Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 374 During the Press Conference

Chapter 374 During the Press Conference

Next, everyone at the press conference and watching the live broadcast witnessed a miracle.

In order to hold this press conference and demonstrate the wormhole technology to the world, they specially opened two miniature wormhole doors in the venues of city b and city g.

With the help of the staff, Lu Peifeng took over a puppy wearing something similar to a spacesuit, and then a few burly men lifted up a device half the height of a person.

The audience fell silent, watching Lu Peifeng operate the device intently.Under the witness of everyone, Lu Peifeng pressed a button on the device.

As soon as the button was pressed, a dark hole slightly larger than the dog appeared in front of the device.

They couldn't see what was on the other side of the hole, because the inside of the hole seemed to absorb all light, and they couldn't see anything but darkness.

And everyone present can swear on their lives that they never blinked. This hole was really created out of thin air, just like magic.

After the wormhole door was opened, Lu Peifeng raised the obedient puppy in his hand, and finally showed it to everyone. After the show, he sent the puppy into the black hole in full view.

Everyone just watched Lu Peifeng's movements helplessly, with their hearts raised in their throats, for fear that they would see the scene where the puppy was instantly crushed into a puddle of mud by the huge pressure, and then blood splashed on the spot.

Fortunately, what they were worried about did not happen. The puppy disappeared into the dark hole.

"Next is the time to witness the miracle. Please watch the big screen." Lu Peifeng drew everyone's attention from the wormhole entrance to the big screen behind him.

Behind him is the live broadcast of the press conference in City G. While they were putting a puppy into the wormhole door, Zhou Jinsheng in City G was doing exactly the same operation. What they were doing today was a game. Two-way transmission.

Hearing Lu Peifeng's voice, everyone followed his instructions and looked at the big screen. On the big screen, there was the same device in front of Zhou Jinsheng as in front of Lu Peifeng. At this time, the device was turned on. The black hole stood there quietly, like a big mouth that swallowed everything.

While everyone was watching nervously, there was a slight fluctuation at the entrance of the cave, and then the puppy, which was in the hands of Lu Peifeng a few seconds ago, unexpectedly appeared in the hands of Zhou Jinsheng in G City!
Lu Peifeng thought that seeing such a shocking scene, the scene would explode, but he didn't hear any movement.He looked away from the screen, turned around and realized that everyone was already staring blankly, and couldn't even think about talking.

Lu Peifeng nodded in satisfaction, this reaction is still acceptable.

After receiving the ignorant puppy coming out of the black hole on the screen last week, Jinsheng also showed it to everyone, so that everyone can confirm that it is the one in Lu Peifeng's hand.

After confirming, he handed the puppy to the staff and took another puppy from him. Since it was a two-way transmission, naturally he had to send something over.

In order to make everyone believe in their experiments, they specially chose live animal experiments. Two different puppies can also gag some people who do not want to admit it.

The subsequent operation was no different from that of Lu Peifeng. Everyone watched dumbly as the dog teleported from City G to their eyes within a few seconds. The black hole didn't look like a wormhole, but more like a teleportation array.

After receiving Zhou Jinsheng's dog, today's experiment is considered a complete success.

Lu Peifeng turned off the big screen, quietly waiting for the audience to recover, and also waiting for a new round of question bombardment.

Sure enough, more violent questions than before came in waves one after another. Those scholars and reporters didn't even care about order, and whoever grabbed the microphone would own it.

And there are more and more questions about the core technology, and Idle has changed from being emotionally replying at the beginning to being the same without comment.

The press conference lasted for seven hours, from ten in the morning to six in the afternoon, no one asked for a meal in the middle, and everyone just went on like this until five o'clock, when Lu Peifeng forcibly announced the press conference stop here.

There are still people who are unwilling to do so and insist on extending the press conference.Lu Peifeng turned a deaf ear to this, he was about to starve to death.

After this press conference, Lei Yu finally ushered in a short break. The reason for the short break is that there are still many problems waiting for her to solve in the later stage, such as the establishment address and construction distance of the wormhole gate. to be perfect.

