Chapter 387 Choice
"Xiao Lian, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the voice next to her ear, Su Lian subconsciously covered up: "Ah? No, it's nothing."

Luo Ye's pretty eyebrows frowned, Su Lian felt a little bit wrong today.

Fearing that Luo Ye would become suspicious, Su Lian hurriedly said, "There's really nothing about Brother Luo Ye, I'm just wondering why the authorities suddenly want to check the account of Brother Luo Ye's company."

This explanation was barely plausible, Luo Ye hesitated to believe it.

He freed a hand to touch the top of Su Lian's head: "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Su Lian smiled meekly: "Well, I believe in Brother Luo Ye."

Luo Ye just likes her docile appearance, which she has always behaved very well.

Luo Ye went back after sending Su Lian home, and Zhang Li had been waiting for Su Lian for a long time, and when she saw her come back, she hurriedly asked her: "How is it? Did you tell Luo Ye about the mistress?"

Su Lian was very annoyed by Zhang Li's question, but she couldn't help but answer, so she simply said: "No, brother Luo Ye's company has an accident, so we can't control us for the time being."

Zhang Li staggered and took two steps back. Luo Ye didn't care about them, so what should they do?Do you want her to just hand over all the property of Xianlou to the mother and son?
No, it's impossible!She would rather burn all the things in the leisure building with a fire, and it is absolutely impossible to give these things to the mistress and her son!

All this is the fault of that cheap girl in Xianyu!

When the mistress and her son came to fight, Xiao Lian said that it was all instigated by Lei Yu.

Their Xian family raised her up with good intentions, but that bitch treated them like this, putting Xian Lou in jail, and let Xian Lou's illegitimate son come to seize their property!
Zhang Lihen's heart was bleeding, and she wanted to rush to Xianyu now and cut her into pieces.

Su Lian didn't have time to care about Zhang Li's thoughts, so she perfunctorily said to Zhang Li: "Mom, I'm a little tired, I'm going upstairs to rest first."

Zhang Li felt a little dissatisfied. It was already this time, and if she didn't hurry up and figure out how to solve it, she had to go up to rest.

But when she thought that this was her own daughter, her heart softened again, "Okay, you go up and rest first, mom will figure out a way about this."

Su Lian didn't say anything, nodded and went upstairs, but her heart was full of contempt.

Heh, she has to figure out a way, what can she do, if she has a way, she won't let her beg Luo Ye.

Su Lian knew that she couldn't count on Zhang Li, so she immediately called Xianyu after she went upstairs, and she wanted to ask her directly if she was responsible for the Luo Ye company.

She had no other way to inquire, only to ask for spare time.

And based on her understanding of Xianyu, if it was really Xianyu who did it, she would not deny it.

But the busy tone from the phone reminded her that she had been blocked by Xianyu long ago.

Su Lian angrily dropped the phone to the ground.

The phone can't be reached, there is no other way, Su Lian can only go to the school to find some spare time.

But when she went to school the next day to look for leisure time, she found out that leisure time was not at school, and she actually entered the laboratory again.

Su Lian went crazy with jealousy, she didn't understand why, why all the good things fell on Xianyu's head, she couldn't even compare her brains.

She was hesitating whether to go to the laboratory to find leisure. If the idle building was still there before, she wouldn't have to be so embarrassed to inquire about something.

But now that Xian Lou is in prison, and Xian's family has collapsed, she has no contacts or channels to find out who is behind Luo Ye's company.

But while she was still hesitating, Luo Ye had already spent a lot of effort to find out the person who attacked Yingjie Technology.

"Mr. Luo, according to reliable sources, the person who attacked us this time should be the prince of city b."

In the office, Luo Ye's secretary lowered his head and reported to Luo Ye.

"The prince of city b? The Ji family?"

Hearing the words "Prince Lord of City B", Luo Ye couldn't help doubting his secretary's ability to handle affairs.

Could it be that my secretary made a mistake?How could it be the prince of city b?

He has never met the prince at all, and it is even more impossible to offend him. For no reason, why did he attack Yingjie Technology.

"Are you sure about that one?" Luo Ye asked again.

"Sure." The secretary said firmly, and at the same time handed a photo in his hand to Luo Ye.

"This is the prince."

