Chapter 292 Apologize
This waited for nearly a month.

During the period, the stock of the Brent family's snow game company once fell to the limit, and the number of game user logins continued to decrease. The entire Brent family was on the verge of collapse, and the officials of country y have been urging their father and daughter to see Xianyu as soon as possible and apologize to her .

Finally, Zhou Mei and the others finished their experiments and research and development, and they were able to find time to meet them. They didn't choose a place, so they waited for Brent and his daughter at Yun's house.

When the Brent father and daughter were taken to Yun's house, they were quite shocked. The villa in front of them, which combines China and Europe, occupies a large area and has a wonderful scenery, is not only something that can be bought with money. How did you buy this villa?Isn't she an orphan?

After they entered the villa, when they looked up, they saw a room full of men, women, old and young, the most conspicuous of which was the leisure they had engraved in their minds.

In fact, Lei Yu chose to meet them at Yun's house on purpose.At the beginning, Emily Brent's biggest reliance was the Brent family, who looked down on their family background and designed them by any means.

But now?The Brent family is already on the verge of collapse, and she has both parents and a prominent family background. The two sides have changed places. I don't know how Emily Brent will feel.

"I've heard about you for a long time, Mr. Brent." Lei Yu smiled and greeted Earl Brent, looking very personable, but Earl Brent understood that it was not personable, but proud and confident.

"It's my Miss Jiuwen Xian's name."

After all, Brent is a man of his age, and he is in charge of such a big company. He has seen many storms and waves, and he knows what it means to be flexible, so he can still talk to Xiaoyu calmly.

However, his daughter Emily Brent didn't have his self-cultivation. She glared at Xianyu like a brass bell, with hatred that couldn't be concealed in her eyes.

Xianyu turned a blind eye to her deep hatred, and instead introduced Yun Zhuyudie and others beside her.

"Maybe Miss Emily doesn't know my family yet? Let me introduce to Miss Emily. This is my father, Mr. Yun Zhu, the former director of the Hongtu Research Institute. This is my mother, Ms. Yu Die. An academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. This one is my elder brother Yunmu, who is currently the director of the Hongtu Research Institute, and the last one is my second brother Yunlu, who is also an academician and currently works at the Hongtu Research Institute."

With the leisurely introduction, the faces of Brent and his daughter gradually turned pale, especially Emily Brent.

How could this be?Isn't she an orphan?Why did she suddenly become the daughter of the Yun family, the owner of Huaguo No. [-] Research Institute? !If she had known her identity like this...

It's a pity that there are no ifs.

"I'm sorry." Emily Brent apologized bluntly. At this time, an apology is inevitable. At least a quick fix will make her feel better.

Unexpectedly, Xianyu did not accept her apology, "Miss Emily, the person you should apologize to is not me, but them." She pointed to Zhou Mei, Zhao Tian and Liu Jia, and then said: "Apologize to me The person who should be your father should be your father, because there is an old saying in Huaguo, it is the father's fault whether you raise it or not."

Emily Brent couldn't believe what she heard.It's fine to ask her to apologize to Xianyu, after all, now Xianyu is enough to crush her in terms of status and ability, but what kind of status is her roommate!Fortunately for Zhou Mei, her family background is not much worse than hers.And what about Zhao Tian?But finding someone from the Lu family to be her boyfriend made all the difference. As for Liu Jia, she couldn't even find anyone with a status to rely on.

Asking her to apologize to them, in a fundamental sense, is to let her as a nobleman bow her head to the common people, which is a great humiliation to her.

"You want me to apologize to them? They deserve it too!" Unbelievable, Emily Brent impulsively expressed her true inner thoughts, and Earl Brent didn't have time to stop her.

Emily Brent's words angered Xianyu, she came to hear an apology, not to hear her arrogance.She laughed and asked Earl Brent: "Mr. Brent should be listed on the Forbes list, right?" He didn't need to answer before continuing: "Otherwise, how could the daughter she brought up have such a heavy burden of a wealthy family?" ?”

Earl Brent's face turned livid at her sarcasm, but due to the situation, he had to swallow his anger.

"Since the two of you are not sincere in apologizing today, please go back."

"No, we have. Miss Xian, please wait a moment." Upon hearing that please come back, Earl Brent immediately became anxious. How long will he have to wait to see her this time?Or do you mean that you will never see her again after you go back?Then their trip to China is not a waste of time!
Anyway, half of the humiliation that should be suffered has already been suffered, so we can't give up halfway. With this thought in mind, Earl Brent forced to suppress the humiliation that kept popping up in his heart, "We will do whatever Miss Xian wants us to do! "

In his spare time, he said to Emily Brent who was still looking angry: "Then please Miss Emily Brent kneel down and tell my roommate where I am wrong."

"What? Make me kneel? You're dreaming!" Emily Brent was not only angry, but also a little shocked. She felt that Lei Yu was daydreaming.

Earl Brent also felt the same way, and exclaimed angrily, "You made my beloved daughter kneel down and apologize to you? Do you know what you're talking about!"

"Your daughter is loved by thousands of people, isn't my daughter?" It was Yun Zhu who had been watching without interjecting, whoever's daughter was held in his hand for fear of bumping into each other.

"But Emily didn't cause any real harm to you!"

"The reason why she failed to cause real harm is because my daughter is powerful, and all her schemes have been miscalculated. This is her ability, not your excuse to defend your daughter!" Yun Zhu was also angry, this time The father and daughter were completely unrepentant and did not realize their mistakes at all.

"What does it mean that no real harm has been caused?! Your daughter is trying to use my family to threaten me to steal idle research and development secrets. If it weren't for my luck, my family may have been tortured by your daughter now. You will also suffer a crushing defeat because of the theft of research and development materials, your daughter is so vicious, it would be easy for her to kneel down and apologize!"

Liu Jia was already flushed with anger, Zhao Tian and Zhou Mei patted her shoulders on both sides to calm her down, but she couldn't calm down at all, listen to what they are talking about!Could it be possible that they didn't suffer any real harm and should thank his daughter!
(End of this chapter)

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