pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1008 The Adventure Animals at the Bottom of the Lake Disappeared

Chapter 1008 The Adventure Animals at the Bottom of the Lake Disappeared (10)
After all, he didn't pay much attention to the disappearance of the prey at the beginning. It was only when the prey became less and less later that he began to realize that something was wrong, but by the time he found out, it was already useless.

And at this moment, the reason why Brother Li went to An Xin's house was because he was hesitating whether to ask Qin Yihan for help. After all, if he asked Qin Yihan for help at this moment, it might be misunderstood by others. It was because he saw Qin Yihan getting rich. Then he flattered Qin Yihan.

So this brother Li has never made up his mind, and if Qin Yihan hadn't called him to stop him today, I am afraid that this brother Li would still hesitate somewhere, and the reason why he opened his mouth at this moment is because of Li Fuduo.

After all, this is the blood of their old Li family and me. Now I can't get enough to eat or wear clothes every day after following him, and seeing that the rice is about to see the bottom of the pot, at this moment he has no choice but to ask Qin Yihan for help.

When Qin Yihan heard Brother Li's words, he nodded and said, "Apart from these things, Brother Li, what else has changed?"

After hearing what Brother Li said, Qin Yihan pondered for a while, and when Brother Li heard Qin Yihan's words, he thought about it, frowned, and soon it really reminded him.

"Brother Qin, have you noticed that there are fewer and fewer birds recently? It stands to reason that when I used to climb trees to dig out bird eggs, I could dig out a nest of bird eggs when I saw a tree, but recently I climbed ten It's really strange that I haven't seen a little bird before," at this moment, Brother Li was chattering, especially when he was talking about climbing a tree to dig out bird eggs, he was even more breathless.

And at this moment, when Qin Yihan heard Brother Li's words, he really wanted to say his feelings. You used to never let off even the little bird. You are quite proud of killing all the birds. Qin Yihan was a little speechless about Brother Li's dazzling, after all, he really didn't notice it. These things.

But let Brother Li say today that Qin Yihan has already found something is wrong, because he is not hunting now, so he has never noticed these things at all, but now thinking about it, he suddenly became startled.

After all, if it is true at this moment, if Brother Li said yes, I am afraid that the severe drought this time should feel fierce. After all, he was only six or seven years old during the last severe drought, but he was always aware of it that time. The devastation of that disaster.

After all, no matter whether it was his own village or this flat village, many people died, and there was dry land everywhere, and even those grass roots were dug up and eaten by others.

At that time, it seemed that you died of starvation, as if you died of eating the wrong food, but at that time you were too hungry, and there were things you could eat and things you couldn’t eat.

And that drought is not a good memory for Qin Yihan, because he was almost burned to death by others during that drought. If it wasn't for this ghost doctor who saved him, he might really die.

And at this moment, hearing what Brother Li said, Qin Yihan also discovered that in previous years, the birds were already singing and the flowers were fragrant, but this year, the flowers are fragrant, but at this moment, it seems that there are not many birds.

At this time, Li Fuduo also brought up a basin of fish. When bringing up the fish, Brother Li asked Li Fuduo to eat too, but at the moment the meal was made of wild vegetables.

And when Qin Yihan saw this, he didn't do much, but ate and drank with Brother Li. After the two of them drank for three rounds, all the daughters of this jar, Hong, entered the two big brothers. Inside the man's belly, and the fish was eaten up.

But at this moment, when Brother Li saw that Qin Yihan hadn't been polite to him, the smiles on his face became more and more, and he almost hooked up with Qin Yihan. Brother Li is naturally very happy to despise himself.

And at this moment, Li Fuduo is pretty well-behaved. After this meal, he just ate the porridge with wild vegetables. If Qin Yihan and Brother Li hadn't picked up vegetables for him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have touched those fish. Seeing this When he was young, even Qin Yihan felt pity for the child's cuteness.

And when Qin Yihan finished his meal, he was ready to settle down. After bidding farewell to Brother Li, he returned to the courtyard, but at this moment, An Xin didn't know why?He hasn't come back yet.

(End of this chapter)

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