Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 291 Brent Father and Daughter

Chapter 291 Brent Father and Daughter

Originally traveling was nothing, he had a thicker skin, and it was not impossible to go with him, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and he was recruited by the army again.

The virtual reality technology has been developed for more than half a month, and the first batch to be put into use is the army, and they are required to conduct special training in the virtual reality world.So after all, the instigator of his inability to live a two-person world with Xianyu turned out to be Xianyu himself? !
For this, Xianyu said that she is also very innocent, there is no way, who will let the heavens not be beautiful.

Yiyi bid farewell to Ji Mo, and happily flew to the Alps with Yun Zhu Yu Die and Yun Lu in her spare time.Yun Mu was entangled in Hongtu's trifles and couldn't spare time for the time being, so he was ruthlessly left behind, leaving him to struggle in the sea of ​​work alone, and they went to enjoy themselves.When Yun Mu saw him off, the depression on his body was almost visible to the naked eye.

Although it is a trip, after a long time, even the beautiful scenery will get tired of looking at it, and the bodies of Yun Zhu and Yu Die can't take it anymore. The four of them only spent half a month in the Alps, and then returned to China together. Mo's special training is not over yet.

Not to mention that modern society has developed productive forces. During the half a month since they traveled, virtual reality equipment has begun to spread to the public. The most common one is the helmet. After all, the price of the helmet is moderate, and the experience is also good. Overall, It is said that the cost performance is the highest, of course, there are many rich people who buy nutrition cabins.

The equipment of virtual reality technology is already in place. The major domestic and national game companies and film and television companies that have sought cooperation with the country have already started to adjust their games, movies and TV series. When the equipment starts to be sold, various games and movies have already been launched. .

All of a sudden, there was a wave of virtual reality across the country. After experiencing the beauty of the virtual world, everyone was even reluctant to go shopping, and many business districts became deserted.

The impact of virtual reality technology on games and film and television is huge. Many companies that got on board with this free ride in the first place made a lot of money, and those who didn't get on board would inevitably face the danger of being annexed , The weak will prey on the strong, there is no other way.

Among them, the most unlucky ones are countries m and y.

The whole world is throwing olive branches to Hua Guo to seek cooperation. Hua Guo has always pursued peace as the most important thing for common development. As long as the relationship is not too bad, most of them will not refuse, except for countries m and y.

Everyone is a discerning person, and the natural way is why these two countries are exceptions, and no one dares to stand up as a peacemaker.Just kidding, I'm still waiting for cooperation. Can anyone do this?What should I do if I offend Hua Guo and stop cooperating with them.

And ST and the Brent family, the chief culprits that caused country m and country Y to fail to cooperate with Hua country, have been backlashed by what they have done.

It's okay for ST, after all, it is the world's number one technology company, relying on its hard power, and it is also the largest consortium in country m. After making considerable compensation, it finally introduced this company at a patent fee that was [-]% higher than the market price. This technology is more expensive than nothing.

However, the Brent family in country y is different. It is supported by game companies and has been impacted by virtual reality technology. Its major games have maintained a fairly stable number of users, but they have been cut by more than half in a few days. users, and the number of users is still decreasing, and the stock price is also falling.

More importantly, this technology is not only applicable to the field of games, and other fields such as aerospace and military science have a large demand for virtual reality technology.And Hua Guo rejected not only the Brent family, but the entire Y country, which had a great impact.

The ruling party of country y is very dissatisfied with the Brent family. If it wasn't for the Brent family, why would they be in such an embarrassing situation.At this moment, they have forgotten their support for the Brent family when this incident first broke out.

After all, this matter needs an explanation. Naturally, this charge cannot be placed on the entire ruling party of country y, so the Brent family can only bear all the charges.

Emily Brent is the only daughter of the Earl of Brent, who grew up spoiled and spoiled.When he knew that she sent the butler to target a little girl from the Hua Kingdom, he chose to turn a blind eye. His daughter is the little princess of the Brent family, the daughter of the earl, and targeted a little girl from the Hua Country. What's wrong?
And according to his understanding, it was the Hua country girl named Xianyu who humiliated Emily first, that's why she was targeted by Emily, and she deserved everything!

This kind of thinking continued until the stock price of Snow Game Company continued to fall, and he was also ordered by various forces to take his daughter to Huaguo to apologize to Xianyu in person.

He still can't believe that an eighteen or nineteen-year-old Hua country girl brought down the entire Brent family by herself!
But what if he doesn't believe it anymore?The facts were already in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help but face them squarely.

"Emily, the country requires us to go to Huaguo to apologize to Lei Yu in person." Earl Brent said to Emily Brent heavily.

Emily Brent's face is so dark that she can't see it now. Like Earl Brent, she didn't expect that she was just a better Huaguo student. First, she humiliated her like that, and then disturbed her Her tricks brought her down to where she is now.

"I'm sorry, father, I'm the one who got you into trouble." Emily Brent was still unwilling, hating idleness to the bone, but it was also true that she got her father into trouble. To face such an accident.

"You are my daughter, don't say such things again."

Emily Brent looked guiltily at her father, who seemed to have aged ten years in a short period of time, and couldn't help but burst into tears, "Father, let me go to Huaguo alone this time. Go and apologize to Xianyu, you wait for me at home." She can no longer let her father suffer such humiliation, this humiliation is enough for her alone.

Earl Brent sighed and shook his head. Emily still didn't understand, it wasn't that she could go alone if she wanted to. What the ruling party required was that the father and daughter must go together to apologize to Xianyu.

"Let's go, let's go together, it's not up to us."

In this way, Emily Brent and Earl Brent flew to China at the fastest speed.

But when they arrived in Huaguo, they couldn't see Xianyu immediately.The reason is that Zhou Mei's research and development is at a critical juncture, and they don't have time to listen to their father and daughter's apology.

Lei Yu simply asked Brent's parents to wait, and when they finished their work, they would go to hear how the father and daughter apologized.

This kind of behavior immediately caused the proud father and daughter to almost have a heart attack, and they felt that Xianyu was simply deceiving people too much!
(End of this chapter)

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