And although she was free, Lu Peifeng was extremely busy.

Invitations from various countries to seek cooperation came one after another, and some malicious people insisted that they were skeptical of the experiment at the press conference. After all, no one personally checked the equipment from the beginning to the end because of such a long distance.

Maybe Huaguo used existing technology to create a magic trick to fool the public.

And the way to convince them is very simple, there are two sets of equipment, give them one, and let them go back to their own country and China to conduct a two-way transmission experiment, so that they will believe it.

How can Lu Peifeng not know what these people are up to, they just want to use this excuse to get a piece of equipment. As for whether they will conduct two-way transmission experiments with Huaguo after getting it, it is hard to say, but they will take the equipment back and disassemble it Research is a sure thing.

In fact, even if the equipment is in their hands, Lu Peifeng is not worried. Even if they dismantle the equipment into pieces, they can't research anything.

But there are some problems that cannot be used to. Why do you say that you want to take the equipment back for experiments, and Huaguo has to give the equipment with both hands.

If you don't believe it, then don't believe it, say it arrogantly, believe it or not.

Now Huaguo is a supply-side market, and the supply is in short supply. There is no shortage of such one or two partners who only want to be empty-handed and white wolves.

If you want to cooperate at this time, you must fight for strength, relationship and sincerity.

But the initiative of cooperation is always not in their own hands. For some countries, this is tantamount to handing the knife to others, and they have no sense of security.

So while seeking cooperation, they are also asking who is the main developer of the wormhole technology. If they can find the main developer, then they don't need to cooperate.

This is actually not difficult to inquire about. After all, there are many people with mixed opinions. As long as you are willing to spend money and want to find out, there is no way you can't find out.

So Lei Yu was once again exposed to the eyes of the public.

Of course, only the name has no video data, and now all the video data about Xianyu on the Internet have disappeared completely.

Even so, it was shocking.

The Internet has memory. Many people find this name familiar. After searching the Internet, they found that the name Xianyu is exactly the same as the name of the developer of virtual reality technology.

It is impossible to have the same name, which means that these two people are actually the same person.

The already uproarious netizens suddenly became even more sensational.

[However, I am uneducated, so I can say a word of shit. ]
[At this time, apart from shit, I don’t have any words to express my feelings. ]
[My mother asked me why I was kneeling and playing with my mobile phone, because my legs were weak and I couldn't stand up. ]
[Kneeling is nothing, I step on my stomach! ]
[Is that human being?A virtual reality technology is already an achievement that many scientists can show off for a lifetime, but she has something even better. ]
[What's even more powerful is that it is said that this scientist is only 22 this year. ]
[22 Seriously? ]
[I used to think that all the geniuses in the world were reasonable, but now I don’t think so. ]
[Let me open my mind, maybe this is not the technology given to her by aliens, right? ]

Online discussions have little effect on Xianyu, everyone only knows her name, not her appearance, and no one knows her when she goes out.

But that being said, she still wasn't out wandering.

Netizens don't know what she looks like, but it doesn't mean that some interested people don't know what she looks like.It's quite dangerous for her to go out now, let alone her own danger, and add danger to Jimo and his teammates.

So she is as safe as she can be.

I love you even if I'm not bored. I have nothing to do with Ji Mo, drink afternoon tea with Zhou Mei and the others, and deal with some difficult and miscellaneous diseases sent by Lu Peifeng, as if I have stepped into old age ahead of schedule.

Such days lasted for a while, and her limelight was diverted by another event that also attracted the attention of the whole world.

Hongtu Research Institute announced that it has developed a drug that can effectively inhibit the malignant proliferation of white blood cells. In other words: leukemia can be saved.

Once the news was announced, it was also a global sensation.

Some well-known foreign Internet celebrities expressed their doubts on their social networking sites: Is this year Huaguo their birthright? Why are they so lucky, and great inventions come one after another.

Some domestic netizens who have circumvented the wall saw these remarks and took pains to refute this Internet celebrity word by word.

