Chapter 382 Another Party
Xian Yu walked straightforwardly, but Su Lian behind him almost gritted his teeth, looking at Xian Yu's back was like a poisonous snake, bleeding from hatred.

But Idle, who thought this matter should be over now, received a summons from the dean of the Department of Computer Science the next day. At that time, she was shopping with Ji Mo. The news was conveyed by Professor Yu, saying that their dean Want to chat with her.

Lei Yu guessed that the dean should just want to know about Teacher Xiao Dong, so he agreed.

After receiving Lei Yu's consent, turning around, the dean called her and asked when she would be free. She seemed very eager, and knowing that she was free now, she even asked to meet immediately.

She felt a little strange, was the dean in a hurry?But it was strange, she agreed, and the place was in a teahouse outside the school.

"It seems that this dish can't be bought anymore." Idle Yu spread his hands, with a bit of a snicker on his face.

Yesterday when she and Ji Mo were watching a movie, they made a random bet. The loser had to cook today, and unfortunately she was the one who lost.

Now it's all right, the dean of the Department of Computer Science asked her out, and if she couldn't buy this dish, she couldn't cook it either.

Ji Mo rubbed the slender fingers in his hands, and said with a smile: "It's okay, we will have a long life."

As we all know, Tomorrow is a verb. He will keep in mind what she owes him, and he can pay it back slowly in other ways in the future.

Leisurely pulled her hand out of Ji Mo's hand uncomfortably, she always felt that Ji Mo's future boss had bad intentions.

"Cough... I... I'm leaving first. It's almost time. You can't be late for the appointment." Under Ji Mo's aggressive eyes, Lei Yu said intermittently.

"me and you together."

"Huh? You want to be with me?" Xian Yu thought he had misheard, so he repeated it again.

She went to see the dean of the computer department, what is Ji Mo doing together?It doesn't seem quite right.

Ji Mo nodded lightly, indicating that she heard correctly.He was worried that she would go to see the so-called dean alone.

Ji Mo's eyes are a little cold now, since he found out about Post Bar, he has found out everything about Sang Xinya and Teacher Xiao Dong.

There is nothing unusual about Sang Xinya, she is just an ordinary student. As for why he spread photos that are not conducive to leisure in the post bar, after he saw who Sang Xinya was, he knew it in his mind.

There is a high probability that it is still his fault, which he did not dare to tell Xianyu that he is the culprit, which made him feel a little bit guilty.

And the identity of Mr. Xiao Dong is very interesting, and he doesn't have a particularly big background, but the dean is his uncle.

It's just that the secret is quite tight. There are so many teachers in the entire computer department, but no one knows their relationship.

Now that his nephew was taken away because of Xianyu, and his uncle personally asked Xianyu to meet him, who could tell what he was thinking, after all, he was worried that Xianyu would go to see the dean alone.

Looking at Ji Mo's serious expression, Xianyu guessed that there should be something hidden in it, "Does the dean of the computer department have anything to do with Mr. Xiao Dong?" She guessed reasonably.

Ji Mo pulled her along and said, "Well, that little teacher Dong is a student of their dean, and...they are uncle and nephew."

Xian Yu nodded knowingly, now the reason why the dean was so eager to see her was also found.My nephew has been arrested, so as an uncle, can he not be in a hurry?

The teahouse was very close to the supermarket they visited, just across the street, and the two arrived at the teahouse while talking.

Asked for a private room, ordered a pot of tea and a few plates of snacks, the two drank tea and ate snacks and waited for the dean's arrival.

Probably the dean was really anxious, so they didn't have to wait long before they arrived.Guessing that the journey was a bit rushed, when the person arrived, they could still hear the slight panting.

According to the information obtained by Ji Mo, the dean's surname is Yang. He is only 50 years old this year. He has thick black hair, wears silver-rimmed glasses, and is slightly fat. He is dressed in a suit and leather shoes and looks like an elite.

I looked it up in my spare time, and there was only one feeling in my heart. As the dean of the Department of Computer Science, this Dean Yang is really well maintained, and his hair is so much and so dark!
And this Dean Yang was also taken aback when he saw Xian Yu, he had heard of Xian Yu's name a long time ago.After all, as a student, she asked the country to set up a team headed by her to develop virtual reality technology during college. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing in decades of life.

