Chapter 388 Confidence
Su Lian, who had eaten a meal, was uneasy, and when she finally finished eating, seeing Luo Ye's hesitant expression, Su Lian knew that the real thing was coming.

"Xiao Lian... Let's break up."

Luo Ye opened and closed his mouth several times, but he finally spoke.

Su Lian's mind froze after being shocked by the sudden breakup, she heard herself asking mechanically: "Why?"

yeah, why?Obviously she has done everything she can, and she can also feel Luo Ye's liking for her.

All her scheming was spent on Luo Ye. For Luo Ye, she had to become gentle and considerate, and endure his mother's cynicism.

She has reached this point, but he wants to break up with her?
The most difficult breakup has already been said, Luo Ye stopped hesitating and told Su Lian the reason.

"I've already found out who attacked Yingjie Technology. It's Idle Yu's boyfriend, Ji Mo, the Prince of City B."

Su Lian looked at Luo Ye in shock, that idle boyfriend turned out to be the prince of City B?

"I also found out Xianyu's current identity. She is the daughter of the Yun family, the Yun family who represents the Hongtu Research Institute."

This Su Lian knew about it, but Luo Ye didn't know that she knew, so she still maintained that shocked expression.

"And she also has virtual reality technology and wormhole technology in her hands, two technologies that can affect the global situation." This is also what he values ​​most.

After saying this, Luo Ye stopped, he believed that Su Lian already understood what he meant.

No matter what aspects Xianyu has, he has completely defeated Su Lian. No matter what it is for, he can only choose Xianyu.

Su Lian did understand, or in other words, she had already expected this day, so she kept it so tight after she knew Xianyu's identity.

But she tried her best to conceal it, but Luo Ye found out.

She knew this day would come sooner or later, but it was still too early.It would be great if she could find out after she married Luo Ye. By then, she would have married Luo Ye. Even if Luo Ye wanted to turn back, Xian Yu would not be willing to be that third party.

"So you want to break up with me and go find Sister Xianyu again, right?" Su Lian looked at Luo Ye sadly.

Since Luo Ye already knew about Xianyu's life experience, and decided to break up with her to find Xianyu, and she couldn't stop all of this at all, then she must maximize her own benefits!

The fact that Xianyu doesn't want to be a third party doesn't mean she doesn't want to, Luo Ye chooses Xianyu entirely because of her family background and the patent in her hand, but the person Luo Ye loves is her.

This proves that she still has a chance.

She couldn't find a better man than Luo Ye, so she could only hold on to Luo Ye.

"Ji Mo is eyeing Yingjie Technology covetously. The company can't afford to wait anymore. I must get spare technical support. Xiao Lian, I hope you can understand." Luo Ye defended himself, he was forced to do so.

"But sister Xianyu has a boyfriend now, how can brother Luo Ye be sure that she will break up with that prince and stay with you instead?"

Regarding this point, Su Lian was really curious, where did Luo Ye get the confidence that Lei Yu would give up Jimo to be with him?There is no comparison between the two of them!
Luo Ye was a little dissatisfied, what does Su Lian mean?Does it mean that he is not as good as that Ji Mo?

In his opinion, Ji Mo is superior to him in terms of family background. If the two of them are put on the same starting line, he will never lose to Ji Mo.

Otherwise, why would Lei Yu always miss him?Isn't this the best proof.

"She will choose me." Luo Ye said confidently, "Ji Mo shot Yingjie this time because she has no more love for me."

"Not only that, she also recruited Uncle Xian's mistress outside to make things difficult for you and aunt, right? If there's no other reason, I think it's probably because of me."

Luo Ye swears, but Su Lian is skeptical and funny.

She didn't know if Ji Mo shot Yingjie Technology because Lei Yu had unrequited love for Luo Ye, but that mistress was definitely not because of Luo Ye.

It was Lei Yu's revenge for her instigating Sang Xinya, and it was specially found to make things difficult for her.

But now it seems that Luo Ye doesn't seem to know the real reason.

And it was really what Luo Ye said, did Ji Mo attack Yingjie Technology because I had no more love for him?But she saw that Xianyu's attitude towards Luo Ye in the past didn't look like she had unrequited love.

"So that's the case? Then... What about me? Brother Luo Ye, what about me? You are together, what should I do?" Tears gushed out at the right time, and Su Lian asked helplessly and aggrieved.

No matter where Luo Ye got the news and confidence, the most important thing for her now is to maximize her own interests.

