pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1010 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask

Chapter 1010 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask (2)
At this moment, Qin Yihan's whole body was in a state of embarrassment. His wet hair was dripping with water, his collar was slightly opened to reveal his firm abdominal muscles, and his sexy collarbone was constantly dripping with water. Seeing this beautiful scenery Even An Xin couldn't help swallowing.

After all, at this moment Qin Yihan was indeed too alluring, and because he happened to be the type he liked, An Xin wiped his nose, and only felt relieved when he didn't find any blood.

It's just that An Xin still couldn't help sighing when she saw that handsome man at this moment. At this moment, the plain linen clothes, the firm wooden hairpin crown on his head, and the handsome and resolute face carried a ruthless aura. Although he was so sad that he was drenched, but he unexpectedly had a lazy charm, which was really charming.

When Qin Yihan saw An Xin, he couldn't help showing anger on his face. This woman really deserved to die. When he came out to look for An Xin, everyone told her that An Xin had come to this side.

After hearing what those people said, Qin Yihan looked for them according to what those people said, but he didn't expect to find them at this moment, but at this moment, he only found clothes. When he saw those clothes, Qin Yihan's face suddenly became ugly. stand up.

After all, this share is left by the lake at this moment, but at this moment the original owner of the clothes has disappeared without a trace. From this, it is not difficult to guess where the owner of the clothes has gone. It is just that when the girl enters the water, Qin Yihan was immediately annoyed.

And after Qin Yihan knew that An Xin went into the water, he followed him without saying a word. Unfortunately, the lake was too deep. Even An Xin had to enter the space for a few times to breathe. At this moment, although Qin Yihan's kung fu is profound, it is only in this water. But still can't stay for long.

What's more, at this moment, Qin Yihan was still in a hurry to find someone, so it was even more difficult to act in the water, but fortunately, shortly after Qin Yihan entered the water, he saw An Xin's figure.

It's just that there was a fish behind her at that time, and when Qin Yihan saw the Anxin-sized fish, he jumped immediately, and when he wanted to swim over, he didn't want to be suddenly blocked by a group of small fish.

And when those little fishes left, An Xin and that fish had long since disappeared. Seeing this, they had held their breath underwater for a long time, so they quickly went ashore to pay back their breath. of.

But he heard a voice not far away. When he heard An Xin's voice, Qin Yihan's face flashed with anger, and then he picked up An Xin's clothes and walked over. When he walked over, he saw An Xin's whole body was wet and covered with a piece of clothing.

And at this moment, that hand was still holding the blood-colored bead at this moment, and when Qin Yihan saw this, he was slightly taken aback, but soon his expression became a little ugly, and his expression became a little unnatural, and then he just threw the clothes away peace of mind.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes." When An Xin heard Qin Yihan's angry words, she was slightly taken aback, and when she saw Qin Yihan's slightly red cheeks, and when she looked at her outfit, she suddenly It suddenly dawned on me.

But at this moment, An Xin still obediently put on her clothes, "Don't be angry, Han, I just think it's better to go into the water like that, so don't be angry, okay?"

When she saw Qin Yihan's cheeks were slightly red even though she was angry, An Xin looked at her clothes, and suddenly realized, after all, she was in a swimsuit at the moment.

It's just that An Xin didn't care about it at the moment. After all, in her previous life, she often wore it like this, and then went to the beach to play like this, so she didn't notice any problems for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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