Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 283 Seducing Hua Wei

Chapter 283 Seducing Hua Wei
Emily Brent saw that he had no effect and failed to lure Liu Jia into the bait, so she immediately decided to adopt another plan, starting with Liu Jia's family. As long as she controls her family, is she afraid that she will be caught without a fight?

At the same time they decided to control Liu Jia's family, the official of country M cooperated with ST to put pressure on the Chinese side to negotiate. The Chinese side was unwilling to retreat anyway. Even if the m side used military threats, they never compromised. Unconventional means were chosen by coincidence.

Hua Wei went to eat outside the school, but was suddenly stopped by an unattractive stranger.

"Miss Hua Wei?"

Hua Wei thought about it, and found that she didn't know this person, "Yes to me, may I ask you?"

The visitor smiled kindly, did not say who he was, but said directly: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I want to discuss a business with Miss Hua."

Hua Wei's first reaction was that she felt that she had encountered a scam, or it was a pyramid scheme.After all, when you are walking on the main road, someone suddenly comes out and wants to talk to you about business. Apart from fraud and pyramid schemes, she has no other ideas.

Seeing Hua Wei's vigilance, the person who came had no choice but to get to the bottom of it, "I also do things for others, and my boss is very interested in the laboratory where Miss Hua is now, so I found Miss Hua, hoping to cooperate with Hua Wei. Miss has a chance to cooperate."

When it comes to the laboratory, Hua Wei understands the reason for this person's visit.Although she has never been exposed to this kind of snooping on scientific research secrets, she has always heard rumors in the industry.Especially in their computer field, there are endless stories of hackers stealing business secrets.

The other party was still waiting for her answer, and her rationality told her that she should immediately reject him and tell the laboratory about it, so that she could immediately cleanse herself and regain her use.

But in her mind, she couldn't help but recall Colonel Ji's straight figure in military uniform, and she couldn't help but think of the coldness that Lei Yu had given her during this period of time.

She really didn't ask for much, she obviously didn't do anything wrong, but she said that she was left out when she was left out, and even the people around her alienated her because of the change in Lei Yu's attitude towards her.

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling Hua Wei began to waver, until she clearly heard herself say: "Okay!"

If... If Xianyu is no longer on the altar, if she is dragged into the dust that is as good as her or even worse than her, will Colonel Ji be able to see her?

"Miss Hua is a smart person, why don't we find a place to talk in detail?"

Hua Wei nodded mechanically, and then followed to a club with high secrecy.

"I think Ms. Hua should understand why I'm here, so I won't play around with Ms. Hua anymore. Our boss has taken a fancy to Idle's technology and appreciates Ms. Hua's ability."

"Just tell me what you want me to do." Hua Wei interrupted him with a cold face.

The other party was taken aback, but he didn't expect Hua Wei to be more direct than him, "Haha, Miss Hua is really straightforward."

He took out another bank card from his bag and said, "There are 500 million in this card. Of course, this is just a deposit, and there will be another 500 million after the matter is completed. And Miss Hua only needs to do one thing for us. "

As he spoke, he paused briefly, as if to see Hua Wei's reaction to the 500 million, and then continued: "Help us get spare research and development materials!"

They decided to find Hua Wei after many inquiries.

There are quite a few people in the spare lab, but most of them stay in the lab for research and development. Only Hua Wei, who didn't stay in the lab, ran back to school instead.

Moreover, Hua Wei's family conditions are not rich. In a high-consumption place like city b, although her life is not limited, it is not enough for her to have other consumption.

Such a family happens to be convenient for them, either to lure them or to manipulate them.Fortunately, she chose to be lured, which is the easiest way.

Hua Wei stared at the bank card on the table, unable to move her eyes away.If she still had a little hesitation just now, when she heard the 500 million deposit, that little hesitation disappeared immediately.

This is 500 million!Being able to quickly change her status and class, although it will not make her enter the upper class, at least it will make her more worthy of the colonel of the previous season!
But she is not stupid, this matter is very risky, if she agrees too readily, wouldn't it appear that she is cheap?

"You must be more aware of the risk of this matter than I am, otherwise you wouldn't come to me and want to buy out my future for 1000 million?" Hua Wei moved the card back intact.

The person across from him suddenly laughed. If she simply agreed, he would be worried. Since he can bargain, it means that the other party has the sincerity of cooperation.

"What does Miss Yihua mean...?"

"The deposit is 1000 million, and I will give another 1000 million if everything is done. If it is exposed, you must arrange my escape!"

"Deal! We have a happy cooperation, Miss Hua." He stretched out his hand and shook Hua Wei lightly, "By the way, Miss Hua, we cooperate sincerely. Miss Hua, please don't sell us out. You know, we can easily Song took out 2000 million to cooperate, and it must be more than enough to buy a few lives with this 2000 million, right?"

Hua Wei understands that this is the act of courtesy first, and if she sells them immediately after receiving the money, then the personal safety of her and her family will not be guaranteed.

"I believe that you should have heard that you will not be suspicious when you hire someone, but you will not use someone who is suspicious."

"Haha, okay, then we will just wait for Miss Hua's good news."

Hua Wei took a deep look at the other party, then picked up a bank card that the other party put on the table, turned around and left.

She had to wait until the mid-term exam was over before returning to the lab, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why she left the lab suddenly.

Two days later, Lei Yu returned to Q University under the escort of Ji Mo and a few other soldiers in plain clothes. In the entire laboratory, she was the only one who needed to go back to school to take the mid-term exam. Everyone else, whether they were life assistants or R&D assistants, was the last time. In my senior year, I don't have any problems with exams.

Speaking of which, Hua Wei needs to take the exam just like her, but Hua Wei disappeared at some point, and Lu Peifeng told her that she had gone back to school.

This situation is AWOL, and it's a good thing she didn't take anything with her, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to get out of the laboratory.

Ji Mo and the others stopped following her after they sent her to school. The school is still very safe, but it would be too high-profile for them to follow her again.

Zhou Mei and the other three received news yesterday that she was coming back to take the exam, so they helped her tidy up the bed in advance. After all, the exam would take two full days, and she would have to stay in the dormitory for one night.

"Ah! Our busy man is back, tsk tsk, is it my illusion or something, why do I feel that you are thinner again?" Zhao Tian circled around her spare time, "It's over, you are all still thin, only I Seriously gain weight!"

 Don't shoot me, Hua Wei will be offline in two more chapters, really! ! !I guarantee it with my twenty catties of fat! ! ! (ω)()`ω(ヾ)
(End of this chapter)

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