There are so many professors and doctors, capable people can only be inferior to her, and there has not been any bad reputation, and all the praises are for him. Anyone who hears it will be curious about this person.

He is no exception.

But curiosity is nothing but curiosity, he is a majestic dean, he has his own identity, but he has never really met this girl.

Today is the first time they meet.

Probably he had heard too much about her deeds before, so he unconsciously portrayed his own impression of her.

He felt that such a girl should have an ordinary appearance and a light temperament, maybe wearing a pair of thick glasses on her face, and she is also relatively introverted, doing more than talking.

But the girl in front of him is not only so tall that people can't take their eyes off her, but also has an eye-catching temperament, which doesn't match the idle image he portrayed in his heart at all.

After the initial surprise, Dean Yang quickly adjusted his mentality, and then saw Ji Mo who was also unable to take his eyes off beside Xianyu.

He frowned, "Miss Xianyu, who is this?"

Why did he ask Xianyu to meet and talk, and she brought someone else?This is also very rude.

Lei Yu smiled apologetically: "Dean Yang, please sit down. This is my boyfriend. He doesn't worry about me being alone. Please don't mind."

Dean Yang frowned even tighter, what does it mean to worry about her being alone?He is not some jackal and beast, can he still eat her?
But no matter how tightly he frowned, he didn't say anything.Why did he call Xianyu a student Miss Xianyu?It's not because Xianyu is from the Yun family!

This spread throughout the computer department after their virtual reality technology was developed.He neither wanted nor wanted to offend the Yun family.

He can put down his identity and call her Miss, so why can't he bear her bringing her boyfriend here?

Dean Yang didn't look at Ji Mo any more, just pretended that he didn't exist, and then started talking about business with Xianyu.

"Miss Xianyu, it's the first time we meet, I asked you to meet in a hurry, please forgive me."

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person, not to mention that Dean Yang has a good attitude, and he is happy to cooperate in his spare time.

"It's okay, but I don't know why Dean Yang is so anxious to see me?"

Dean Yang didn't speak immediately, he was still a little bit reluctant to ask for leisure, but it was really annoying to think of his sister crying so heartbroken.

In addition, Xiao Dong was indeed the one who watched him grow up, so it was impossible not to feel sorry for him.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said straight to Xianyu: "Miss Xian, it's like this, I know that there have been some false rumors about you in the school post bar recently, and the person who manages the post bar happens to be a member of our computer department. teacher, so I want to talk to you about this."

I took a sip of tea in my spare time: "Oh, you are talking about Teacher Xiao Dong, right?"

Dean Yang nodded: "Yes, it is Teacher Xiao Dong, who was taken away by the police yesterday."

Lei Yu didn't know what Dean Yang wanted to say, so he could only quietly wait for his next words.

"I want to ask if there is some misunderstanding? Teacher Xiao Dong is the manager of the post bar, but as far as I know, his management of the post bar has long been handed over to one of his students."

After listening to this, Lei Yu, who was drinking tea, stopped drinking the tea and put down the teacup gently.These uncles and nephews are really interesting. Why do they want to push that Xu Xiangchao when something happens, then Xu Xiangchao is really unlucky to have such a teacher without morality.

"The student Dean Yang mentioned is Xu Xiangchao, right? But I have no grievances with this Xu Xiangchao, so he has no reason to make things difficult for me, right?"

"On the contrary, Teacher Xiao Dong has a very good reason to do this. After all, his thesis has been worked so hard for more than a year. Because I developed the virtual reality technology, his thesis was completely destroyed and he had to do it again. He was afraid He hates me so much."

Dean Yang's face is a bit ugly. He doesn't know if Lei Yu is true? He knows that Xiao Dong's thesis was destroyed because of her. After all, few people know about Xiao Dong's thesis. Many teachers know, not even Professor Yu.

It seems that the teacher of their computer department is not strict.Wait until he fishes out Xiaodong before he cleans up those who eat inside and outside.

Now that Xianyu knew about it, Dean Yang couldn't deny it, it's just that the matter is like this, but you can't say that.

