Chapter 294

It is said that they grill by themselves, but it is impossible to do the whole process by themselves. Most of them let the chefs bake, and they just want to have fun.

Yu Die was worried that it was her eyesight, so she paid special attention to Yun Mu during the barbecue in the evening, and she was relieved when she saw that he did glance over the little girl intentionally or unintentionally.

"Yun Mu, send it to classmate Yin Yin." Yu Di took a plate of grilled seafood and handed it to Yun Mu, pointing in Zhou Mei's direction.

Seeing Academician Yu's provocative eyes, Yun Mu knew that he was exposed, so he took the plate helplessly, "Mom, don't worry about it, I have a sense of proportion."

He had a crush on Zhou Mei, but the little girl was still too young, she was the same age as Yin Yin, and he was six years older than her, so he had to figure it out slowly, otherwise it would be easy to frighten the little girl.

Yu Di nodded reassuringly. The eldest son never needs her to worry too much, as long as he has his own measure.

When Yunmu brought the dinner plate over, Zhou Mei was chatting with Xianyu about the new energy battery they had just developed. It had already been sent for patent review. It was not as good as the solar battery in the last competition, but it was still excellent. Money The professor praised them a lot.

Speaking of this, Zhou Mei couldn't help but beam with joy. This was the first time they had left their spare time to work alone, and they had achieved such good results. Their self-confidence was almost bursting.

The little girl's confident and eloquent appearance was extraordinarily charming, Yun Mu put down the dinner plate calmly, and chatted along their topics without showing any trace.

"Wow! Boss Yun even understands this!" Zhao Tian was amazed. As far as they knew, Boss Xian's brother, Boss Yun, didn't study medicine?
"Under the influence of academician Yu at home, I just know a little bit."

Zhou Mei and the others: "..."

Should they say that they really have a family of evildoers?We have talked so profoundly, and we only know a little bit!
Having received three adoring eyes, Yun Mu still smiled calmly, only the rubbing of his fingers revealed his inner thoughts.

"You are Yinyin's friends, call me Brother Yun, don't look outside."

"Ah...? Can... is it okay?" Several people were a little afraid, tsk tsk, can they also call Big Brother Yun for this kind of boss of Gaoling Flower?What to do, suddenly there is a feeling of reaching the sky in one step!

"Of course." Yun Mu said with a smile.

The three of them were warmed by the ice-melting laughter, and they nodded in a daze and called Brother Yun.

Yunlu, who sat on the sidelines and ate wildly, looked at his elder brother like a snow leopard waiting for an opportunity, breaking the hearts of several little girls step by step. The experience of growing up together made him more familiar with Yun than himself. Mu, seeing him like this, he knew that something was going to be caught, but he didn't know which of the two little girls it was.

The Yunlu thief looked at it vigorously. It doesn't matter if Zhao Tian has a boyfriend. Liu Jia and Zhao Tian are the same type, they are lively and cute. I'm afraid he won't be able to subdue him, and Yun Mu doesn't seem to like the temperament of a lively little girl.

If it wasn't for Liu Jia, then there would only be that Zhou Mei.This girl is a bit like Yinyin in temperament, her face looks cold, but in fact she is very gentle, maybe because of her tutoring, she still has the temperament of a young lady, and the vitality that a girl of this age should have .

It looked like she was right!
Unwilling to be lonely, Yunlu stuffed another two mouthfuls of roasted crispy pork belly, then walked up to his brother, took Yun Mu's shoulders, and looked like a good brother, "Then I will join in the fun, you call me Yun Second brother."

Zhou Mei and the others naturally have no objections. Firstly, Yunlu is three or four years older than them. Secondly, despite Yunlu's usual temper, in fact, his achievements cannot be underestimated. When the net worth is tens of billions Are you talking about fun?
Several people yelled "Second Brother Yun" again, and Yunlu let out a shameless hey.

Hey, he also took a provocative look at Yun Mu, hey, he didn't do anything, didn't he become the second brother Yun?
The smile on Yun Mu's face remained the same, and he did not push away Yun Lu who was on his body. He only said to Yun Lu in a slightly cold voice: "By the way, the project I studied before to inhibit the malignant proliferation of white blood cells Because there is no plant that has been stagnant for a long time, I see that you have been very busy recently, why don't you give this project to you to complete?"

This is a question, but Yun Mu said it in an affirmative tone, obviously not giving Yunlu a chance to refuse.

Yunlu froze, scolding the sky in his heart, wow!Do you want to be so stingy!Didn't he just join in the fun?As for doing such inhuman things?Give him a project that's stalled without a plant?Even if his hair is whitened, he still can't research it!
He hadn't had time to protest, but they were a bit interested in the spare time. They had the experience of developing a wound medicine together before, and they were not completely ignorant of pharmacognosy. This is a broad, profound and very interesting subject. It's not that they have limited energy and can't hold so much knowledge in their minds. They really want to study this subject in depth.

Lei Yu asked with great interest: "Is there such a plant? Can it inhibit the malignant proliferation of white blood cells?" It's quite amazing.

For leisure, both Yunmu and Yunlu are pampered. Although this is a research and development secret, but she asked, Yunmu will naturally not hide it, especially the other three girls also look very interested , left and right is a project that has stagnated, so let's talk about it.

"It was a mixed plant among the plants sent by the drug dealer who supplied the institute before. I hadn't seen it before, so I studied it, and found that it contained the ability to inhibit the malignant proliferation of white blood cells. It was a surprise. "

"Is this kind of plant hard to find?" Zhou Mei asked, otherwise why would the whole project be stagnated because there is no plant? "Why not raise this plant for sustainable growth?"

Yun Mu smiled and explained patiently, "Because it was mixed in accidentally, and it is a new species, so the drug dealers themselves don't know where to find this plant again, as for why they don't raise it for sustainable development... ..." Yun Mu paused for a moment, then regretfully continued: "When I found it, the plant was seriously damaged and almost withered, and it couldn't be kept alive."

"It's a pity." Lei Yu sighed from the bottom of his heart, especially after making such a major discovery, the research has stagnated due to such reasons.

Zhou Mei and the others also nodded in agreement. Although they were not the ones who studied it, the sense of substitution was too strong, and they couldn't help but feel sad.

Yun Mu, a serious researcher, is more open-minded than them, "It's just that there is no fate, you can't force it."

(End of this chapter)

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