Chapter 339
The three of them were idle for a few days at the beginning of the research and development, but were then summoned by Professor Mosen to assign tasks.

Once a project is really busy, it is no exaggeration to describe it as busy.

In his spare time, he leaves early and returns late every day, and he doesn't even have time to write his thesis. Ji Mo feels sorry for her busy life, but there is nothing he can do, he can't help.

I can only feed them viciously, and by the way: "I hope our idle scientist can contribute less to the country after returning to China, and leave more time for your boyfriend."

Lei Yu was stunned: "Is this what our Second Battalion Commander said?"

When it comes to dedicating to the country, who can give as much as Ji Mo, but now he actually asks her to dedicate less to the country instead.

"Why, I can't say that?" Ji Mo's eyes narrowed, revealing danger in his eyes.

Idle seconds counseled: "Yes, yes, of course."

In fact, this time she participated in the research and development of the Princess with Professor Mosen. Although she was busy, she actually mostly completed the tasks assigned by Professor Mosen step by step. Not as much effort as I did at the Academy of Military Sciences with Professor Qian.

When it comes to the reason, of course it is because it is not something of her own country, and she is not the chief designer to develop it, so she does not need to spend too much effort.

But even if she fishes in troubled waters, troubles still come to her.

"Miss Xianyu, our Master Angel invites you to visit his office."

Someone knocked on the door of Xian Yu's office, and without waiting for Lei Yu to say anything, he opened the door very rudely.She was alone in the office at this time, and Jonathan and Charlie both missed classes today.

"I'm not free, I won't go." Xian Yu refused directly with a cold face.

She has been here for about half a month, and with Charlie, a gossip senior, she has almost heard the gossip she should hear.

The current chairman of the Royal Cruise Lines is Walter Cooper, who has a son and a daughter, Angel Cooper and Cynthia Cooper.

Speaking of the tense atmosphere between Angel and Cynthia, people who don't know must be able to think that one of them must be an illegitimate child or a child born to an ex-wife.

But it's not the case, the two are real brothers and sisters, like a parent.

And the reason why they are so tit-for-tat is also very simple, but it is for the company's inheritance rights.

Walter Cooper is a very patriarchal person. In his heart, only sons can inherit the company.

His attitude also indirectly affected his wife, which caused his wife to be extra doting on Angel, and unknowingly raised Angel.

On the contrary, Cynthia, who was not spoiled and grew up, has grown up very well. She is studying business administration at M University and is about to obtain an MBA degree at M University. This is why she appeared in Professor Mosen's office that day. Everyone turned out to be one school.

Although Cynthia hadn't been favored, she hadn't been abused either.Because of Angel's lack of talent, Walter actually still likes Cynthia, a daughter who can win glory for him.

It's just that this love often gives way when meeting Angel.

Such a growing environment has formed Cynthia's indifferent and awkward character, as well as her temper of not admitting defeat.

In terms of the company's inheritance rights, she refused to give in to Angel for the first time, and other directors in the company did prefer the excellent Cynthia, so she was not completely helpless.

Considering the company's future development, Walter didn't make concessions for Angel in a dazed way this time, but handed over the Princess project to Cynthia, letting her prove her strength.

Of course, Walter actually has another purpose. He not only wants to use this project to let Cynthia prove his strength, but he also wants to use it to motivate his son Angel, hoping that he can feel the crisis and work hard.

But his purpose obviously failed. Judging from Angel's condescending prestige on the day they first arrived, Walter's son is really a real idiot. The play of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger does not apply to Angel. you.

But real idiots often have unexpected times, such as now.

The person Angel sent to invite Xianyu over was a tall man, with a height of over 1.7 meters, Xianyu looked very petite in front of the other party, only reaching the other party's shoulders.

Hearing Xianyu's refusal, the other party didn't waver, saying: "That's up to you." He walked straight towards her, obviously wanting to force her there.

She wanted to avoid him, but the office was only a little big, and the other party grabbed her arm with a twist, and then pulled her hard, pulling her in front of her, and her waist also hit him during the dragging process. When she reached the corner of the desk, the man had great strength. The collision caused her physical tears to soar, and she was so painful that she couldn't stand up, let alone resist.

Of course, her resistance is probably useless. In the face of absolute power, her struggle is futile.

The man directly pulled her out of the office. After leaving the office, he discovered that there were two burly men who were about the same size as the person pulling her standing at the door of her office.

They had a heated argument just now, and there were already many people around the office at the moment. She thought that when these people saw her being forcibly taken away, someone would come out to stop her, but she was disappointed. Someone was about to move, but in the end it was Did not stand out.

Trembling with leisurely anger, in the public, with so many people watching, Angel was able to act boldly and forcibly kidnap someone, what difference is this from kidnapping!
"Go call Professor Mosen! I'm Professor Mosen's student!"

One of the burly men laughed arrogantly when he heard Xianyu's yelling: "Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Miss Cynthia and Professor Mosen went to the shipyard for inspection today."

I was shocked, no wonder Angel dared to send someone over to take her captive.

She doesn't expect these onlookers to come out to save her now. Judging from the expressions of those people, such an act of forcibly abducting people should have happened more than once, so those people are eager to move but they don't dare to say anything.

Presumably the person who came out to stop him before is no longer in this company.

But she also didn't dare to accept her fate just like that. Thinking of the way Angel looked at her that day, if she was kidnapped like this today, one can imagine what would happen to her.

She could only delay the time as much as possible. When the man dragged her just now, she had already pressed the emergency button on the watch, but she didn't point the electric shock needle on him. Otherwise, this burly man would have fallen down. twitched.

Her watch can only stun two people at most, there are three big men here, even if she stuns two of them, she still can't escape.

Later, at Ji Mo's request, her watch was modified so that it could not only send the location directly to the police, but also send it to Ji Mo.

Now the police associated with her watch are far across the ocean, and Ji Mo is the only one she can rely on.

(End of this chapter)

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