"It seems that Ms. Xian misunderstood Teacher Xiao Dong quite deeply. It is true that he ruined the thesis because of your research and development. I also asked him what he thought. He doesn't hate you as much as Ms. Xian Yu said."

Lei Yu said meaningfully: "Then what did he think?"

"He said Miss Xianyu was doing this for the advancement of the country's science and technology. It was purely a coincidence that his thesis collided with you. It was his bad luck. No wonder Miss Xianyu. And if every paper is bumped into because of research and development If we all harbor resentment, wouldn’t that impede the country’s progress?”

Xian Yu laughed, should I say that these two people are indeed uncles and nephews?What they said was like a picture, and people who didn't know would think they had strung words together.

Lei Yu didn't make any comments on his words, but turned to ask another question.

"Dean Yang hasn't visited Teacher Xiao Dong yet, has he?"

Dean Yang didn't know why Xianyu asked this, so he could only answer her truthfully: "Visiting is not allowed yet."

Means to go, but did not see anyone.

Lei Yu smiled and said, "No wonder."

"What's the reason?"

"No wonder Dean Yang can still sit here and talk nonsense."

Listen to that righteous tone, if you really think so, then why did you pass Sang Xinya's post behind your back?
"What do you mean!" Hugging his knees for a long time, Dean Yang couldn't bear it at all, but Xianyu's words were like a fuse, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore.

He respectfully addressed her as Miss Xianyu, that was because he was concerned about the Yun family, but this Xianyu was [-]% ignorant of what was good and what was wrong, and he didn't even have the slightest respect for him. He even bluntly said that his nonsense is tolerable or unbearable!
Facing Dean Yang's stern questioning, I had no fear at all, but Ji Mo, who had been silent beside her, sat up straight and stared at Dean Yang displeasedly.

This sight was so substantial that Dean Yang couldn't ignore it, so he could only look back. Seeing that it was Ji Mo, he snorted and looked away again.

Where did that brat come from? Sure enough, he was as rude as Xianyu.

"Her meaning is very simple. If you see your nephew, you probably won't sit here and talk nonsense." Ji Mo finished her unfinished words for Xianyu.

"Student Idle, this is your level of making a boyfriend? How can he talk to me when I talk to you!"

Angry, now he doesn't even yell at Miss Xianyu, and subconsciously regards Xianyu as a student he can reprimand at will.

"Huh? But I think he has something to say, and he is also another party involved in the Post Bar incident." Lei Yu said calmly.

Dean Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, the other party involved in the post bar incident?He only helped Xiao Dong eliminate the traces of his login that day, but he didn't look at the two photos on the post bar.

I heard from Xiao Dong that one of them was Minister Lu Peifeng.

He knew Lu Peifeng's appearance. This person was obviously not Lu Peifeng, but he didn't expect him to be another party.

"And... Dean Yang, don't you know? There are only three people in the photos on this post. I am one of them, the other is my boyfriend, and the other is Minister Lu Peifeng."

"It's embarrassing to say that my boyfriend and Minister Lu are cousins. You said that such a photo was posted in this post bar. How embarrassing is it for the three of us?"

Embarrassment is not embarrassment, Lu Peifeng just felt frightened, he, a married man, was involved in such a matter, and his partner was still idle, so he dared not let his family know about it.

Regardless of his wife's reaction, Mr. Lu can break his legs.

When Dean Yang heard that Ji Mo was Lu Peifeng's cousin, his expression changed.

Lu Peifeng is from the Lu family. It is said that Mr. Lu has two sons and a daughter in his life. The two sons are all dragons and phoenixes, and they are also holding important positions now.

But his daughter married into Ji's family and gave birth to Ji Mo, the prince of city b.

Therefore, Ji Mo is the only cousin of Lu Peifeng.

Isn't this person in front of him...Ji Mo, the prince of city b?

Dean Yang became polite again, and took a cautious attitude: "Dare to ask this person's surname?"

Ji Mo still had that indifferent expression: "Miangui, my surname is Ji."

Hearing the surname Ji, Dean Yang knew that he had guessed right, and at the same time couldn't help but feel a cold sweat in his heart.

What did he just say?He even said that there is no place for Ji Mo to speak here!

(End of this chapter)

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