Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 383 Listening to the Eight Trigrams

Chapter 383 Listening to Gossip

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ji, I didn't know your identity before, so I made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me." Dean Yang immediately apologized after reacting.

Dean Yang, who had raised his eyebrows at Lei Yu just now, showed a bit of obsequious flattery when facing Ji Mo.

"How can an unqualified person like me deserve Dean Yang's apology." Ji Mo blocked Dean Yang's apology in a neutral manner.

Dean Yang was a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to criticize Jimo for being rude like he just scolded Xianyu. "Mr. Ji, I'm really sorry, what I said just now was really purely unintentional, so don't take it to heart."

Ji Mo didn't respond to his apology this time, but said lightly: "President Yang might as well wait until he has visited his nephew before coming to us to tell us if there is a misunderstanding. I believe Teacher Xiao Dong will definitely give you an accurate answer."

Dean Yang was stunned.He seemed to hear from Ji Mo just now that Xiao Dong was his nephew?So his relationship with Xiao Dong has already been exposed?No one in their entire computer department knew about this, so how did Ji Mo know?

Dean Yang was puzzled and at the same time thought that this is Ji Mo, there is something he can't find out, he should be surprised if he doesn't know.

It's just that he didn't expect this possibility just now, and kept putting himself in a fair position, as if between the lines was just a dean seeking justice for the teachers of his college. Now it seems that he is simply a joke.

Dean Yang's face was blushing, he didn't have the face to go on, and Xian Yu and Ji Mo obviously didn't believe any of his words from the beginning to the end.

"In that case, then I will ask Miss Xianyu and Mr. Ji to meet again another day."

After speaking, Dean Yang hurriedly got up and left.

After he left, I no longer sat upright, and leaned on Ji Mo's side as if he had lost his bones, and continued to drink tea and eat snacks slowly.

"Do you think he will hate me to death after visiting his nephew?" She gave the evidence to Lu Peifeng, but she didn't remind Dean Yang, instead she watched him act for a long time.

Ji Mo gently supported Xianyu to prevent her from slipping down unsteadily, "So what if I hate you? He doesn't dare to trouble you."

Xian Yu chuckled and laughed: "You frightened him, how dare he trouble me."

When Dean Yang knew Ji Mo's identity just now, his face turned pale with fright, and his tone became flattering when he spoke again.

Ji Mo watched the gap and fed a piece of snack into Xianyu's mouth. After feeding, seeing Dean Yang, they both still eat, let her have some snacks to pad her stomach first.

He doesn't know if Dean Yang will make trouble for Lei Yu, but he will make trouble for him.

It is impossible for Mr. Xiao Dong to be proficient in the hacking skills of deleting traces in his major. On the contrary, his uncle is very proficient.Those traces can be cleared up so quickly, thanks to Dean Yang.

It's okay to know the traces, but they still want to push these on an innocent student, which not only insults the teacher's identity, but also treats them like monkeys.

This kind of people, if you don't teach them a lesson, they will only become more rampant and unscrupulous in the future, and they don't know how many students they will persecute.

"Don't eat, let's continue to buy vegetables and go back to cook." Feeling that his spare stomach should be almost full, Ji Mo stopped and continued to feed snacks.

I was taken aback for a moment, didn't I, haven't you forgotten to let her cook?
Ji Mo knew what she was thinking when he saw this stupid look, and pinched her nose angrily: "I'll make it for you to eat."

Lei Yu smiled instantly; "Then let's go." The desserts are too sweet, and she gets tired of eating too much, but Ji Mo's craftsmanship is more popular with her.

After the two went back, Ji Mo was busy in the kitchen, and Yu Yu took advantage of this time to contact Liu Han.

Since she returned to China, she was either in the heavily guarded laboratory or at the school, or she was under the close protection of Ji Mo, so she didn't use Du Xing as a bodyguard at all.

As for Liu Han, the assistant, there are even fewer people, and most of them are contacted by phone or WeChat.Liu Han has now changed from her assistant to an asset manager. Of course, this status is more worthy of her strength. The previous status of an assistant really wronged her.

"Xianlou has a mistress and an illegitimate child near the teacher's apartment in Q University. Find them and bring them to Xianlou."

Liu Han didn't know why Xianyu gave such orders, but her duty was to carry out the orders given by Xianyu, so she immediately went to find Xianlou's mistress after receiving the news.

Lei Yu had already given the approximate address, and it was not difficult to find someone, not to mention that the mother and son were not low-key.

