Chapter 289
At the end of the investigation, everyone was full of praise for their experience, oh, no, the one in the Supernatural Bureau was so scared that he almost peed his pants, and couldn't say a word of praise at all.

"Idle team, the test was successful, except for one person who was overly frightened, everything else is fine."

"Huh? Overly frightened?"

"The person who is overly frightened is experiencing a supernatural situation."

Lei Yu let out a sigh, the supernatural situation I experienced, no wonder.Originally, there was no supernatural scene in the experience, but she remembered the scene when she and Ji Mo watched horror movies, and the horror scene she temporarily designed seemed to be not bad.

The next step is the work of the state. Everyone involved in the scene must undergo a final physical examination to confirm that there is no problem with their bodies.

The laboratory did not have so many equipments for use, so they were all taken to the pre-booked hospital by the armed police for examination, and they were asked to get the test results as soon as possible.

Two days later, the test results came out, and all the participants were in good health.

So far, the technology has been successfully developed!
Lei Yu notified the news to every research and development personnel in the laboratory, and there was deafening cheers in the laboratory, they developed a technology that could affect the world!
Some people were excited and wanted to go forward to hug Xianyu, but when they saw the expressionless Colonel Ji next to Xianyu, they all died down and hugged others instead.

The atmosphere is contagious, and I am very excited now. I have been busy for almost half a year, and it is finally over. She turned around and embraced Ji Mo. Father Yun's face was dark for a moment when he saw this, but in the end Still did not make a sound to spoil the atmosphere.

The technology has been successfully developed, and it has been exposed by Emily Brent and ST before, so there is no need to hide it now, and the state's official media directly made an official announcement of the news.In an instant, people all over the country knew the news of the successful research and development of virtual reality technology.

And many companies that had moved earlier also started running immediately after the news was confirmed, intending to cooperate.Lei Yu has invested in the early stage and is a technology researcher, so she has a great say in this technology. Many people have tried to contact her, but they have all been blocked. Lei Yu is glad that she has escaped.

Before handing over the technology completely to the country, she only made one request, that is, this technology should not be handed over to country y for use under any circumstances.The country has long known about the death of Emily Brent, and also solved many of the hands extended by the Brent family, so they agreed very readily. So many countries are rushing to seek cooperation, one less country Y Nothing really.

There are many major forces acting on the outside world, both at home and abroad, including the male and female protagonists Luo Ye and Su Lian.

Xianlou was arrested two months ago, Louyu Film and Television quickly changed the executive president, and Zhang Li spent a lot of money to dredge up relationships to find out why Xianlou was suddenly arrested.

Money can turn ghosts around, and under the influence of money, she really found out the news.When she learned that the culprit of everything was Leisure, she was almost dumbfounded.

Is it idle?The spare time that she never paid attention to, but only pitifully begged for her care? !At first she didn't believe it, but the other party told her with certainty that Xian Yu's status is not the same as before, and that she has found her biological parents, who are the masters of the Hongtu Research Institute, the Yun family!She specifically searched for information about Yun's family, and when she saw that extremely similar face, she had no choice but to believe it.

It turns out that Xianyu is really from the Yun family, so it makes sense for her to get Xianlou into prison without anyone noticing.

But who is Zhang Li?She is a madman!She has already gone crazy and desperate for Xianlou, so even if she knew that Xianyu was from the Yun family, she didn't have any fear, all she wanted was to find Xianyu and make her die badly!

However, the Yun family's suppression of Xian's family did not stop because of Xian Lou's arrest. Yun Zhu specifically ordered Yun Mu to punish him to death. But no one is innocent.

Yunmu and Yunlu's constant suppression left Zhang Li with no time to find leisure troubles. Due to Xianlou's selfish nature, she and Su Lian's mother and daughter didn't even have shares in Louyu Film and Television. , with the current situation, even if there is, it is useless, and Louyu Film and Television is already in jeopardy.

Zhang Li spent a lot of money to find out the news, she was arrested in the idle building, she has no financial resources, the external suppression is still going on, Su Lian is just a student, the mother and daughter are sitting and eating, life is getting more and more embarrassing.

How about saying that the hero and heroine are destined to be in love? Faced with this predicament, the Luo family and the Xian family are family friends anyway. Zhang Li decisively took Su Lian to join the Luo family, while the hero Luo Ye faced the lovely and pitiful Su Lian. Lian really couldn't bear it, so he agreed to his parents to accept their mother and daughter.

Su Lian's life is not easy now, it turns out that she is the eldest lady of the Xian family, and she can still live a good life, and when her novel was made into a TV series and broadcast simultaneously with Xian Yu's "The Female Lady", she did not hide it Many students in the school knew about this and envied her very much.

But now Xianjia has been in decline, and her TV dramas have also been crushed in all directions by "Women's Heroine". Online reviews are one-sided, saying that her novel Mary Su is like that, and it's just a fun pastime, but Xianyu's novels But every heroine is A and sassy, ​​and she bends them abruptly.

In all kinds of comparisons, how beautiful she was at the beginning, how many people envied her, and now she has suffered so much backlash.Many people who disliked her privately commented on her overreaching, saying that if she hadn't been for Miss Xianjia, it would have been impossible for her to make a novel into a TV series with her writing skills.

And people who knew her identity with Xianyu said it was even worse, real daughters are not as good as fake daughters, all kinds of gossips made Su Lian nearly collapse, and made her hate Xianyu even more.

Isn't it good for everyone to live their own lives?Why do you have to target her like this?It also completely ruined the idle family, ruined her life as a wealthy daughter, and let her return to the life of a commoner!

She really hates Xianyu. Like Zhang Li, she wants to take revenge all the time, but they can't even connect with Xianyu now. If there is any change, they will reunite with Xianlou immediately.

Su Lian's life is so miserable, she doesn't care about her spare time, she is now in the heat of the fire, she dare not even go to school, she can only be raised at home by Yu Die as a pig all day long, but she really lost weight during the research and development period Quite a few, this would just make up for it.

At the same time, the matter of Hua Wei was also exposed, which had a very bad impact on Q University, but this matter was not widely spread under the enthusiasm of idlers, but in school, Hua Wei was well-known and suffered a lot. Many people's spurning, of course, this has no effect on Hua Wei who is experiencing prison life.

 Sending you Valentine's Day gifts, (), quickly put your various tickets in the bowl ()
(End of this chapter)

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