Luo Ye raised his hand to take it, glanced at it inadvertently, and in an instant, his originally casual expression became extremely shocked.

How could it be this person?
Now Luo Ye is full of this idea.

Because he has met the person in the photo, not only met, but also humiliated him.

Isn't this the idle boyfriend he saw at Q University back then?At that time, he also said that he was a little boy, but the other party didn't refute it, on the contrary, Xian Yu had been standing up for him.

"Are you sure he is the prince of city b?" Luo Ye asked the secretary again and again.

The secretary raised his head in surprise: "Yes, this is the one."

What's wrong with the boss today, why does he keep asking him over and over again?The secretary was extremely confused, but in fact Luo Ye was no less confused than him.

Luo Ye tightly pinched the photo in his hand, so did he usher in the prince's belated revenge?

It's been so long since he humiliated him as a bad boy, and now he's here to take revenge on him?

No, then Luo Ye shook his head again.

With the other party's identity and power, if you want to take revenge on him, you don't have to choose a date at all, let alone wait a year and a half before taking action against Yingjie.

If it wasn't for this reason, why did the other party target Yingjie?After all, even if he humiliated the other party as a jerk, that person could let him go, so the reason why he chose to take action this time must be because he touched his bottom line.

So what is his bottom line?
For some reason, Luo Ye subconsciously thought of Xianyu.

Will his bottom line be idle?
But he hasn't been in contact with Xianyu for a long time.


Unless I have no love for him anymore!

What is the most intolerable thing for a man?It's her own woman who has someone else in her heart!

If Ji Mo finds out that Lei Yu has no more love for him, then all this can be explained.

Luo Ye took it for granted that he had guessed the truth, but to be cautious, he decided to investigate first.

"Go and find out where I am and what I have done recently." Luo Ye put down the photo and told the secretary.

Spare?Why did he suddenly jump on the fake daughter of the Xian family?The secretary was puzzled, but he decided to follow orders.Things are not going well in the company recently, it is safer for him to ask less and do more.

"Alright Mr. Luo." The secretary retreated after taking the order.

After the secretary withdrew, Luo Ye stared at the photo in his hand for a long time.

The more I look at it, the more shocked I am, this man is actually the prince of city b, and this prince is actually idle boyfriend!

He vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Even he felt that the crown prince's status was unattainable, so how could he be with an orphan like Xianyu?
Thinking of this, Luo Ye immediately called his secretary again: "Focus on checking Xianyu's family background and see if she has found her relatives."

It is not easy to check the spare information. In the past, Ji Mo was in control, and now even the country is paying attention.So when Secretary Luo Ye first started investigating, both Lu Peifeng and Ji Mo received the news.

Knowing that the other party is Luo Ye's person, Lu Peifeng directly threw the matter to Jimo, and he would not interfere with the love between the young couple.

But Ji Mo's order is not to stop him, let him investigate.

It would be the best to find out about Xianyu's current rich family background and her outstanding personal strength.

After all, if he is not allowed to know how good his girlfriend is now, how can he see Luo Ye's self-ashamed appearance.

The only one who can be with Xianyu is Ji Mo!

However, Luo Ye was not ashamed of himself as expected by Ji Mo. On the contrary, he was not only not ashamed of himself, but also extremely proud.

Looking at the information submitted by the secretary in his hand, Luo Ye was both shocked and proud.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

It turned out that Xianyu had found her biological parents a long time ago, and her biological parents turned out to be members of the Yun family, who owned the Hongtu Research Institute!

No wonder she can become the prince's girlfriend. Judging from their family backgrounds, the two are really a good match.

The information not only has Yuyu's family background, but also what she has done recently.

The big words of virtual reality technology and wormhole technology above hurt Luo Ye's eyes.

At the beginning, both virtual reality technology and wormhole technology were popular on the Internet for a while, but Luo Ye, as a domineering president, is obviously not someone who pays attention to the Internet all day long, so he didn't know about the development of these two technologies until now. Those who are actually idle!
He couldn't help but think of his previous conjecture, if Xian Yu really had no love for him, maybe he would be willing to take the risk of making enemies of Ji's family to accept Xian Yu.