"Who are you sending a message to?" Ji Mo asked casually, seeing that Lei Yu didn't notice him at all when he came out with a plate of fruit.

"To Liu Han." After sending the message, he put away his phone in his spare time, took a piece of fruit and ate it with relish.

"What did you send her a message for? What trouble did you encounter?"

"No, I asked her to find Xianlou's mistress and his illegitimate son."

Ji Mo's pretty brows frowned: "What do you want them to do?"

"Add trouble to Su Lian." To prevent her from trying to trouble her all the time, and annoying her to death.

Asking Liu Han to take the mother and son to see Xianlou, with the personality of the mother and son, they will definitely not be safe. Seeing that Xianlou will spend the rest of his life in prison, he will definitely find a way to get it from Xianlou's phone. Get something out.

Xianlou is also a patriarchal person, he will have no hope in his next life, why not hope that his illegitimate son will have a better life?

If the mother and son can make Xianlou set up a property transfer letter or something like that, then they are capable.

At that time, let the mother and son and Su Lian mother and daughter fight to the death, so that Su Lian should not be in the mood to stare at her eagerly.

"The matter of posting this time is her handwriting." Ji Mo guessed the truth after a little thought.

Su Lian hadn't appeared in front of them for quite a while, if she hadn't taken the initiative to provoke Xianyu, the scientific research boss in their family who was too busy with research and development probably wouldn't be able to remember this person.

Now that Liu Han is suddenly asked to find the mother and son to cause trouble for Su Lian, she must be jumping around in front of Xianyu again, which annoys her.

And the only thing that annoys her recently is the posting bar.

Lei Yu nodded irritably: "Well, it's the photo she encouraged Sang Xinya to post."

Ji Mo didn't say anything, he thought for a while and went back to the kitchen.

After going to school in his spare time the next day, Ji Mo summoned Lin Zhi who hadn't appeared for a long time.

"Master Mo." Lin Zhi bowed to greet Ji Mo.

He felt that his assistant was very pitiful. The boss was either on a mission or with his girlfriend. It was good if he didn't see anyone for ten days and a half months. He didn't see anyone for a year or so.

His assistant is staring at the huge assets. If this person is not for Ji Mo, he would have already embezzled the assets. What kind of assistant are you still doing? Wouldn't it be nice to be your own boss? !

It's a pity that things in this world don't go as planned. His boss is Ji Mo, the prince of city b. He doesn't dare to swallow this asset, let alone move it.

"Check Yingjie Technology for me." Ji Mo ordered without a trace of emotion.

Since that Su Lian likes to dance so much, then he will find something for her to do well. An illegitimate child who earns money is not enough. Wouldn't it be better to get along with the Luo family she relies on.

"Yingjie Technology?" Lin Zhi searched his knowledge base, the name is quite familiar.

After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered that Yingjie Technology is a technology company that has just been listed for a few years, and it seems to be an opponent of Master Zhou Bai's Zhibo Technology.The foundation is not stable, but the prospect is not bad. If it is given time to develop slowly, it may not fail to succeed.

Moreover, the previous relationship between the head of Yingjie Technology and Miss Xianyu seemed a little delicate.

"What do you want to check...?" Lin Zhi desperately asked.

He has to let him know exactly what the prince wants to check, so that he has a direction, whether he wants to investigate to death, or just teach him a lesson.

Ji Mo glanced at Lin Zhi indifferently, "Through investigation, everything is done according to the rules."

"Okay, Master Mo." Lin Zhi was coaxed by this look, and immediately retreated after receiving the instructions.

Master Mo's meaning is relatively simple, what is a thorough investigation, that is, everything has to be found out, but he is required to follow the rules, probably means that if something can be found out, he will be punished according to the law, and nothing can be found out. Things count as big as his life.

Lin Zhidu wanted to sigh that his boss was really popular. Look at other people's domineering presidents, which one was not made by Tianliang Wang Po, but his master Mo likes to act according to the law.

However, it should not be done according to the law. Don't look at Mr. Ji's age, he can still hold a gun. If he is like those domineering presidents Tianliang Wangpo, the Mo he sees now is probably sitting in a wheelchair.

However, after two days of free time at school, she was entangled again by Mo Lao, who called her to Zhou Jinsheng's laboratory with a single phone call.

She has finished the research and development and ended the lease of the laboratory, so she can't get in now, so she can only register at the entrance of the laboratory and wait for Mo Lao to pick her up.

