Chapter 340
But how can she delay the time, there are so many people here, none of them can stand up to help her, with her strength, she can be dragged away by these three big men, what should she do.

Before she could figure out why, the big man who was holding her had already dragged her away. Even if she didn't want to, no matter how hard she struggled, she was still dragged far away, and after a while, she was dragged directly into the elevator.

Like Cynthia, Angel's office is on the 33rd floor, the top floor.

The three big men directly carried her to Angel's office, where Angel happened to be sitting at his desk and writing pens.

"Yo, did you invite someone here so soon?"

Angel looked at Xianyu with a naked gaze, from head to toe, without missing a single place, and when his gaze swept across her face, he stayed there for several seconds.

She had seen this kind of lewd and blatant gaze before, when she was kidnapped by someone ordered by Mu Ying, and she never thought that she would encounter such a thing as kidnapping a second time.

"Okay, you guys go out." Angel waved the three big guys out.

And the reason why he dared to do this was simply because of the natural strength gap between men and women. Although his body was not as strong as the iron towers of the three big men, he still had an advantage over Lei Yu.

And in his eyes, Xianyu is just a weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken, and he can easily deal with it by himself.

The three big men didn't show any extra concern when they heard what he said. They had seen this kind of thing a lot, so they pushed their spare time on the sofa in the office, went out by themselves, and took it with them thoughtfully. Door.

Idle Yu clutched his still sore waist, lying on the sofa panting for breath.She struggled too hard just now, and she is exhausted now.

But fortunately, there is no such thing as a path, and Angel, the idiot, actually let those three big guys go out. She couldn't deal with the three big guys, but she was fine with one Angel.

Seeing Angel approaching step by step, I was still thinking about delaying for a while, otherwise she would stun Angel later, and it would be bad for the three bodyguards outside to come in to check if there was no movement inside. The door couldn't stop the three people from kicking it a few times.

"I am a student of Professor Mosen, who was invited by Miss Cynthia to help develop the engine of the Princess cruise ship. Are you afraid that Miss Cynthia and Professor Moson will hold you accountable for doing this!" Idle asked, hoping to use Cynthia and Professor Mosen's name frightened Angel.

But she was disappointed. The reason why the idiot is an idiot is because he has no scruples in doing things, otherwise he wouldn't have the audacity to kidnap her here.

Hearing her questioning, Angel suddenly laughed up and down.

"Haha, little beauty, don't you still count on that trashy Cynthia to save you?"

His words were full of contempt for Cynthia, and he didn't take her seriously at all.

"I advise you to save yourself this thought. I believe you have heard a lot of rumors in the company, so you should know that no matter how hard Cynthia works, this company will be mine. Her current efforts are nothing but It's just working for me, so you still expect her to save you? She can't even protect herself."

If it wasn't for the old man, he would have cleaned it up long ago.

As for siblings?Don't be kidding, dare stand in front of him and compete with him for the company, and expect him to think of brother and sister?Anyone who dares to snatch something from him is his enemy!
If the old man didn't want to pass on the company to him, he could even kill the old man.

"As for your tutor, Professor Mosen?" Angel snorted contemptuously: "It's just a university professor, even if he is famous in the industry, what can he do to me? Little beauty, my young master is in a good mood today, and I will teach you a truth. The world serves capital, and without capital there is nothing.”

"No matter how famous your mentor is, isn't he still invited by Cynthia to design the Princess?"

Idle Yu didn't expect this idiot to have some insights, he was right, the world really serves capital.

If she was just an ordinary girl who was bullied by him today, it was up to Cynthia to uphold justice for her given that Cynthia was in a difficult situation.

Professor Mosen has the temperament to uphold justice for students, but in the end he is just a professor, what can he do against Angel?Using public opinion to let Angel go to jail for a few years, and then come out and continue to do evil?
As long as the Royal Cruise Lines survived, and as long as Walter Cooper was still in power, nothing would happen to Angel, and he might not even have to go to jail for a few years.

"But I'm not from country M, and my family is also powerful in China. Are you not afraid that my family will trouble you?"

Hearing this, Angel laughed even more arrogantly, "Is your family more powerful and powerful than the Cooper family?"

"Of course, if your family is really powerful, even comparable to the Cooper family, then that would be great. Don't you Huaguo always insist that women should stick to each other? If you become my woman, by the time At that time, I directly asked your parents to marry you, wouldn't it be a good idea to have a strong marriage?"

In fact, the latter was just Angel's joke. In his heart, Xianyu was just an ordinary foreign student. As for what Xianyu said about her family being powerful, he didn't believe it at all. He thought it was just Xianyu. bluffing.

It's the easiest way to deal with this kind of foreign students who have nothing to rely on. They can't even make a wave after eating and wiping it off.

I want to say something more in my spare time, but Angel has already approached her, "You don't need to waste time wasting time, your savior Cynthia and Professor Mosen won't be back until the afternoon, you should be obedient Well, lest I hurt you later."

After lying idle for a while, her physical strength has recovered a lot, and there is no fluctuation in hearing Angel's words. She has never counted on Cynthia and Professor Mosen. One is a weak woman like her, and the other is an old man over half a century old. , if you really come, you can only give it as a gift.

Estimating the time, Jimo should be here soon. When she was bullying Angel, she took advantage of his inattention and aimed the shock needle on the watch that had been stored for a long time at Angel.

Angel fell on Xianyu before he could cry out.

She pushed Angel away from her body with great effort, and Angel fell to the ground with a bang, and was so frightened that he quickly raised his eyes to look at the door.

Fortunately, there was no movement at the door.

She strenuously stood up, leaned against the wall, walked to the door, and gently locked the door. Although the door could not resist the bodyguards for a long time, it could resist for a while, as long as she dragged it until Jimo came It's safe.

 Push the new book "The Daily Life of the Host of the Opera Master as a Demon"

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(End of this chapter)

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