeed something wrong with this senior, "But it's not a problem for you to avoid it like this?"

"Then what can I do? He didn't confess his love to me, and I couldn't find a reason to refuse him."

"Reject him? Don't you like him?" Zhao Tian was shocked. Could it be that she misunderstood him?
Liu Jia rolled her eyes at her, "It's only been a matter of a few months. I have a good impression of him at most, how can I call him a liking?" Besides, she has already sensed that something is wrong now, and still Going up foolishly, she's not out of her mind!

"Hehe, that's true." Zhao Tian smiled awkwardly, well, she was thinking too much, and that's right, what kind of deep friendship came from a few months ago.

"It is said that being in love makes a woman stupid, and I think you are almost the same."

Zhou Mei also echoed, "Mr. Qian said that we don't know whether pigs can be as happy as people, but we often see people as pigs who are easily satisfied. I also think you are a little bit like this now."

"I said you two are enough, do you understand if you don't swear at others!" Thinking that she is willing to be stupid, isn't she confused by Lu Fanyun's nice words.

"Okay, don't dawdle, I'm starving to death, hurry up and eat." Liu Jia, who was so hungry, pushed the two of them out quickly.

As a result, their luck was not very good. Just as they went downstairs, they ran into a senior who was waiting for Liu Jia downstairs.

Now that they knew something was wrong with the senior, Zhou Mei and Zhao Tian naturally wouldn't leave Liu Jia alone to deal with him, so they both stood beside Liu Jia, not giving the senior the slightest chance to be alone. time.

The senior looked at Zhou Mei and Zhao Tian calmly, smiled at them harmlessly as a greeting, and then said to Liu Jia: "Liu Jia, why didn't you reply to the message I sent you? Let's go together Do you want to eat?"

"No, no, I'm having dinner with my roommate today, senior, go and eat by yourself."

Being rejected without hesitation, the senior's face became a little ugly, but it's not easy to pester in public, so he could only raise a far-fetched smile, "Okay, then let's meet again next time."

"Farewell, next time I'll have dinner with my roommate." Her refusal was obvious.

After she finished speaking, she took Zhao Tian with one arm and Zhou Mei with the other, and left.

The senior stayed where he was, his face getting more and more ugly, and he wanted to vent, but everyone had already left, so he could only walk away with a dark face.

While walking, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

[She won't take the bait, you guys should find another way. 】

The senior's originally gloomy face suddenly turned better, and he wanted to use this gentle method to achieve his goal, but since she didn't eat the toast, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

The reply over there was also very fast, but the content was not very friendly.

【waste! 】

The senior, who just got better, was stabbed by these two words and slammed down his phone. He was polite and polite when he asked him before, but when he saw that he failed to achieve his goal, he turned his back on him!
After dropping his mobile phone, he regretted it. The mobile phone is so expensive that he can't afford to pay for a new one if it breaks.Fortunately, although he failed to accomplish anything this time, he also made a lot of money from the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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