Chapter 287 Unworthy
In a panic, she wanted to close the file immediately, but she couldn't click on the little fork all of a sudden, and she couldn't close the file even after people walked behind her.

"Is it okay to catch a good one?" Lu Peifeng said with a smile to Xianyu beside him.

However, Xianyu was not in the mood to chat and laugh with him, "Do you have any plans next time, can you call me in advance? Are you not afraid that I will reveal my secrets when I saw her this morning?"

"I don't have any plans, and I didn't expect her to come back."

The conversation between the two of them made Hua Wei's bloodless face turn paler and paler.

"Minister Lu, idle team, can I not understand what you are talking about?" Hua Wei said in a trembling voice.

They came to arrest people with such great fanfare, so there was naturally a lot of noise, but Lu Peifeng didn't intend to take people away for private interrogation, but wanted to make an example of others in public, so he didn't care about the more and more other R&D personnel who came around. It directly exposed Hua Wei.

"A few days ago, you left your post without authorization and were expelled from the laboratory. When you came back suddenly today, you went straight to your team leader's computer to steal important research and development materials. Now I will arrest you for stealing state secrets!" Lu Peifeng spoke clearly and firmly. Explaining Hua Wei's charges, "I said so, do you understand?"

Hua Wei was stunned by his words and took two steps back, subconsciously denying, "I didn't, I didn't, I..." What am I, the files on the computer are still laid out in a big way. With her identity, she is not qualified to touch spare computers alone, let alone check important documents. Even a villain can understand it, so what excuses can she find to refute herself.

Lu Peifeng was noncommittal about her denial, and took a step closer and continued, "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, after all, the investigation results will be sent right away."

It was also his negligence. At that time, Hua Wei left the laboratory. He only had time to call the school to inform that Hua Wei had been expelled from the laboratory, but was interrupted by a sudden hot search event. He thought that Hua Wei had left the laboratory. She shouldn't be able to cause any trouble, so she didn't arrange for anyone to follow her, but she didn't expect that she would have the courage to come back.

"Now, please come with us." Lu Peifeng turned his head to signal the people behind him to take Hua Wei away.

" can't catch me, you don't have evidence yet!"

Lu Peifeng was about to be laughed at by this idiot, "What more evidence do you need? Just because you turned on your spare computer without authorization can already convict you."

If they were not good citizens who acted according to the law, in their identities, even if she was not guilty, so what if she was taken away?They are willing to follow the rules, but it does not mean that they are kind-hearted and willing to give people a chance to argue.On the contrary, it is precisely because they have such an arrogant status and are still abiding by the law, so they can't tolerate the behavior of others who don't appreciate the country!

In this way, Lu Peifeng took Hua Wei away in front of everyone. In the officialdom, tact is a necessary survival skill, so after killing chickens to make an example of monkeys, he also sincerely comforted everyone.

"Excuse me for your research and development. The country has zero tolerance for such people who sell state secrets. I hope you will forgive me. At the same time, the country is also very grateful for your selfless dedication. I am sorry to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the country. Sincere gratitude."

Lu Peifeng's reassurance made many people feel very comfortable. A very small number of old and mature professors saw through his tricks, but they had no right to see it. After all, they and Lu Peifeng belonged to the same camp. The country has spent its entire life, and it cannot tolerate people who steal this country's technology even more than Lu Peifeng.

Lu Peifeng was in charge of arresting people, and Ji Mo was in charge of finding out why Hua Wei left the laboratory but came back.That afternoon, Ji Mo took the information he found and Lu Peifeng went to interrogate Hua Wei. This time, she did not participate in the spare time. She promised Liu Jia and the others to make Emily Brent pay the price as soon as possible. Naturally, they must hurry up Time to develop.

The moment Hua Wei saw Jim Mo, her whole face was ashen and her head hung down. Her most embarrassing and ugly side was exposed in front of Jim Mo. Her original intention was to drag Xianyu into the dust, but unexpectedly , Lei Yu didn't pull it off, she fell into the mud first, and Jimo watched her sinking gradually, her body was covered with dirty mud.

"Why did you steal the research and development materials from the laboratory?" Lu Peifeng's voice sounded without any emotion, and Ji Mo stood by and watched.

Hua Wei looked up at Ji Mo, who was expressionless and untouched.

"No reason, I just did it when someone gave me money."

"Then do you know who is behind the person who gave you the money?"

"Who is in charge of giving money to whoever takes it?"

Lu Peifeng laughed, she really seemed a bit reckless like this, but he had seen this kind of people a lot.

"Then I'll take the trouble to tell you." He pulled up a chair and sat down in front of her,
"Countless people are shouldering heavy responsibilities and pressures for the future of this country, but what about you? Just 2000 million bought your soul?"

Hua Wei was stunned.

She wanted to spare the rest of the altar, but she thought that the people looking for her were nothing more than those forces in the country who coveted this technology,

"It's not like this... I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't help them. What I said is true!" Hua Wei, who was still reticent just now, couldn't stop the tears in her eyes. She just wants to target idleness.

Lu Peifeng was not moved by her tears. If crying is useful, what is the meaning of right and wrong in this world?Not only did he remain unmoved, but he also quickly made up for it.

"You like Ji Mo, don't you?"

Ji Mo was dissatisfied with being mentioned in this way, and gave Lu Peifeng a cold look.

Feeling the chill from Ji Mo, Lu Peifeng shrugged his shoulders imperceptibly, and then said to Hua Wei: "The military uniform on him should have made you understand his profession, so you know that the epaulets on his shoulders are How did you get here?"

Now Hua Wei could only shake her head in tears.

"I don't know, let me tell you." Lu Peifeng's voice suddenly became serious and stern, "The epaulets on his shoulders are obtained by him performing dozens of missions, large and small, that could endanger his life at any time! Under his clothes There are countless scars where you can't see, and there is a fatal scar a few centimeters away from his heart!"

"He is a soldier. For this country, he and those soldiers like him will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives! The person you like is going through fire and water for this country, but what about you? What are you doing? You are doing it for your own selfish desires , for 2000 million, betray the country he guarded with his life!"

Lu Peifeng watched Hua Wei cry more and more fiercely, and slowly said the last sentence that broke her mind, "Do you think a person like you is worthy of the word like?"

(End of this chapter)

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