Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 293 Don't bully the poor

Chapter 293 Don't bully the poor

Compared with other people who were outraged by the shamelessness of Brent and his daughter, Lei Yu's mood was much more peaceful.

And the reason why she is peaceful is entirely because she knows the nature of Brent father and daughter. The so-called nature is hard to change. She never expected that the father and daughter could completely change their minds and understand themselves just because of this incident. mistake.

If they had been such easy repentants, they would not be where they are now.

For such unrepentant and stubborn people, getting angry is of no use except to be angry with themselves. Instead of getting angry, it is better to completely destroy their pride and make them the kind of people they despise the most.

It's not refreshing to just apologize without sincerity, you have to humiliate the other party to the point of dying of shame and anger to be worthy of what they have done, isn't it?Don't talk to her, be merciful and forgiving, the dog bit her, and she would be happy to see her detour after beating the dog until his mouth was bleeding.

"It seems that Earl Brent really doesn't have the sincerity to apologize. Since that's the case, we don't need to waste each other's time. Please, Earl Brent, go back to Country Y and walk towards the abyss of extinction with the entire Brent family." Idle interest To say the least.

When referring to the entire Brent family, Earl Brent froze. He was caught in a dilemma. One was the dignity of himself and his daughter, and the other was the future of the entire Brent family.

She didn't rush in her spare time, she sat leisurely and waited for Brent to make the final decision, and she could already foresee what the final result would be.

But the only thing that surprised her was that it was not Earl Brent who compromised first, but Emily Brent.

There was only a plop, and Emily Brent was already kneeling on the ground. She lowered her head and couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but from her slow and difficult voice, one could hear the fluctuations in her heart.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have sent someone to threaten your family."

"Emily!" Earl Brent exclaimed. He wanted to wake Emily up, but he couldn't utter the words because he knew that this was a dead end. They have no other choice.

In the end, he still didn't pull Emily Brent up, and let her kneel on the ground, while he himself bowed deeply to Xianyu, "I'm sorry, Miss Xian, I didn't discipline Emily well, I Sincere apologies to you."

Earl Brent's waist, which has never been bent very much in his life, is bent in front of Xianyu at this moment. She does not speak, and he does not lift it up. This bending bends not only his waist, but also his dignity. .

Xianyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Jia and the others, the meaning in his eyes was very clear, when they were satisfied, they would finish the calculation.

Both Liu Jia and Zhao Tian burst into laughter. What could be better than having someone who looks down on you in every possible way and plots to harm you kneel in front of you to apologize and beg for forgiveness?

Several people looked at each other and coughed, then nodded to Xianyu, that's fine, then Xianyu turned his head and whispered to Brent and his daughter: "Earl Brent, I will teach you again today. There are two words of wisdom that have been passed down in China for thousands of years, the first one is that people should not be judged by their appearance, and the second one is that sea water cannot be measured.”

The father and daughter clenched their teeth together and squeezed out from their throats: "I have been taught."

"You two, please get up."

After they got up, I looked at Earl Brent's eyes that were slightly red from humiliation or hatred, and said the last request, "The title of Earl Brent, and the person in charge of Snow Games, I Do you think there should be more suitable candidates in Country Y?"

This means that Brent's title and control over Snow will be taken away.

In fact, Brent has already been mentally prepared for Snow's control. If Lei Yu is willing to let him continue to control Snow, Snow will not be hit like that.But he never expected to deprive him of his title. If he was deprived of his title, he would be reduced to a commoner. This would undoubtedly be a fatal blow to a British nobleman.

But he also understands that he does not have the right to decide this matter. In order to satisfy Lei Yu, the officials of country y will definitely deprive him of his title. What's the use if he agrees or not?If he voluntarily resigns, the title may be passed on to other members of the Brent family. If he is unwilling to take the initiative to resign, then it is not known whether the title will return to the Brent family.

"Miss Xian, please rest assured. After I return to China, I will automatically resign my title and position in Snow, and let someone more suitable take over." Brent said this with difficulty, and he staggered a bit, almost unable to stand. stable.

Emily Brent hurriedly supported Brent, and the once proud arrogance was no longer on her face. The moment she knelt down, all her pride was crushed, and now she could only passively Seeing her father suffer humiliation because of herself, she was helpless.

"Very well, Mr. Brent really understands." Lei Yu has changed his name to Mr. Brent. "So, Mr. Brent, please go back, we're done."

After finishing the idle conversation, the butler began to see off the guests, and Brent, father and daughter walked out of the villa with each other's support.

After they left, Liu Jia and Zhao Tian burst into cheers one after another.

"Xianyu, you are too powerful! This aura is so loud, it makes me want to kneel!" Liu Jia got up excitedly and twisted her arms around Xianyu. If not for the fact that there are too many people watching now, She wanted to scream like a groundhog!

"That's right, that's good! The aura is so strong! My legs are bent by your handsome!"

Lei Yu barely restrained Liu Jia, who kept jumping around, "I promised you to make Emily Brent kneel down and apologize, of course I will do what I say."

Liu Jia and Zhao Tian were so moved that they didn't know what to say, and couldn't help dropping a few golden beans.

Zhou Mei was not as excited as the two of them. After all, Emily Brent had been concerned about her family background throughout the whole process and had never done anything to her. But as a friend, she was as straightforward as them, so she followed the bright-eyed Smiling, causing Yun Mu to deflect his eyes unconsciously.

Lei Yu was surrounded by Liu Jia and Zhao Tian, ​​but he didn't notice this scene.But Yu Die happened to be sitting opposite the two of them, and saw this scene by accident, and couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

Yu Die smiled very gently, and invited the three of Zhou Mei to stay overnight, "At such a happy moment, don't rush back, play here for two days, how about we barbecue in the yard by ourselves in the evening? Let’s look at the stars together.” By the way, we talked about the philosophy of life from poetry and songs together.

The three of them thought about it for a while. They continued to research and develop their own projects as soon as the summer vacation was over. Now that they have finally finished the research and development, it is okay to take a break. In addition, although the idle family members are prominent, they get along with ordinary people. Different, gentle and kind, so they don't feel uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, the three happily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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