While waiting for Mo Lao, she unexpectedly saw Xiaoran who had been away for a long time, and Zhou Jinsheng was with her.

The two were on the edge of the flower bed on the side of the laboratory gate, hidden by a big tree and inconspicuous. She didn't see them at first, but she waited for Mrs. Mo to get bored and looked around to find them.

Judging from the standing postures of the two, they were quite close to each other. She watched with great interest. Could it be that the two are getting back together again?

Girlfriends love each other when they see each other. With such a big green hat on his head, doesn't Zhou Jinsheng feel that the top of his head is shining?

And Mr. Zhou, can they agree?If she had been Mr. Zhou, Zhou Jinsheng's tuba would have been abolished long ago, and his parents would have asked his parents to practice the trumpet.

When Mr. Mo arrived, he happened to see Xianyu staring at a certain place with his eyes shining. If he read correctly, it was a kind of light called Bagua.

He walked to Xianyu's side without making a sound, followed her gaze, and found out that Director Zhou and Director Zhou's ex-girlfriend Xiaoran were standing under the flower bed tree.

Looking at it, Mo Lao also became interested, so he just stood there and watched together.

After a long time, I found out that Mo Lao didn't know when he had arrived, and he was watching the fun with her happily.

"Mr. Mo, you are not too young, and you still like to read this kind of gossip?" Lei Yu joked while watching.

"I've never heard of people who are old at heart?" Besides, Director Zhou is his boss, and there is no one who is not curious about his boss's gossip.

While the two were talking, the protagonist of the gossip over there had already started chattering, but it was Xiaoran's unilateral tugging on Zhou Jinsheng, and Zhou Jinsheng didn't react much.

Alas, it's too far away, I can't see the expression, and I can't hear the voice, so I just watch the body shape and movement, so it's really not fun to watch the gossip.

"How about we get closer and listen?"

Leisurely turned his head in surprise, he couldn't believe that these words came from Mo Lao's mouth?This is too bold, isn't it afraid that Zhou Jinsheng will wear small shoes if he finds out?
But anyway, it's not for her to wear small shoes, "I'm also thinking about it!"

The two hit it off immediately, and started to walk on tiptoes like thieves from a long distance away. The security guard in the security room was about to drop his jaw. This stepping on horses is not a deceptive behavior. Are you so disrespectful?
To watch his boss's gossip secretly, it's not enough to watch from a distance, but it's too much to want to take a closer look, can't you broadcast it to him on your mobile phone?

He really wanted to watch it together, but it's a pity that he couldn't neglect his duties, so he was very angry!
Xian Yu and Mo Lao stopped at about the same distance, and they would have been spotted if they got any closer.

At this distance, the sound can be heard clearly, and the expression can also be vaguely seen, and it will not be discovered, which is very good.

"Jinsheng, can you really not forgive me? I really didn't do it on purpose. I was blocked by the file on the video, and I didn't see my spare boyfriend at all. I was just tired of hugging and stood at the door. Take a break, she is hostile to me, that's why she deliberately misled you by saying that!"

"Then what Lu Peifeng said? Is it also false?"

"Why are you unwilling to believe me? I don't know why Lu Peifeng said that, but I really never seduced him. I know he is your good brother, so how could I still seduce him?"

"Oh? You mean he also lied to me on purpose? Then what is his purpose?"

"I... I don't know, I really don't know, I just know that I am sincere to you, and I have never betrayed you."

"Look, you can't even think of a reason for Lu Peifeng to lie to me."

"No, that's not the case. He...he wanted to divert Jimo's attention, yes, he wanted to divert Jimo's attention! I didn't seduce him, but he was the one who said no to Xianyu Clear the mind of the unknown.

You see, this is a post in the idle school post bar. It was posted a few days ago, and it was deleted within a few days. I wanted to show it to you, so I took a screenshot. "

Xiaoran took out the screenshots on her mobile phone and showed Zhou Jinsheng that there were two photos of Xianyu and Ji Mo Lu Peifeng in the post bar on the mobile phone.

Xianyu didn't expect to hear gossip on her body, she was speechless for a while, Mo Lao who was beside her looked at Zhou Jinsheng, then turned to look at her, with a strange expression on his face.

He didn't believe Xiaoran's words, but he felt that Xiaoran was terrified, actually staring at Xianyu until now.

After all, if you don't keep an eye on all the dynamics of a person, how can you save a screenshot of a short-lived post in time.

(End of this chapter)

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