pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1009 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask

Chapter 1009 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask (1)
An Qiao was talking to Qin Yihan, "Brother Yihan has gone out for a day, An Xin, but he still hasn't come back now, so what happened to An Xin?"

At this moment, An Qiao was worried that something happened to An Xin, but when Qin Yihan heard An Qiao's words, he was slightly taken aback, "Are you going to check the project on this mountain?"

Qin Yihan didn't worry much about An Xin not coming back, after all, An Xin is not a child anymore, and she still has some martial arts foundation in her body, and with the things around her, it is really difficult to have any problems at this moment.

What's more, he has his own discretion in doing things with peace of mind, and he is an elf, and he is in the village at this moment, so there will be no problems.

And when An Qiao heard Qin Yihan's words, he shook his head quickly and said, "I didn't see An Xin like this. I went to this mountain to ask which workers, and all the workers said that An Xin was there very early. That's why I'm worried that something happened to An Xin?"

An Qiao shook his head and said, after all, when he saw that An Xin hadn't returned, An Qiao went to find An Xin, but he couldn't find it. This is what makes An Qiao anxious. Going to the field, and the horse is also at home, she should not be able to go to this city.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Qiao's words, he thought for a while, and quickly said, "Don't worry, An Qiao, I'll go out and look for it. This girl saw something good in that place, so I just forgot the time to go home for a while, now I will go to someone first, don't worry about it, "

After seeing An Qiao's impatience, Qin Yihan also nodded his head unchanged. Although he was not very worried about An Xin's safety at the moment, he couldn't help but become curious. After all, An Xin rarely did this.

And when An Qiao listened to Qin Yihan's words, he nodded his head, and soon Qin Yihan ran out to find An Xin, and at this moment, An Xin, led by the carp spirit, came to a remote place, and when An Xin arrived Only then did I realize that it was not far from the place where I put my clothes.

After An Xin landed on the shore, she quickly took out her clothes and put them on, and then brought up those bottles and cans. After getting them all ashore, An Xin waved to the carp spirit, "Next time I go to the lake I was looking for you, okay?"

It's not about peace of mind and greed, it's just that if next time I have this carp spirit to lead the way and have it by my side, then I will be much safer when I go into the water in the future, not to mention that she will also benefit the other party.

Soon An Xin took out a water bottle, and walked to the carp spirit in the future, and when the carp spirit saw this, it opened its mouth slightly, and soon An Xin poured the Bailingquan in the water bottle to the water bottle. This carp essence is drunk.

"Let's make a deal, you take me underwater, I'll give you this and this, what do you think?" At this moment, An Xin was like the wolf grandma who abducted Little Red Riding Hood, where to abduct this carp spirit.

And when the carp spirit heard An Xin's words, it nodded and looked at the kettle in An Xin's hand. After all, in its mind, An Xin wanted a lot in the lake, but what An Xin gave was unique.

I'm afraid she is the only one in the world at this moment. After thinking about these things, the carp spirit naturally made a decision quickly. When he saw the red bead, he picked it up and looked at it.

Just when An Xin wanted to ask what kind of bead Carp Essence was?The carp spirit disappeared without a trace, soon An Xin heard footsteps, and at this moment An Xin saw that Qin Yihan was walking towards her with his clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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