Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 300 Tears from the Barrier Window

Chapter 300 Tears from the Barrier Window

Yang Meng's question was very interesting. It sounded like she was just curious about why Professor Qian became the tutor of the four of them even though he didn't bring graduate students. Not clear.

"Is the school girl curious?" Lei Yu smiled and cast a glance at Yang Meng.

"Of course I'm curious."

"But I thought the answer was obvious. The reason why Professor Qian accepted the four of us as students was of course because we were so good."

The results of the four of them and everyone else are obvious to all. Professor Qian couldn't take care of the students because of his lack of mental energy and busy research, but the four of them were not so much taken by Professor Qian as they were in their spare time. Professor Qian didn't need much at all. Don't worry, they can help you if you encounter a project.

In this way, wouldn't it be natural for Professor Qian to make an exception and accept them as students?In fact, Professor Qian secretly rejoiced, thanks to his quick action, otherwise he would not be able to get his turn, and the computer department was about to fight for the lead.

Yang Meng didn't take this answer seriously. She wouldn't believe it if they said there was nothing tricky about them.

Xianyu looked at her disapproving expression, and didn't intend to give this so-called junior girl any more face, so she asked back with a smile: "I think junior girl doesn't think so, do you have other opinions? That junior girl Why do you think Professor Qian accepted the four of us as students?"

The question was very tense, and the boys who didn't understand it before also realized the unusual meaning of this, and looked at Yang Meng one after another.

Being stared at by everyone, Yang Meng felt flustered, but then calmed down again, "Senior sister misunderstood, what can I think, I just asked casually out of curiosity, senior sister, don't worry."

She thought she had already said that, and Xian Yu should go down the steps to bypass this topic, but unexpectedly, Xian Yu would not let her go.

"Sister's tone of voice is a bit like green tea, but it's a pity that the rank is not too high, this bottle of green tea is also suitable for you. Sister here is a piece of advice to my sister, don't use curiosity in the wrong place. If you put this I'm just curious about academic research, I'm afraid I already understood why we made an exception to accept a professor who has no graduate students as a student, don't you think so?"

If it was just a matter of swords being drawn, now it is obvious that swords and swords are facing each other and fighting with open flames.

"You!" Yang Meng is used to the green tea way of speaking with three turns in one sentence. Facing the idle sword and spear, she was stabbed speechless instead, and could only stare at her with wide eyes. .

However, her stare has no effect on Xianyu, and other people are still looking at her, so she can't help but pinch Liu Hao beside her, hoping that he can say something for her.

But Liu Hao brushed away the hand pinching him. Whether he was out-of-mind or not, he could figure it out in his spare time. If he couldn't hear the ins and outs of Yang Meng's words, then there was something wrong with his mind.

And it's fine if you don't know it, but once you know it, and when you think about her past actions, many things that you never cared about will also emerge.

Does the girl next to him really like him?Maybe not.Rather than saying that he likes him, it is better to say that he wants to compare with Xianyu, looking for opportunities to make Xianyu look bad and discredit her.

He didn't understand, Xianyu had only met her a few times, how could she be so hostile?For this reason, she even sacrificed herself to be his girlfriend. I don't know if she secretly felt that the deal was a loss.

But even if he had figured everything out, he couldn't just tear his face away with her like this, especially in public, leaving a girl with dignity is the basic measure of a man.

So he endured the unhappiness in his heart, maintained a normal expression on his face and said to Yang Meng: "You go back, this place is not suitable for you."

A good farewell party for the class should not be ruined just because of him, and it should be so ugly when parting.

Yang Meng was stunned, she didn't expect to just satirize her in her spare time, but even Liu Hao didn't help her, and let her go back, what a waste snack!
So many people watched her jokes, Yang Meng trembled with anger, but she also knew that it would not do her any good to continue messing around, so she stomped her feet fiercely, gave Xian Yu and Liu Hao a hostile look, turned around and left .

When she left, Xian Yu followed her footsteps. Liu Hao thought that Mr. Xian was just angry and wanted to chase out and beat someone, so he quickly stopped him, "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!"

Lei Yu explained with a smile, "I still have a few words to say to her."

Liu Hao knew that he had misunderstood, so he let go of her with a sneer and embarrassment. Yang Meng had almost disappeared in front of her, so he quickly chased after her.

She didn't really have any other intentions in catching up, but she didn't look like Yang Meng was willing to retreat, and she would stick to the stick if she couldn't die, and she might show up again at any time in the future to make her unhappy.Instead of seeing her upset at that time, it is better to warn her today, so that she can no longer think about it.

Lei Yu caught up with Yang Meng in three or two steps, Yang Meng also stopped when he heard the footsteps behind him, turned around and saw that it was Xian Yu who was a little surprised, what was she doing after him?
Xian Yu didn't play around with her, and said bluntly: "Jealousy is natural, but I have never been a tolerant person, so your behavior of posting it over and over again makes me very unhappy."

Her usually gentle voice was full of coldness at this moment, she leaned close to Yang Meng, the height difference brought huge pressure on her momentum, forcing Yang Meng to take a few steps back.

Lei Yu didn't continue to approach, but said coldly: "I'm afraid of trouble, so I'll just talk to you today to understand. You also know that I developed virtual reality technology some time ago, and it is currently protected by the state. An important person. So I hope that the school girl can avoid me in the future, and if we rush forward like this, I'm afraid we will cry behind bars when we meet again."

The last sentence of tears behind bars made Yang Meng's face suddenly show a few strands of horror. She thought of Hua Wei who had ruined the school's reputation before. She heard that Hua Wei was originally an idle assistant, but now she has been in prison It's been a few months and I still don't know when it will come out.

That's right, Xianyu is no longer the same as when I was welcoming the newcomers. Now Xianyu holds important patents and is protected by the state, but because of Xianyu's gentleness all the time, she thinks that she is nothing more than that, and provokes her everywhere, but she doesn't know She was just afraid of trouble and didn't bother to care about her, and just treated her like a clown for fun.

Now that this fun has annoyed her, she never wants to see her again, otherwise all that awaits her is a prison sentence!

(End of this chapter)

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