[We are called thick and thin hair, relying not on luck, but on strength! ]
The internet celebrity has a lot of popularity on social networking sites, so her post got a lot of likes.And the netizen who answered her is not an internet celebrity, but the number of likes is not less than the number of likes of an internet celebrity.

Those likes were all piled up one by one by other netizens who overcame the wall.

The media with domestic good deeds reprinted this incident to the domestic market, which immediately aroused a lot of support.

Later, this article was reprinted by Hua Guo's official media, and it was accompanied by: There is no such thing as luck, we rely on strength.such text.

As soon as the official media makes a move, they will know whether there is any. In a short period of time, the national pride of all Chinese people has risen to the peak.

They have never understood better than now that Huaguo is really rising!

After a long period of separation, the Yun family finally sat together neatly again. You must know that before this, they had been separated even during Chinese New Year.

And there is one more person in this neat family, and that is Ji Mo.

His mission is to protect Xianyu personally, and the mission is not over yet, so it is impossible for him to leave Xianyu.

Yun Zhu, as always, disliked him, but knew that he was on a mission, so he didn't show any embarrassment to him. After all, it was for Yinyin's personal safety, and what should be understood was still to be understood.

Yu Die is the happiest when everyone gathers like this. She suggested with a smile: "It's hard for the whole family to gather together. Let's have a good meal together in the evening. It's a belated reunion dinner."

This is not so much a proposal as a notification.So naturally everyone has no opinion, just follow Academician Yu, this is the empress dowager in the family, except for the eldest princess Xianyu, no one else can disobey her.

After issuing the notice, Yu Die quietly said to Yun Mu, "Call Zhou Mei and invite her to our house for dinner."

Yu Die felt that she really broke her heart because of Yun Mu. Although she already knew that Zhou Mei and Yun Mu were boyfriend and girlfriend, Yun Mu never formally brought Zhou Mei to them. Calculated Minglu.

It's fine if you haven't passed the Ming Road, the boyfriend and girlfriend are even more busy than the other, and the chances of seeing each other are rare, if you ask her to say, how can you get along with each other so deeply.

Yun Mu understood what Yu Die meant, she wanted him to bring Zhou Mei to meet his parents.

Yun Mu hesitated for a while and nodded.

It is true that he and Zhou Mei haven't seen each other for a long time. Both of them are busy with experiments and usually communicate by mobile phone. Although they understand each other, it is undeniable that he misses his little girl.

It is unavoidable for the two of them to get together less and stay away more often. In this case, some things need to be confirmed. It is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. In such a busy time today, it would be good to bring Zhou Mei to confirm the identity formally. Anyway, she Has met all his family and his family loves her too.

Thinking of this, Yun Mu turned around and went upstairs to his room to call Zhou Mei.

After a while, he changed his clothes again and prepared to go out with the car keys.

Seeing Yun Mu's movements, Xian Yu asked curiously, "Where is Big Brother going?"

Yun Mu smiled and said, "Go and pick your sister-in-law to eat at home."

This answer made Xianyu stunned, and it took him a long time to realize who Yun Mu was talking about, and at this time Yun Mu could no longer see anyone.

"Is my brother going to pick up Zhou Mei?" Lei Yu asked Ji Mo beside him in a daze.

Ji Mo rubbed her head and nodded, sighing in his heart, Yun Mu has already brought his girlfriend to meet the parents formally, when will he marry Lei Yu home.

Thinking about it, he raised his head to look at Father Yun, only to meet Yun Zhu's eyes, Yun Zhu was looking at his hand on Yu Yu's head.

Ji Mo withdrew his gaze without changing his face, continued to masturbate twice before retracting his hand.

This blatant action made Yun Zhu angry, but for some reason, he didn't say anything, just snorted disdainfully.

Forget it, for the sake of the kid's sincerity, let him groan, Yun Zhu thought a little sadly.

A father can't get used to his son-in-law, but for young people, as long as Jimo is sincerely good to Yinyin and doesn't let her down, he still has to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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