Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 296 Early Graduation

Chapter 296 Early Graduation
Early the next morning, after breakfast, Xian Yu and Zhou Mei were dragged away by Yun Mu. Before leaving, Xian Yu also took two custard buns from the table. The custard buns made by the chef at home were so good have eaten.

Lu Yun was a little surprised when she saw Xianyu, "Xiaoyu? Why are you here? Don't even tell me!"

"Aunt Yun, I'm here to find Grandpa's gardener." Xianyu said as he walked towards Lu Yun. This time, Yunmu came here to pick up the plants. He didn't bring any presents. It's not good to come empty-handed, so he Did not come in, waiting for her in the car.

"Looking for a gardener? Why are you looking for a gardener? Are you interested in your grandpa's orchids?" Lu Yun said with a smile. If she really fell in love with it, she would ask the old man for a pot.

I waved my hand leisurely, "No, didn't I go to the mountains with Jimo last summer to transplant a lot of plants and come back, I'll take a pot away."

"It's too early, the gardener hasn't come yet, do you know which pot it is? Do you need it urgently? If you are not in a hurry, wait here for a while?" The gardener usually comes at nine o'clock in the morning, and it is only a little after eight o'clock now.

"It's urgent, it's okay, I know which pot it is." Can you not be in a hurry, if not, her elder brother wouldn't have pulled her over so early in the morning.

"Then I'll move it for you." said Lu Yun and Xianyu went to the greenhouse together.

I couldn't ask Lu Yun to help her move it in my spare time, so I quickly stopped her, "I'll do it myself for the pot of flowers, and you don't need to worry about me, Aunt Yun."

Lei Yu tried his best to prevent her from doing anything, but Lu Yun had no choice but to give up.

Because the old man loves orchids, Ji's family raised a lot of orchids of all kinds, including rare ones and common ones. The whole greenhouse looked very beautiful.At a glance, she saw a few potted plants with purple-black flowers in the corner where the sun couldn't shine.

She remembered that she only transplanted one plant of this flower back then, why now it turned into two or three pots?Presumably it was the gardener's grandfather who divided the plants.

Xianyu was worried that Yunmu would not be enough, so he simply moved out the three potted flowers one by one.Yun Mu originally thought that there was only one pot, but now he has harvested three pots, which is really an unexpected surprise.

After the move, Lu Yun stayed to play in her spare time, but Zhou Mei and the others were still playing at her house. How could she get away, she could only decline Lu Yun, saying that she would come with him after Ji Mo's training was over.Lu Yun thought that she had just finished the research and development, and she might still have a lot of work on hand, so she didn't force her too much.

As soon as Yun Mu sent Lei Yu home, he dragged Yun Lu to the research institute again, so he had to quickly take these plants to cultivate and study.

Yu Die watched Yun Mu and Yun Lu leave just like that without even being able to stop him, and he was furious in his heart, are you teasing her?She left the little girl behind, but the protagonist ran away!

Xian Yu knew nothing about all this, so he dragged Zhou Mei and the three of them upstairs to discuss the matter.

She is a restless person, and the virtual reality technology has been developed for more than a month. They are juniors in the next semester, and she already has several patents and papers in hand. Zhou Mei and the others are similar to her. These patents and papers can Instead of credits, it is completely enough for them to graduate early.

Lei Yu plans to graduate early and enter a postgraduate career. Now the courses in the school have no meaning for her. What she lacks is to participate in more research of this era and adapt to the existing technology.

"I plan to graduate early, how about you?" Lei Yu threw out such a sentence suddenly, which caught the unprepared three people by surprise.

" sudden?" The three of them froze for a few seconds before they realized it.

"It's been planned for a long time." So there was nothing sudden.

"The current credits of the three of us are enough, but if we graduate early and enter the graduate school, I am a little worried that I will not be able to digest it." It was Zhou Mei who answered, and she obviously gave these words after careful consideration.

"I'm also a little worried." Liu Jia and Zhao Tian also agreed.

Lei Yu is used to their worries, he has an old problem, and feels that he can't do it every day.

"If you do a few more projects, it will be digested. If one is not enough, then two." Knowledge is not for digestion, but for practice. After all, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

The corners of Zhou Mei's mouths twitched slightly, is it so simple and rude?
Liu Jia: "But to graduate early, you need to do a final project and a graduation thesis. There is only one month left in the summer vacation. Will we have time?"

Their graduation projects are all for one semester, half a year, but they only have one month left.

"The difficulty of the topic of the graduation thesis is not as difficult as one month, how long do you want?" It's not that I haven't thought about this question in my spare time, but when she looked up the topics of the graduation thesis in previous years, she found that, let alone a month, it would take two weeks at most. If it can be done, one more week to write the thesis, there is plenty of time.

Now the three of them lost even the strength to twitch the corners of their mouths. They forgot that Xianyu is a big boss and cannot judge her by ordinary people's standards.

Looking at their disapproval in spare time, she knew that they hadn't read the final projects of previous years, and she didn't want to say more. Facts speak louder than words. She directly sent them the projects and related requirements of previous years for them to read by themselves.

The three of them took a look, and most of them were research on DSP-based small broadband variable frequency drive integrated power supply system, large eddy simulation of scramjet combustion chamber support plate flow and jet flow field, thermoacoustic engine multi-channel sound power output simulation and Topics such as gas drive method research.

Don't look at the names of these topics that look very tall, but in fact they are all the knowledge in their textbooks, what they have learned, and there are templates for reference.For them who have experienced independent research and development of new projects, it is really not difficult.

"So simple?" Zhao Tian felt a little unbelievable, she actually thought it was very simple!Is she floating?

"Otherwise what do you think?"

The three of them were a little embarrassed, and they couldn't be blamed for that. They didn't know that the graduation project would be so simple. They had been listening to seniors from all walks of life complaining about how difficult the graduation project was. Of course, they were afraid.

In fact, it is not that the topics of these graduation projects are simple, the difficulty of these topics is completely suitable for normal graduates.But who told them that none of them were normal students?Needless to say, Idle Yu himself, the three of them were also destroyed by Idle Yu's hands. Later, when Idle Yu was developing virtual reality technology, the three of them independently developed new energy batteries by themselves. The practice process has long been familiar and can no longer be familiar with.

In this way, it will naturally seem a bit handy to go back and do these graduation projects that are more theoretical than practical.

"Then which subject shall we choose?"

This means that everyone has decided to graduate early and enter graduate life.None of them doubted whether they could successfully become a graduate student, because with their grades and patent papers, they didn't need to pass the exam to compete for a place at all, and they could directly apply for graduate school.

(End of this chapter)

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