Chapter 301 Study Abroad
This kind of leisure finally made Yang Meng afraid, and she didn't dare to provoke her recklessly. She stammered and apologized to Xianyu: "Yes... I'm sorry, senior, I..."

Even though she knew she was afraid and her mentality had changed, she couldn't say anything more because she wanted to save face.

Fortunately, Xian Yu was not in the mood to listen to her apology, so he glanced at her condescendingly before turning around and leaving.That contemptuous look made Yang Meng feel humiliated. She still hated Xianyu secretly, but unfortunately she didn't have the guts to take revenge back. She could only look at Xianyu's back resentfully at the same spot, and turned around after she disappeared. leave.

Lei Yu returned to the box, Zhao Tian immediately went up to gossip and asked her excitedly: "Why are you chasing after me? Are you so angry that you went out and gave her a few slaps to teach her to be a man?"

Zhou Mei and Liu Jia were also very interested, and they all came over to listen to the after-event broadcast.

Lei Yu cast a grim look at them, "A gentleman knows what to say, but I'm not that kind of person."

"Then what the hell did you do? You can't chase her out to find love, can you?"

"I went out and gave her a warning, telling her to avoid me in the future, don't have nothing to do and hang around in front of my eyes, or I will send her to the prison to cry." Xianyu said.

All three of them stared wide-eyed, and stretched out their thumbs at the same time, the big boss is indeed a big boss, this is much more ruthless than slapping someone in the face!Tears behind bars?Are you moved?

Yang Meng: ...

Don't dare to move. Don't dare to move.

After Yang Meng left, the dinner party continued cheerfully. Without the spoiler, everyone had a good time.After dinner, they moved to KTV again. When the atmosphere was up, the group didn't care whether their voices were good or not, and they started howling when they went up, causing many passers-by to look at their boxes frequently.

People's voice can make people's ears pregnant, the people in this box are probably trying to make human beings extinct!
After the farewell party, the four of them completely broke away from their undergraduate careers and started their postgraduate courses.

But within two days of this class, Professor Qian called Lei Yu to the office.

"Professor Qian, are you looking for me?" Lei Yu knocked on the door and entered Professor Qian's office. Professor Qian seemed to have been waiting for her for a while, and when he saw her coming, he asked her to sit down.

"Sit down, I have something to tell you."

Professor Qian's expression was a little serious, and he thought it was a big deal in his spare time, so he couldn't help but mention it slightly.

"It's like this. Although I am your tutor, I think Q University is very good, but there are some things we have to be realistic. In the world, for the major of energy and power engineering, our Q University is really not ranked well."

"I discovered it when I took you to the Academy of Military Sciences before. Your kid is smart and has strong hands-on ability, but the system is too poor. You need to study systematically."

"Professor Qian, what do you mean?" Xian Yu felt that he understood a little bit, but at the same time he seemed to understand nothing.

"I mean, I suggest you go abroad for exchange and study." Professor Qian slowly expressed his thoughts.

Lei Yu was stunned, "Go abroad?" Is it Professor Qian's greatest wish to let her serve the motherland?Why do you still want her to study abroad?
Lei Yu asked his own doubts.

"There is no conflict between studying abroad and serving the motherland. So many seniors study abroad and then return to serve the motherland. With your ability, you can study abroad for a year at most before returning to serve the motherland." Professor Qian gave the spare time A look that I like about you.

Lei Yu's eyebrows twitched, she didn't have much resistance to studying abroad for a year, exchange students, but she couldn't make this decision without authorization, she had to go back and ask Father Yun and the others for their opinions.

"which school?"

"School m in country m, the energy and power engineering of school m is recognized as the number one, since you want to study abroad, go to the best school, then I will give you a letter of recommendation, based on your existing patents and papers ,completely fine."

"I think about it for two days?"

Studying abroad is not a trivial matter. It should be considered. Professor Qian readily agreed.

After returning to the dormitory, Lei Yu took the initiative to tell Zhou Mei and the others about Professor Qian's suggestion.

A few people suddenly wailed, "No way, what should we do if you leave?" Zhao Tian held Xianyu's hand, and their hearts were floating without Xianyu.

"I can do whatever I want, it doesn't matter if I wean you off, you have to let yourself grow up."

Hearing what Xianyu said, the faces of the three of them became even more bitter. Whose child is weaned as soon as he says so, isn't it all done step by step?And at the beginning, she had agreed to graduate and go to graduate school together early, but it turned out that she was going to go abroad as soon as they became graduate students. Isn't this a scam!
However, being able to go abroad for exchange and study is a rare opportunity for most people. They cannot selfishly force their spare time to stay because they cannot do without.

But they have never been separated from Xianyu. Now that they know that she may have to study abroad for a year, they can't suppress the reluctance and anxiety in their hearts.

In the end it was Zhou Mei who stood up, "Forget it, let's just pretend that you are going to research and develop some new technology for the country. It's just going abroad to study. The transportation is so developed these days, and it's just a matter of flying. Let's go and see you when the holidays are over." gone."

Zhou Mei's words made both Zhao Tian and Liu Jia suddenly realize, yes, it's not like they won't see each other in this year, they have money themselves, a plane trip, and a trip by the way, what a simple matter.

After thinking about it, the faces of the few people lost their reluctance, and instead waved their hands indifferently, "Okay, okay, study abroad, right? We know."

This ruthless look is full of fickleness and ungratefulness.

Lei Yu gave them a blank look, then packed up his things and went home, intending to ask Yun Zhu and Yu Die for their opinions.In fact, it's okay for the two of them to agree that they will definitely agree with her to study abroad. She is most worried about Ji Mo.

Originally, she spent less time with Ji Mo, and now she will spend less time with him when she goes abroad. Although he won't stop her, she can't feel at ease.

After I got home in my spare time, I mentioned it at the dinner table while everyone was having dinner together. Sure enough, except for being a little reluctant to part with her, everyone said that it was up to her to decide, and they all supported her decision.

"Actually, it's good to study abroad. At your age, you should go to see the atmosphere of different schools and experience the customs and customs of different countries." Yun Zhu said.

The second brother, Yunlu, simply taught him his life experience in country m during those few years.

"Country m is actually okay, but the law and order is not very good, but you don't have to worry about this. When the time comes, the second brother will find a female bodyguard who can fight for you to protect you. Also, the food abroad is really terrible, so you don't have to worry about it. Don't worry, Second Brother will prepare a cook for you to take abroad with you."

(End of this chapter)

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