Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 375 Meng An and Meng Ya Visit

Chapter 375 Meng An and Meng Ya Visit
Lei Yu has no objection to Yun Mu picking up Zhou Mei. After all, everyone is busy, and things like meeting parents rarely take time when everyone is free. Choosing a day is worse than hitting a day. Today is a good day.

But the problem is that it came too suddenly, she didn't prepare anything, although she and Zhou Mei are roommates and have a good relationship, but she came to Yun's house today, in identity as sister-in-law, she hasn't prepared the meeting ceremony yet.

"Mom, are you ready for the meeting ceremony?" Xian Yu asked Academician Yu.

Yu Die nodded: "It's already ready."

She was ready when she knew that Yun Mu and Zhou Mei were married.

Seeing Xianyu's slightly shocked expression, she knew the reason after thinking about it, nodded her forehead and said, "Don't worry, I'll prepare your share for you."

Before I was free, I was busy with research and development, so I didn't have time to prepare gifts, so she prepared them for her.

Leisurely relieved now, he hugged Yu Die's arm coquettishly: "Thank you, Mom."

Ji Mo looked a little jealous, Xianyu had never acted like a spoiled child to him before.

But in front of his mother-in-law, he dared not have any opinion. In this family, the mother-in-law has the final say.

Yu Die and his daughter warmed up for a while, then glanced at Yunlu from the corner of his eye, and coldly called out: "Yunlu, look, your eldest brother has brought his girlfriend back to meet his parents, when can you bring a girl to him?" Let me see?"

As soon as Yunlu ate the fruit, he knew it!He just knew it!
After the elder brother passed, it should be him, and he couldn't escape.

"Mom, don't worry, this girlfriend will come when she should."

Yu Di snorted angrily and remained silent. Compared to Yun Mu, Yun Lu really felt a lot more at ease.

The main reason is that Yun Mu has a cold temper, and never takes the initiative to contact girls, and ordinary girls dare not approach her, and Yun Mu is also indifferent to dating, so she urged Yun Mu before. Mu is looking for a girlfriend.

But Yunlu's temperament is getting more out of character, and there are quite a few girls who like Yunlu, but he hasn't got the hang of it, and it is estimated that when he gets the hang of it, a girlfriend will be within reach.

Everyone was chatting, time passed unknowingly, and Yun Mu also came back with Zhou Mei.

Xian Yu took a closer look, Zhou Mei must have been dressed up, seeing Xian Yu's scrutinizing eyes, she blushed in embarrassment.

When Yu Die saw Zhou Mei, he became very enthusiastic immediately, and forgot about his daughter, Xian Yu, which made Zhou Mei even more embarrassed.

In the end Zhou Mei sat beside her, probably because she felt that she could barely give her a sense of security, Yun Mu had no choice but to sit on the other side of Zhou Mei.

In fact, it is a formal meeting, everyone has met before, it's just that the identities were different at that time.

Yu Die took out the meeting gift that he had prepared a long time ago, and Zhou Mei accepted it without any refusal, which made Academician Yu even more satisfied.

Accepting it directly means that she has confirmed the identity of Yun Mu's girlfriend, and the two of them will live a lifetime.

The embarrassment was only at the beginning, after all, there was still time to spare, and after a while, Zhou Mei was already at ease.

It's just that this comfort didn't last long.

The housekeeper came in to report that there was a guest, and it was the two ladies of the Meng family.

The smile on Yu Die's face froze for a moment. At this moment, Meng An and Meng Ya felt a little embarrassed when they came over, but she couldn't turn people away, that would be too rude.

"Please come in." It was Yun Mu who spoke.

Yu Die saw that Yun Mu himself looked natural, so he didn't worry about it at all. The person involved didn't care, so why was she so embarrassed.

Xian Yu also knew about Meng An's feelings for Yun Mu, but Yun Mu's indifference was also obvious, but Meng An seemed unwilling to give up.

It happened that Zhou Mei was here today, and if she saw Zhou Mei, she might be able to completely give up.

The housekeeper invited Meng An and Meng Ya in as promised.

As soon as the two came in, they noticed two more strangers from the Yun family, Ji Mo and Zhou Mei.

Meng An is also working at the Hongtu Research Institute. This time, it was Meng Ya who heard from her that Yun Mu and Yun Lu's research had been completed, and specially twisted her to come over to celebrate, so the two of them also carried two bottles of red wine in their hands.

It's just that they didn't expect that the Yun family already had guests, so it seemed that they came at the wrong time.