Luo Ye's guilt grew stronger when he saw Su Lian's tears, and he was silent for a long time: "I'm sorry, I will make up for you in other ways."

There was nothing he could do but apologize and make amends.

"But I don't want Brother Luo Ye's apology and compensation. I just want to be with Brother Luo Ye." Su Lian shook her head with tears in her eyes. What she wanted was not an apology and compensation.

"Xiao Lian, we are not suitable."

Luo Ye could only speak more bluntly: "I can't take Yingjie Technology and Ji Mo head-on, and I can't let Yingjie Technology be destroyed in my hands."

Su Lian stopped talking, just kept crying, crying very skillfully, without making a sound, just tears falling one after another like beads off the thread.

Luo Ye wanted to comfort her and tell her not to cry, but couldn't do it.

After a while, Su Lian wiped away the tears by herself, and showed a tearful smile: "Brother Luo Ye, don't feel sorry, it's because I couldn't help, brother Luo Ye made the right choice."

"But... but Brother Luo Ye, can you not drive me away, I can give up your girlfriend position, but you don't drive me away, okay, I love Brother Luo Ye so much, without Brother Luo Ye, I will die. "

Luo Ye was stunned, he didn't expect Su Lian's love for him to be so deep, to the point where he couldn't leave him no matter what.

Satisfaction, guilt, touch... all kinds of emotions rushed up, Luo Ye almost regretted it, and told Su Lian that they didn't want to break up.

But at the last moment, the string called Sanity stopped him.

He cannot go back on his word.

Seeing Luo Ye's silent and moved face, Su Lian persisted: "Is this not okay, Brother Luo Ye? I really don't ask for anything, as long as you don't let me leave you, even if I can only look at you from a distance, I will be satisfied." gone."

With love on the one hand and career on the other, Luo Ye is in a dilemma, but facing Su Lian's humble request, Luo Ye's balance has unknowingly tilted towards love.

There was another long silence, Luo Ye suddenly raised his head, his face was solemn, "Xiao Lian, do you believe me?"

Su Lian was taken aback for a moment, asking what this is for?But she quickly reacted and nodded firmly: "I believe, I have always believed in Brother Luo Ye the most!"

Su Lian's firm trust moved Luo Ye even more, and he was even more convinced of the decision he made just now.

"Xiao Lian, if you believe me, then you can wait for me, when I solve the company's crisis, and when I get the patent of Xianyu, I will break up with Xianyu, can you wait?"

Yes, facing the choice between love and career, Luo Ye's choice is that he wants them all, he wants love, and he also wants career!

He can pretend to be with Xianyu first, wait until Ji Mo is dealt with, get the patent in her hand, then break up with her, and be with Xiao Lian again.

He knew that he felt sorry for Xianyu, but he couldn't help it.Between being sorry for Xiao Lian and sorry for Xianyu, he chose to be sorry for Xianyu.

Of course, he will make up for the idle time when things are done.

The technology in Lei Yu's hands is all in cooperation with the country. How much profit can he get from cooperating with the country?If the technology is in his hands, he can distribute the shares of the idle company. As much as the company can earn, idle can get as much dividends. This profit is definitely more than what the country gave her.

"I can wait!" Su Lian said pleasantly, "Brother Luo Ye, I can wait!"

There's nothing she can't wait for, not only can she wait, but she's also very happy to wait.

Thinking about it, she only needs to wait for a while before she can see that she is empty of money and people, and she has to experience being dumped by Luo Ye again. What a joyful thing this is!

And when the time comes, not only Luo Ye will still be hers, but even the wealth represented by the patent in Xianyu's hands will become hers, and Xianyu will have nothing.

There is nothing more beautiful than this.

Su Lian's incomparable surprise and joy pleased Luo Ye, and he pulled her into his arms again, "Thank you, Xiao Lian, and thank you for your willingness to believe in me."

Su Lian shyly buried herself in Luo Ye's arms: "I should be the one who thanked Brother Luo Ye, and thanked Brother Luo Ye for not letting me leave."

The two were affectionate, and suddenly Su Lian came out of Luo Ye's arms and said to Luo Ye: "Brother Luo Ye, since the company is in critical condition, let's go find Sister Xianyu tomorrow."

Now Su Lian is even more anxious than Luo Ye, after all, the sooner Luo Ye gets the idle patent, the sooner she can see that idle people and money are empty.

"We?" Luo Ye didn't quite understand what she meant by us.