When the risks outweigh the benefits, the first choice is of course to avoid risks.But if the benefits outweigh the risks, it doesn't matter if you take the risk and choose the benefits.

Now Idle Yu represents the Yun family, which is evenly matched with the Ji family, and two technologies that can affect the world. Such benefits have far outweighed the risks brought by the Ji family.

Enduring the excitement in his heart, Luo Ye continued to read, and when he saw that Xianyu had found Xianlou's mistress to add to Su Lian's mother and daughter, his heart was settled.

If he previously thought that there was only a 50.00% possibility that Lei Yu had unrequited love for him, now he thinks that the possibility has reached 90.00%.

Just think about it, if it wasn't because Lei Yu had no love for her, then why would she attack Su Lian?

Luo Ye's secretary did not find out that Su Lian was involved in the Xianyu school post bar incident, and coupled with Luo Ye's own original guess, he naturally attributed the reason for Xianyu's attack on Su Lian to himself.

The more he thought about it, the more Luo Ye couldn't help being complacent, so what if Ji Mo's family background is good?What about his company?
In the end, isn't he the one that Xianyu likes?No, it should be said that Xianyu only liked him from the beginning to the end.

Thinking of the unrequited and humble liking for him in the past, Luo Ye was full of confidence.

After reading the materials in his hand again and again, Luo Ye's attention has been focused on virtual reality technology and wormhole technology. Hearing from the secretary, Lei Yu has entered the laboratory again now, is he involved in some new project? ?

Does that mean that she has another eye-catching technology in her hands?

The more he thought about it, the hotter he became, he even wanted to find leisure immediately, let her break up with Ji's family member, and return to him.

But after the impulse passed, Luo Ye calmed down.

He couldn't just go to find Xianyu in such a hurry, there was still a Su Lian to settle between him and Xianyu.

Luo Ye was a little distressed, he wanted the interests of Tongtian represented by Xianyu's death, but he couldn't bear Su Lian, he knew that he loved Su Lian.

But Su Lian couldn't bring him any benefits.

Reason told him that he should give up on Su Lian and choose leisure, but his feelings made him unable to just give up so happily.

After struggling and hesitating for a long time, in the end reason prevailed over emotion.

Putting down the information, Luo Ye dialed Su Lian's number.

"Xiao Lian, are you free now? I have something I want to talk to you about."

Because of his own decision, Luo Ye's voice unconsciously brought out a bit of guilt.

Su Lian on the phone heard Luo Ye's guilty voice, and for some reason, felt a little bad.

"Brother Luo Ye, I'm a little busy at school. If it's not very important, can we talk about it another day?"

She subconsciously rejected Luo Ye.

But Luo Ye didn't accept her rejection: "Well, it's very important, it can't be changed."

Now the company's situation is getting more and more serious, and he can't afford it anymore.

"Then...well, come pick me up from school."

Unable to refuse, Su Lian reluctantly agreed.

While waiting for Luo Ye to come over, she thought a lot.

What is the important thing, so important that Luo Ye will see her right now?What is the reason for the guilt in Luo Ye's voice?
Did he do something wrong to her and want to confess to her?But she didn't feel like it.

Time passed unknowingly in her various imaginations, and Luo Ye told her that he had arrived at the school gate in the blink of an eye.

Hastily tidying up her makeup, looking at herself in the mirror, Su Lian smiled.

Very good, she is still so gentle and innocent. This kind of makeup is the easiest way to arouse pity from men.

No matter what reason Luo Ye feels guilty towards her, her makeup can make Luo Ye feel more pity for her.

He picked up his bag and hurried to the school gate.

"Brother Luo Ye." Su Lian stopped panting, "Huh, have you been waiting for a long time? Our teacher refused to let him go, so I ran out secretly."

She stuck out her tongue playfully, this appearance made Luo Ye feel more guilty.

The girl ran out in a hurry because of his words, but he wanted to tell her that he couldn't choose her.

"Let's go, get in the car, I'll take you to dinner." Luo Ye opened the car door for her.

Su Lian got into the car with a very happy smile on her face, but her heart became more and more uneasy.

She had heard Luo Ye's obvious guilt earlier on the phone, but only now did she see how deep the guilt was after seeing him in person.

So what did Luo Ye do?Or... what is he about to do...

(End of this chapter)

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