But who is Meng Ya? She is the most capable of pretending to be stupid. She seemed to have forgotten all the unpleasantness before, and passed the red wine to the housekeeper as if nothing had happened, and said to Yu Die with a smile: "Aunt Die, I know that Brother Yun and Brother Yun’s research and development has been successful, so my sister and I specially brought two bottles of red wine for you to celebrate.”

Yu Di replied indifferently: "You guys have a heart."

It didn't say anything about leaving people for a light meal, which was a bit embarrassing.

Meng Ya didn't seem to feel the embarrassment, and asked Yu Die curiously: "Aunt Die has guests at home, who are these two?"

Hearing her question, Yu Die laughed, and introduced to her and Meng An: "This one, it's Jimo, Yinyin's boyfriend." After speaking, he pointed to Zhou Mei and said, "This is Yinyin's roommate, It's called Zhou Mei, and she's also Yun Mu's girlfriend."

When they knew that Ji Mo was Xianyu's boyfriend, Meng An and Meng Ya were okay, but the expressions on their faces were a little surprised, but when they heard that Zhou Mei was Yun Mu's girlfriend, the expressions on their faces suddenly changed. changed.

Meng An, in particular, turned pale instantly.

"This... this is Yun Mu's girlfriend? Why don't I know when it happened?" Meng An asked with a blank face.

Now Yu Die didn't answer anymore, she glanced at Yun Mu and signaled him to settle his own affairs.

Yun Mu received Academician Yu's gaze, smiled helplessly, squeezed Zhou Mei's hand beside him and said, "It's been a while."

Meng An felt that he could still speak now, so he was really strong.She has liked Yun Mu for so many years and guarded him for so many years, and she has never seen a woman other than him by his side.

She thought that sooner or later she would be able to see the moonlight when the clouds opened, but what happened?
Yun Mu was taken away by another woman at some point, and she didn't even know about it at all.

If Xiaoya hadn't twisted her to come to Yun's house to celebrate today, she might not know until Yun Mu's wedding invitation was delivered to her.

But this is too unreasonable, obviously her eyes have never moved away from Yun Mu, he is doing experiments in Hongtu besides doing experiments in Hongtu, if he has a girlfriend, how could she not know about it.

She didn't quite believe this fact, and asked with a trembling voice: "You lied to me, haven't you been busy in research and development in the laboratory?"

Zhou Mei also saw that something was wrong at this time, this is not a question that a visitor would ask, and what is this heartbroken expression?It's like someone failed her.

Zhou Mei looked suspiciously at Xian Yu beside her, and Xian Yu gave her a look that you guessed right.

After understanding this look, the corners of Zhou Mei's mouth twitched slightly. It turned out that she thought that the blood in their lives had been taken up by leisure, but she didn't expect that she would have a day of blood.

She doesn't doubt Yun Mu, after all, Yun Mu's temperament is there, if this woman has a show, there will be nothing wrong with her.

She sat quietly and left it to Yun Mu.

Yun Mu replied to Meng An indifferently: "Why did I lie to you?" The implication was that it was neither relative nor old, so why did I lie to you.

Meng An was stimulated by Yun Mu's answer and staggered back two steps, but she couldn't get any answer she wanted from Yun Mu, so she set her eyes on Zhou Mei.

She wanted to see what kind of woman could make Yun Mu's heart flutter.

After a closer look, I found that the other party was actually very beautiful. Although she was not as beautiful as the leisure around her, she was indeed more beautiful than herself.

But Yun Mu is not a person who looks at his face. If his face alone can make him fall, then he is not Yun Mu.

Meng An asked Zhou Mei in an almost blunt tone: "I don't know what family background Ms. Zhou is?"

This blunt tone directly made everyone present black-faced, especially Yu Die and Yun Mu.

Yu Die calmly said, "Meng An, you are too rude!"

It was not Meng An's turn to question her daughter-in-law.

And today she asked Yun Mu to bring Zhou Mei to meet her parents. If her future mother-in-law did not defend Zhou Mei, Zhou Mei would definitely be disappointed.

She still likes Zhou Mei very much, she is pretty and kind-hearted, her family background is good, she is calm, and the most important thing is that she and Yinyin are still such good friends.

In short, in her opinion, everything is an advantage.

But Meng An turned a deaf ear to Yu Die's words, and looked at Zhou Mei firmly, wanting to get an answer from her, why not her but this Zhou Mei?She is not as good as this Zhou Mei.

On weekdays, Meng An would never be so rude, but today's incident hit her too hard and too suddenly, so that she lost her usual calmness and reason.