Su Lian explained: "Well, we, let's find Sister Xianyu together."

"Sister Xianyu, because brother Luo Ye has always hated me, she even found my father's mistress and illegitimate child to make things difficult for me and my mother. I think if I go with brother Luo Ye, I will take the initiative to apologize to sister Xianyu and agree If she voluntarily withdraws from this relationship and lets Sister Xianyu vent her anger, she will definitely be more willing to hand over the patent to Brother Luo Ye."

Luo Ye was very moved: "But this has wronged you so much."

Su Lian smiled contentedly and shook her head: "As long as I can help Brother Luo Ye, I'm not afraid of being wronged."

As long as you can see that idle people and money are empty as soon as possible, the momentary grievances are nothing.

"Xiao Lian, believe me, I will definitely marry you, and I will treat you well for the rest of my life!" Unbelievably moved, Luo Ye's promise blurted out.

"Yeah! I believe in Brother Luo Ye!"

Su Lian showed her expression of extreme trust cooperatively, but there was no fluctuation in her heart.

A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost.If you believe Luo Ye's words, then her fate in the future will not be much better than that of Xianyu.

You know, now that Luo Ye can choose to give up her for leisure, who can guarantee that there will be no greater interests for him to give up her again in the future?
Therefore, it is good to listen to some words, but to lose if you are serious.

In this way, the next day, Luo Ye drove Su Lian to Zhou Jinsheng's laboratory to find some spare time.

Indeed, as Su Lian said, Yingjie is almost unable to hold on anymore. One is that some clues have been found out in the current accounts, and the other is the crisis of trust caused by the audit.

He must get the patent in Xianyu's hands as soon as possible, or get the support of the Yun family behind her, only in this way can he quickly get the company out of crisis.

"Xianyu, Ji Mo is looking for you." Mo Lao raised his head inadvertently, saw Ji Mo standing at the door, and hurriedly patted Xianyu.

Xianyu heard the words and looked towards the door, saw that she saw him, and then waved to her, gesturing for her to go over.

When the country learned that she was going to develop the warp speed engine with Mo Lao again, without saying a word, it directly transferred Ji Mo, who was already on a mission of personal protection for her, to Zhou Jinsheng's laboratory.

It is still the title of the security captain, but this time the title is authorized by the state. There are also some soldiers under the captain, and the number of protectors has increased from her to the entire team.

"It's not even noon yet?" Lei Yu raised his watch at Ji Mo. It's not time for dinner yet, so why did he come to stay here.

Ji Mo laughed at her and gave her a brain collapse. Did he think he was annoying calling her to eat?

"Someone is looking for you." Having lost his mind after playing, Ji Mo gently rubbed the place where he played again.

"Huh? Who's looking for me?"

"Su Lian, Luo Ye."

When Luo Ye was mentioned, Ji Mo's voice turned cold.

"Huh? Why are they looking for me?"

Xian Yu was very puzzled, why did these two people come to her?

Ji Mo shook his head, he didn't know either.

In my heart, I don't really want to see these two annoying spirits, but I am really curious about their reason for coming, after all, this is the first time they have taken the initiative to find her.

"The Second Battalion Commander will accompany me?" Lei Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at Ji Mo.

Ji Mo felt his hands itching again, "Let's go, our scientist."

In the reception room, Luo Ye and Su Lian were sitting. In order to avoid suspicion, the two seats were deliberately separated.

Seeing Xianyu coming in, the two got up at the same time, and just about to talk, they saw Ji Mo following behind her.

Luo Ye's expression was a little ugly.He came today to want Xianyu and Ji Mo to break up. It is obviously not good to talk about such a thing in front of Ji Mo himself.

Moreover, he and Ji Mo still have grievances about Yingjie, which makes it difficult for him to have any good looks towards Ji Mo.

"You two are rare customers, tell me, what can you do with me?" Xian Yu unceremoniously picked a seat and sat down, and said straight to the point.

Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go of farts if you have something to say. The sooner she finishes speaking, the sooner she can go back and continue the experiment.

Luo Ye was caught off guard for a moment by Xian Yu's straightforwardness, and he wanted to pave the way for a relationship with Xian Yu first, but when Ji Mo was here, some things were not easy to say.

"Ayu, I have something to tell you, can you let him go out first?"

Luo Ye still decides to let Ji Mo go out first, so that he can make Xianyu face up to his heart again and choose to break up with Ji Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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