Chapter 286

This move directly made the senior admit he was scared, and he didn't dare to struggle anymore, so he could only ask who they were while screaming in pain.

How could the soldiers who were on mission answer him? Annoyed by his noise, they gagged him and escorted him away.Some people in the cafe came forward to fight for justice without knowing the situation, but they were immediately persuaded to leave by the arrest warrant they showed.

The senior was gagged, but his eyes were still working. As soon as he saw the arrest warrant, he immediately realized that he had been exposed. He was so frightened that he couldn't even walk, so he could only be dragged away. , making the soldier holding him look even more disgusted, so he is still a traitor like this?Eat the country, use the country, and betray the country, damn it!

The senior was directly sent to Ji Mo. He is now in charge of coordinating all the safety work during the spare time research and development period. Naturally, this person was handed over to him for interrogation.

It's just that I thought it would take some tricks to get him to explain. After all, the only thing in common among the various types of people who fell into their hands before was their stubbornness.But this senior was already scared out of his wits, and he didn't need them to use any means, he just told him everything he knew.

He talked a lot, but it's a pity that they have already found out all of them. No matter how much he has, they don't know it clearly. The whole thing is a piece of trash, which is of no use.

During Ji Mo's interrogation, Lu Peifeng accompanied Xianyu and Zhou Mei to wait for the results outside the interrogation room. Anyway, this senior's target was Liu Jia, and she, the client, had to come to listen and confront him to see if he was lying.

After Ji Mo's interrogation, he showed them the interrogation record. Liu Jia browsed through it roughly, and everything he said was right.

It's just that she laughed angrily when she saw that every time she approached her and asked her out, she would get money.

"Cooperating with me is still a mobile RMB!"

"Emmm... I heard that when he was arrested and returned, he was not obedient and tried to resist, so that he was injured a little?" Xian Yu said while rubbing his chin.

"No, he was so cowardly, he was so scared that he was about to pee just now, how could he dare to fight back..." Before Zhao Tian finished speaking, Zhou Mei beside her covered her mouth in time.

Zhou Mei said to everyone present while covering Zhao Tian: "I'm sorry, the children at home are ignorant, so you shouldn't have heard."

Zhao Tian didn't know why she had to be covered, but seeing Xian Yu's expression as if she was looking at a fool, she knew that she probably said something wrong, so she patted Zhou Mei's hand to signal her to put it down, and she just didn't speak.

How could Ji Mo not understand what Xianyu meant, and nodded in agreement, "Well, he refused to be arrested, so we took some coercive measures."

After Ji Mo finished speaking, Lei Yu looked at Lu Peifeng again.

"This kind of person dies one less, it depends on what I do." Lu Peifeng said indifferently, he is not that kind of rigid old antique.

"Then let's go in and have a look." After talking, he took the lead into the interrogation room.

Liu Jia understood what she meant in a second, and rushed into the interrogation room. Zhao Tian also understood Lei Yu's intentions after a while, and dragged Zhou Mei in to join in the fun.

There were still people guarding the interrogation room, and when they saw Xianyu and the others coming in, they pretended not to see them, which made it easier for them to move.

Now Chang Ji Mo and Lu Peifeng are waiting outside, the interrogation room where there was no movement during the interrogation just now, but now there are frequent indistinct humming sounds, it seems that they have blocked their mouths.

Lu Peifeng felt a toothache when he heard this voice, and when he was bored, he teased Ji Mo, "You can bear this? I'm afraid you have been beaten a lot?"

Is Ji Mo the one who will obediently be teased? "There are tens of thousands of troubles in love, and the only trouble in being single is wanting to fall in love. Cousin won't understand these thousands of troubles."

Lu Peifeng: "..."

Fuck!Falling in love is amazing!
Not long after, Xianyu and the others came out refreshed, and among them Liu Jia was in the best state of mind, and she couldn't help but sighed in the words of Xianyu: "God will not treat sincere people badly!"

Lu Peifeng had never heard of this stalk, so he asked cheaply: "How do you say that?"

Liu Jia gave him a sinister smile, "Because he usually goes to hell."

This smile almost didn't cast a psychological shadow on Lu Peifeng, why is there such a horrible creature around Leisure?

After the trial of this senior, this matter is considered to be over. If you want to clean up Emily Brent who is behind the scenes, you have to wait for the spare research and development to be completed.Time was running out, and Liu Jia and the others wanted to see Emily Brent taste the bitter fruit as soon as possible, so they hurried back to research and development in their spare time, while they were sent back to school.

On the second day when Lei Yu returned to the laboratory, he saw an unexpected person—Hua Wei.

Didn't she leave her post and go back to school? Why did she still appear in the laboratory?Lu Peifeng should have fired her directly so that she couldn't even enter the door of the laboratory.But since she came in now, Lu Peifeng must have let it in on purpose.

"Xian Yu." Hua Wei greeted Xian Yu pretending to be calm.

She came here today to find an opportunity to take away the research and development materials. After all, she did something bad, and if this matter is exposed, she may be lost forever, so how could she not be nervous.

Lei Yu was very cooperative and pretended not to notice her nervousness, "I haven't seen you for a few days, where have you been?"

"I... two days before the school's mid-term exam, I asked Minister Lu for leave to go back to school for the exam." Hua Wei tightly clenched her hands under the cover of her sleeves to suppress the panic in her heart.

Fortunately, I just smiled and didn't delve into it, "Well, since you're back, let's work quickly."

Hua Wei was obviously a calm person when we first met, why did she make such an obvious mistake at this time?I don't even know how to find an excuse to find one that is not easy to be debunked.Did she ask Lu Peifeng for leave? Wouldn't the leader of her laboratory know about it?

But since she chose to lie, she must have a plan, presumably this is also the reason why Lu Peifeng let her into the laboratory, so she can cooperate to see the good show.

Lei Yu didn't say anything more to Hua Wei, and walked around her by mistake. If he continued talking about this good show, he might not be able to watch it. It seemed to make him nervous.

After Xianyu left, Hua Wei let out a long sigh of relief. The weather was only April, but she broke out in a cold sweat nervously. It was extremely uncomfortable when the clothes on her back were cold and stuck to her skin.

But now she didn't care about being uncomfortable, and walked into the laboratory quickly. She came very early, and most of the people in the laboratory except those who worked all night last night hadn't come yet.

People who have stayed up all night will also be very mentally ill. Out of concern for the security work of the laboratory, no one pays attention to who enters and exits the laboratory.

Hua Wei is Xianyu's assistant, so she pretended to come to help Xianyu get things, approached Xianyu's computer, and turned on the computer lightly and quickly, afraid of being seen by others, she didn't even dare to look around If there is any movement, she can only keep her ears open to notice if anyone is approaching her.Trying to look natural,

It's a pity that just as she clicked on the file she wanted, a series of footsteps came from her ears!

(End of this chapter)

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