Zhou Mei saw that Meng An had been looking at her, as if he would not give up until he got an answer from her, so she returned her leisurely: "Miss Meng seems to be very curious about my family background, but it's a pity that my family background is very ordinary. My father is in the army, and my mother is the president of Yingjie Technology, so I'm afraid she won't be able to catch Miss Meng's eyes."

After speaking, Zhou Mei shivered, and at the same time, she heard two obvious laughter from her ears, one was from Yunmu, and the other was from Idle.

Zhou Mei ignored Yun Mu, but gave Xian Yu a small roll of her eyes, she knew what Xian Yu was laughing at, it was just that the tone of her words copied Xian Yu.

I used to say this when I was talking to those blind white lotus and green tea whores. I have to say that although it is a bit pretentious, I feel really ecstatic when I say this.

How to put it in that sentence, it's cool to be cool at one time, and cool all the time.

Hearing Zhou Mei's answer, Meng An searched her family background in her mind. She didn't know her father who was in the army, but her mother was the president of Yingjie Technology, which impressed her more.

So it's the lady from Yingjie Technology? She smiled bitterly. This family background is indeed better than her Meng family.

She is well aware that the Meng family's success depends entirely on the Yun family.

Her father is just an ordinary researcher in Hongtu, and there are too many such researchers in Hongtu. If her father hadn't accidentally helped Mr. Yun block a cup of corrosive reagent, the Meng family and the Yun family would have nothing to do with each other.

She can't compete with her family background, so what about her strength?
"Miss Zhou is modest. I don't know what job Miss Zhou is doing now?"

As if to prove something, Meng An asked about his family background and asked about his job. Such ignorant behavior made everyone's face black again and again.

Doesn't Meng An know how ugly his face is now?She knew it, but after so many years of persistence, she had to ask for an answer.

Fortunately, Zhou Mei also had leisure time, Meng An asked her kindly and answered her kindly.

"I haven't graduated yet. I'm currently studying at Q University, and I occasionally do research and development with my spare time."

"Oh? What research and development?"

"It's not a great research and development, it's the previous wormhole technology."

"Pfft..., cough cough." Finally, Xian Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Emma, ​​she didn't feel it when she said this before, but now that she said it from someone else, she realized that she was so pretentious before, and she was ashamed.

Ji Mo patted her on the back helplessly, with an obvious smile on his lips.

Lei Yu's laugh seemed to break some deadlock, and Meng An came back to his senses, realizing how rude and embarrassing he was just now.

In terms of family background, she can't compare to Zhou Mei, and in terms of strength, Zhou Mei is not inferior to her in the slightest.

The most important thing is... Yun Mu didn't give her a single glance from the beginning to the end. His gaze was always focused on Zhou Mei, and the inconspicuous affection in his eyes was a brilliance she had never seen before.

So far she still doesn't understand, maybe she didn't lose to Zhou Mei, she lost to Yun Mu, if Yun Mu doesn't like her, then everything she did was useless.

Fortunately, she thought that as long as she persisted, she would become Mrs. Yun sooner or later.

Meng An picked up her last self-esteem, bowed to Yu Die and said, "I'm sorry, Aunt Die, I was rude, Xiaoya and I will leave first, and we will come to apologize at another day."

As he said, he wanted to leave Meng Ya, but Meng Ya was not very willing to leave.

"Sister, I haven't seen Auntie Die for a long time, you can go back by yourself first, I'll go back after playing at Auntie Die's house for a while."

Meng Ya was very upset, she was so provoked that she lost her manners, why did she drag her along, she finally saw Yunlu, and she left without saying a word, then she didn't come in vain .

How could Meng An not understand Meng Ya's careful thinking, but she just now realized that her younger sister, who had been in pain for so many years, didn't take her seriously or cared about her at all.

My sister has just experienced such a thing, but she only has people she likes in her eyes.

Meng An couldn't help but reflect on whether she had failed too much in life. People in Hongtu also talked a lot about her. She knew all of this, but she just pretended not to hear it.

"No need, you go back first, it's not convenient at home today." Yu Di frowned and rejected Meng Ya.

The two children of the Meng family are more ignorant of etiquette than the other. The older one is understandable, but the younger one is really heartless.

Yu Die's refusal made Meng Ya a bit embarrassed, she subconsciously acted like a baby: "Aunt Die~, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Die refused again: "Hurry up and go back with your sister, our family is going to have a reunion dinner today, it is not suitable for outsiders to be around."

What she said was obvious, she directly classified Meng Ya as an outsider, and Meng Ya also understood the meaning, no matter how thick-skinned she was, she was too embarrassed to stay.

I could only leave with a blushing face: "Aunt Die, I will come to see you next time."

Yu Di hummed lightly, without any extra words.

(End of this chapter)

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