pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1007 The Adventure Animals at the Bottom of the Lake Disappeared

Chapter 1007 The Adventure Animals at the Bottom of the Lake Disappeared (9)
When Qin Yihan heard Brother Li's words, he became a little curious. It's the beginning of spring, and there should be a lot of small prey on the mountain. How could it be like this?
After all, this Qin Yihan has been with this brother Li for a long time, and he also knows that this brother Li has some skills, and his hunting skills in the mountains are also first-rate. Villagers, but they will be more comfortable when they are young.

But son, when he saw the child, Qin Yihan thought, maybe Brother Li delayed his work because of the child, so he didn't go hunting on the mountain.

And when Brother Li sat down, he took out a few bowls and chopsticks for Qin Yihan, "Don't look at Brother Qin, I have been running to the mountains all day long, but the number of prey is getting less and less every day." ,"

And when Qin Yihan heard this, his expression was a little surprised. After all, he has been hunting for many years, so it is impossible not to know that there are the most prey in spring, but at this moment, why does Brother Li say that there are fewer and fewer?
It was only later that Qin Yihan found out that Brother Li entered the mountain at the beginning of spring, but he didn't expect that at the beginning, there were still many prey to hunt.

It's just that later on, I don't know what happened?The prey is getting less and less, now we are talking about wild beasts, I am afraid it is difficult to see the rabbit, "So even if I go up the mountain now, I can't find the prey. I wanted to go here a few days ago. An Xin's family worked, but at that time they were not short of manpower, and when they were short of manpower later on, I was too embarrassed to ask, so,,,"

At this moment, Brother Li looked at Qin Yihan with hesitation on his face. After all, this Qin Yihan also worked for someone else. At this moment, Brother Li was not sure that Qin Yihan would find An Xin for a job for himself. .

After all, he didn't do it at the beginning, and at this moment, there is really no regret in the world, but at this moment, he also has the cheek to ask for a job. After all, without a source of income, he and Li Fuduo really starved to death.

And when Qin Yihan heard it, he said, "If you want to find a job, I can tell you for you that there is still a shortage of people for the work of opening up wasteland on this mountain. You can go to work somewhere, and you can go tomorrow ,"

As soon as he heard Brother Li's words, Qin Yihan knew that Brother Li might be desperate, so he wanted to come to him, but this person was also stubborn, and he had been back for several days, but he never came to look for him from the beginning to the end. Own.

However, Qin Yihan quickly thought of one thing, "Brother Li, do you know when the beasts in this mountain began to disappear slowly?"

Speaking of which, Qin Yihan looked at Brother Li and said, the wild beasts in the mountain are disappearing now, could it be that An Xin's dream came true?
After all, when An Xin talked about the severe drought, Qin Yihan did believe what An Xin said at first, but what he believed was what An Xin said he saw, not what the drought would come.

After all, at this moment, Qin Yihan thanked An Xin for not lying, but he didn't think that the big man would really come. After all, during the Chinese New Year, it was a good year with auspicious snow, so how could there be a severe drought.

It's just that Qin Yihan had to take it seriously when he heard Brother Li's words today. It seems that he has to go to the mountains to have a look. The old man has said that these animals will always be sharper than humans. At this moment, I'm afraid they already have I have no feeling, so I run away one after another.

"Probably last month, since three months ago, when I entered the mountains, these prey became less and less. I didn't care at first, but in this month, it was difficult to find prey. When I was here, I realized what should have happened in this mountain?" After hearing An Xin's words, Brother Li thought for a while before saying.

(End of this chapter)

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