Chapter 285
"Since you guessed it, I won't leave any suspense. This time you were suddenly popularly searched. She was also responsible for it. It can even be said that she is one of the leaders behind it." Lu Peifeng put the things he found Tell them one by one.

Liu Jia, the first victim other than Leisurely, simply hated it, it took a lot of effort to think of using emotions to lure her into the water!

"And she also arranged for someone to attack your roommate's family. You sent a message yesterday, and we immediately arranged for someone to go to your classmate's family to check. It happened to happen, so we solved it smoothly."

Liu Jia stood up anxiously, "Then my family is okay!"

"It's okay, Ji Mo arranged for someone to protect your family secretly."

Knowing that her family members are safe, Liu Jia sat down slowly. She was in a cold sweat just now.

"Fuck, this Emily Brent is too dirty, she can use any means!" Zhao Tian said indignantly.

Lu Peifeng glanced at Zhao Tian, ​​she seemed to be his other younger sibling, but Lu Fanyun hadn't brought her back to the Lu family yet.

"After interrogation, she originally planned to attack your family members, but since Fan Yun was with you, she had no one to protect your family, so she turned to attack her instead." Lu Peifeng pointed Refers to the victim Liu Jia.

This made Zhao Tian very angry. If Emily Brent stood in front of her now, she could kick her into the sky and let her stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!
"Is there no way to sanction her?" Zhou Mei asked the key point, she couldn't just let this person get away with it.

Lu Peifeng said: "She didn't touch her hands." The implication is that she is only responsible for instructing her subordinates to do things, and they have no evidence of her participation.

"I...!" Liu Jia was so angry that she couldn't speak, her voice was choked with sobs, it was the first time she hated herself for being so incompetent, others attacked her family, but she had no ability to retaliate.

Lei Yu patted her on the shoulder, "This incident is all because of me, and it is my responsibility. If you believe me, hand her over to me. For at most three months, I will make her kneel in front of you and admit her mistake! "

She made the promise loud and clear.

After all, I can't help but because she humiliated Emily Brent in the first place, so she bit her like a mad dog and made Liu Jia suffer.

Fortunately, although Liu Jia is angry now, she is still rational, "I can't blame you. Didn't we all share the bribe money she paid for her filial piety?"

They beat her hard in that competition, and at that time Emily Brent actually attacked their family, trying to make them lose their jobs, but Jimo ordered Lin Zhi to stop it, So they didn't know that this was actually the second time Emily Brent had done something to their family.

"Boss Xian, can you really make her kneel in front of us and confess to us?" Zhao Tian looked at Xianyu earnestly. At times like this, they all like to call Xianyu the boss. There is no way, it is indeed Boss, they can't stop their admiration.

Lei Yu glanced at her and said with a smile, "Otherwise, what do you think I am developing virtual reality technology for?"

Lu Peifeng sat across from several people and listened to it, but he felt weird and fucked. Listen, is this a human language?Developing new technologies to overwhelm each other at the slightest disagreement, saying that researching and developing new technologies is as easy as eating, this is clearly rubbing ordinary people like them on the ground!

"?? Is there any relationship between the two?" Zhao Tian didn't quite understand the connection between virtual reality technology and cleaning up Emily Brent. She didn't know much about Emily Brent's family.

Zhou Mei knew a little bit, and answered Zhao Tian's doubts, "Emily Brent's family is supported by Snow Game Company."

"Snow Game Company? It's the fifth-ranked game company in the world!" Liu Jia and Zhao Tian were both shocked. Mom, this is an Internet giant!

After the shock, they were happy again.What is leisure researching now?It's virtual reality technology!

If you want to say which field the development of this technology has the greatest impact on, it must be the field of film and television and games!As luck would have it, Emily Brent's family lives on this.

Once the idle research and development is successful, and the Emily Brent family is prohibited from using this technology, won't this Internet giant fall apart in an instant?

"Then we'll wait for you to let her kneel down and admit her mistake!" Liu Jia and Zhao Tian wrapped their hands around the spare hand, feeling no grievance in their hearts.

Tell Emily Brent to pick out the soft persimmons, but she doesn't know that there is a big backer behind these soft persimmons, and if you pinch them, you have to be ready to chop your hands!
"You just said that Emily Brent was only one of the main messengers behind this hot search incident. Which other forces were involved?" Thinking of this incident, I asked Lu Peifeng.

"Other forces are more or less involved, but ST is also related to you."

Lei Yu frowned, "Why are they still staring at me?" She didn't offend ST, at most, she refused to sell them the solar cell patent, but such a big technology company should not be so stingy.

"You know, their temperament has always been intolerable. If you didn't accept their offer, how could they let you grow up and threaten them."

Xian Yu nodded to show that she understands, she has also been taught, so they are so narrow-minded.

"Okay, you guys still have exams in the afternoon, so I'll go back first. Don't worry about your family, Ji Mo and I will make arrangements." Lu Peifeng glanced at his watch, it was getting late, he was very busy now, and recently Things are waiting for him to deal with.

Now that the safety of the family was guaranteed, Liu Jia felt much more at ease. After Lu Peifeng left, the few of them went to have a full meal. There was an exam in the afternoon, so it would be impossible not to fill their stomachs.

It has been two days since they finished the exam, and in the middle of their spare time, they handed in the papers in advance several times and went to the history department exam, and they were so busy.

As soon as they finished the exam, the senior who thought he hadn't been exposed contacted Liu Jia non-stop and asked her to meet tomorrow.Under Xianyu's instigation, Liu Jia reported to a cafe outside the school, but it was not the delicate girls waiting for him, but a few burly men.

The senior was full of the 20 yuan that he was about to get, so he ran to the cafe excitedly, and was caught straight, with a dazed look on his face.

He struggled subconsciously, but the burly man who grabbed him was trained in the army. If they caught a little girl, they would be more gentle. Such a traitor who betrayed the country, what kind of gentleness is there? of?As soon as he struggled, the soldier behind him exerted so much force that he almost took his hand off.

(End of this chapter)

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