Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 288 End of Research and Development

Chapter 288 End of Research and Development
Hua Wei was crying so hard that she couldn't speak, she could only shake her head instinctively, it wasn't like this, she never thought of betraying this country, she really didn't.Ji Mo is a soldier, how could she like him in this way?She really just didn't expect that the other party would be a foreign power, she was overwhelmed by the jealousy of Xianyu at the time, her intention was not like this.

But now no one cared what she meant.Some things focus on the process, while others only need to look at the results.And what she did happened to belong to the latter. The fact is that she betrayed the country and tried to sell the country's scientific research secrets to foreign forces. The reason is no longer important.

She looked at Ji Mo with tears in her eyes, "I really didn't..."

She hoped that Ji Mo could say something, no matter what.But Ji Mo turned a blind eye and said to Lu Peifeng: "I'm leaving." Then only a back was left.

At this moment, Hua Wei's heart was truly desperate.

Facts have proved that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, and Hua Wei's despair is just disgusting to him.Ji Mo has left, and he doesn't want to stay for a long time. He loses his appetite after seeing Hua Wei too much.

"Repent in prison for the rest of your life." After speaking, Lu Peifeng also left.

And Q University also received a notice of Hua Wei's arrest, and the reason was not concealed, so they told the truth. For the sake of the school's reputation and ethos, Q University did not spread the matter, but concealed the truth on the grounds that Hua Wei voluntarily dropped out of school due to private matters.

After all, Q University is also the top university in Huaguo, and in a sense, it can be regarded as the face of the country. The dignified Q University actually cultivated a traitor.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and there are so many people in the laboratory who know this, and many of them are assistants recommended by various schools.After the R&D was over, these people returned to the school, and in the end they broke the news, and the reputation of Q University was in jeopardy for a while.

But fortunately, at the same time, it was revealed that Idle had successfully developed virtual reality technology, which turned the tide and saved the reputation of Q University.These are all things for the time being.

Right now, Idle is caught in a tense and busy R&D process, and the instigators of this trouble, ST and Emily Brent, have all their calculations in vain, and have received condemnation from the Chinese side. Everyone knows it well , cannot come up with actual evidence to sanction, but condemnation is always possible.

Of course, just condemning is definitely not enough. People have a set of tricks behind their backs. How can just condemning them be enough?So they can only hope that they can speed up their spare time and develop it successfully, and these people will always ask for it!
Fortunately, Huangtian paid off. After two months, I finally completed the final data collection and debugging, and Yunfu also solved the stability problem of the nerve connection. As long as there is no problem in the final real-life test, this technology can be considered as research and development. It worked.

Of course, it is impossible for a human experiment to be successful by one person. Individuals are not representative, so there are quite a lot of test subjects needed.

And this time they have developed three kinds of equipment to carry virtual reality technology, one is glasses, this equipment is relatively poor in terms of experience, but the advantage is that it is cheap and easy to use. For the price of a mobile phone.

The second is the helmet model, which has a better experience than the glasses model, and is naturally more expensive, about the price of a computer.The third type is the expensive and inconvenient nutrition cabin. The cheapest one costs tens of thousands, but why is such an inconvenient nutrition cabin more expensive?That is of course because the sense of experience is different. The nutrition cabin is an all-round immersive experience in a complete sense, basically no difference from the real world.

Moreover, the nutrition cabin, as the name suggests, contains nutrient solution. People immerse themselves in the virtual world through neural connections. The way to supplement the nutrient solution of human nutrition.

When people's spirit is immersed in the virtual world, the body is also supplementing nutrition and regulating the body through nutrient solution.And according to Father Yun, the benefits of this nutrient solution are more than that. It is known that it can improve the body's chronic diseases and moisturize the skin. In other words, it can also be used as a beauty solution.

After listening to it in my spare time, I just feel admiration, this is not much different from StarCraft's nutrient solution.

Both Xianyu and Father Yun are very confident in the things they have developed, and they guarantee that there will be no danger. However, for the sake of insurance, the country still did not arrange random people to conduct human experiments, but chose a group of death row prisoners to carry out the experiments. test.

Scientifically, necessary sacrifices are inevitable, but it is better to sacrifice the condemned than ordinary people.Moreover, these death row prisoners are not required to participate in the experiment, after all, death row prisoners also have human rights.All participating death row inmates are voluntary, and the participating countries will give certain economic compensation to their families.

A lot of people think that they are going to die anyway, and before they die, they can leave some money to the family and experience the new technologies that usually appear in movies and novels, so there are quite a few people who are willing to participate.

Before the experiment, Lu Peifeng informed Xianyu that the country asked to come and observe the experiment process, but Xianyu refused.Why, so many prisoners are conducting human experiments in the laboratory, for safety reasons, there are also a large number of armed police guarding, it is already very crowded, and some high-ranking people, in case any prisoner wants to If we want to report to the society together, who will be responsible if there is a problem?
She refused very simply, but Lu Peifeng's refusal was much more tactful, successfully dissuading the leader who wanted to come to watch by citing safety issues.

This also includes the two big Buddhas, Mr. Ji and Mr. Lu.

Although they refused to watch others because of safety issues, Lei Yu and Father Yun participated in various debugging during the human experiment process, so as to solve possible emergencies and minor technical problems in a timely manner.

But fortunately, until the end of the test, there were no major problems, and everything went smoothly.

After the experiment, a special person conducted a questionnaire survey on the death-row prisoners who participated in the experiment, asking them about their experience and whether they felt any discomfort during the process.

It was an ordinary questionnaire survey, but there was a sensation in the laboratory.

"I...I saw the universe! The real universe! It's so spectacular and beautiful, it turns out that outer space is like this!" Prisoner A sighed with blank eyes, and couldn't recover from being immersed in the magnificence of the universe.

The person in charge of asking him glanced at the serial number, oh, it turned out that he had experienced the environment of outer space, no wonder, the real scene of outer space was called by him from the National Space Administration.

Prisoner B is now shaking like a sieve, "Don't... don't come here! There are ghosts! There are ghosts!"

The person in charge also glanced at the serial number, ah!The supernatural bureau?I am so lucky, I can experience the world after death in advance before I die, and I should be a little in awe of the law in my next life, right?

Prisoner C: "It's amazing, I can actually feel the sunshine in Sanya!" There are countless beauties in bikinis!

Well, this is a trip before dying.

Prisoner Ding: "I experience the world of Xianxia, ​​it's too real, is it possible to cultivate immortals in this world?!" After he dies, is it possible to cross over to the world of Xianxia to counterattack and become a master? !

The person in charge rolled a blank look at him, still cultivating immortality?I'm going to die soon, are you cultivating ghosts and immortals?
 Valentine's Day, my dears, happy Valentine's Day, I hope everyone can receive the gifts they like.Comparing your heart.

(End of this chapter)

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