Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 295 2 Lovesickness

Chapter 295

Suddenly Zhou Mei asked him excitedly: "Do you have a picture of the plant? If you don't mind, let us take a look too? Then we can help to pay attention." If the research is successful on the plant that can inhibit the malignant proliferation of white blood cells, it may be able to solve the problem. A terminal illness in the history of human medicine, they all became very interested in this plant.

"Yes, yes, is there a picture? We can also help to pay attention, maybe we will find it!"

Yun Mu nodded with a smile, and took out his mobile phone to show the pictures to the girls, not because he thought they could really find this plant, after all, they had already attracted the attention of many drug dealers but failed to find out, and they stayed in the school all day long How can you find out.

Zhao Tian and Liu Jia were impatient, and they were the first to look at it. After reading it, they found that they really didn't know or seen this plant, so they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

After them are Xian Yu and Zhou Mei. After Zhou Mei saw it, the expression on her face was exactly the same as that of Zhao Tian and Liu Jia. Obviously she had never seen it before, but it was Xian Yu who showed a thoughtful expression.

This expression made everyone present tense up. Is this... have you seen it before? ?

"Yinyin, have you seen this plant?!" Yun Mu's voice couldn't help becoming a little excited.

After being interrupted from thinking, he was still a little dazed, "The plants in your picture are too dilapidated." You can't really see the original appearance.

After hearing her words, several people thought that she still didn't remember whether she had seen this plant in the end. A little bit thicker.

Yun Mu laughed at himself, he was crazy, how could it be so easy to find out, they have been looking for it for a long time and couldn't find it.

Just when he was about to put away his phone in disappointment, Xian Yu stopped him, "Don't panic, let me see it again."

Looking at it, she asked uncertainly: "I see that your plant has flower stalks, so has it ever bloomed?"

Even though Yunmu has the temperament of the flower of Gaoling, he also lost his temper after being tossed by Xianyu's ups and downs. He sighed, "It has been opened, Yinyin, you can finish it all at once." Start this up and down toss.

Xianyu didn't notice her elder brother's helplessness, and thought to himself, "Are the flowers purple and black?"

"Yes! It's purple and black! Where have you seen Yinyin?" Yun Mu's heart really jumped up to the clouds at this moment, swaying, afraid that I would say something to him and forget it, then he will forget it again. I'm afraid I can't help but feel depressed because of my calm temper.

In fact, I am also very concerned about whether this plant is the one she has seen before, so it will be confirmed, and she is also very happy.

She likes to pick all kinds of plants. She wants to transplant the ones she has never seen before, and the ones that look good also want to transplant them back.The plant in the picture in front of me happens to have both.

She discovered this plant when she and Ji Mo went to explore the mountains together.

Plants rarely have black flowers. This is related to the characteristics of light. Black flowers can absorb all light waves, which can easily cause excessive heat and damage flower tissues.The second is related to the habits of insects. Many plants are pollinated and fertilized by insects. Compared with flowers of other colors, black flowers are not eye-catching, not bright, and are not easy to attract insects. It is difficult to complete the process of pollination and fertilization, which is not conducive to family succession.

Therefore, from an evolutionary point of view, after long-term natural selection, black flowers are easily eliminated.

But this plant is different. It grows deep in the mountains and rarely receives sunlight, so the flowers are purple-black.In fact, when she first saw the flower, she thought it was pure black. It was only when she took a closer look under the sun that she realized that it was not pure black, but a purple-black purple-black color, but it was almost the same as black. That's it.

The flower shape of this plant may not be very beautiful, but the flower color is very unique, and it is a new species that has not been recorded on her scanner. She looked at a small piece there, and carefully picked one and planned to transplant it back.

Later, when she and Ji Mo came back to Ji's house from the mountains, they gave all the plants to Ji's gardener and asked him to take good care of her, and this plant was among them.

Seeing everyone looking at her eagerly after recovering from thinking, she hurriedly told where she had seen this flower, and finally she said: "I transplanted a plant and gave it to Grandpa Ji's gardener to grow and grow." It's late now, I'll get it back for you tomorrow?"

Yun Mu glanced at the sky, they were indeed a bit late for the barbecue, even though he was anxious, he could only suppress it, "Okay, I will go with you tomorrow." He didn't feel at ease when he didn't see this plant for a moment.

Knowing that he was in a hurry, he didn't persuade him in his spare time, but nodded his head in dispensation, let's go together.

This was a turn of events, and it was an unintentional joy. Everyone was very happy, except Yu Die, who didn't come to disturb their young people's conversation, looked at Yun Mu with a bit of resentment.

What is measured, what is the result?At the beginning, we had a good chat, but the topic became so off-topic. Later, we were so focused on the new plant that we didn't even glance at the little girl.

She knows new plants are important, but can't you take care of both?This is not a conflict!
In this way, under Yu Die's eyes of hating iron and steel, everyone ate and drank enough, and then moved to the balcony of the spare room.

It stands to reason that August is already midsummer, and it is the hottest time, but who told the Yun family to be rich?The name of the mountain villa is not for nothing. It is located on the mountainside. The cool wind mat blows through the mountain, which blows away the hot summer. The air is fresh and comfortable, and there are more stars in the sky than other places. a lot.

Several young people were sitting separately, talking and laughing with the cool wind and the twinkling stars in the sky.

In my spare time, I quietly listened to Zhao Tian's twittering voice, and listened to the second brother's daily confrontation with the eldest brother. I couldn't help but think of Ji Mo in my mind. What is he doing at this time?If only he were here too.

Just about to wash up, Ji Mo suddenly sneezed twice.

"Hey, captain, is this sister-in-law thinking about you? I heard that one sneeze means someone is scolding you, and two sneezes means someone is thinking about you." Zhou Bai winked and teased Ji with several Canglong team members Mo, of course, there are also people who didn't laugh, that is the newcomer Zhou Qirui, who has even less expression than the captain. At least the captain can still have a little expression when he mentions his sister-in-law, but this week Qirui seems to have no nerves on his face. with a straight face.

He couldn't help but secretly glanced at Zhou Qirui, and sure enough, when everyone was laughing like this, he still didn't show any expression.

"You are in good spirits? It seems that there is too little training, why don't you go to the nutrition cabin for another two hours?" Ji Mo said with a faint smile.

In an instant, a few people were terrified, the captain had a cold face of terror, and it was even more terrifying when he was smiling but not smiling!
After several people rushed to run away, Ji Mo fell behind, and couldn't help but think of Xianyu in his mind. I haven't seen her for almost a month, and I don't know what she is doing.

(End of this chapter)

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