pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1012 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask

Chapter 1012 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask (4)
Although that thing is very attractive, what An Xin is talking about at the moment is wearing it for swimming. Doesn't that mean that this girl will wear it like this next time without going into the water? Live to kill.

"You are domineering," An Xin looked at Qin Yihan, angrily threw the seaweed in his hand on Qin Yihan's face, and then said, "I will ignore you now."

The damn man dared to ruin her swimsuit. She would never forgive Qin Yihan at this moment.

Especially this dead man who obviously likes it, but now he comes to act like a gentleman. Damn Qin Yihan, she has a fight with him today, and she won't talk to Qin Yihan anymore.

And when Qin Yihan saw An Xin leave in anger, he also angrily ignored An Xin, and soon Qin Yihan saw that An Xin was holding several jars, and at the moment there was a basket on her back.

There are still a lot of wet seaweeds in the basket, on An Xin's shoulders at this moment, it makes An Xin seem to be struggling, and when Qin Yihan saw this, he lifted the basket to An Xin as if nothing had happened.

But after looking at him, An Xin said, "I don't need you to take it, where do you come here, the ghost wants your help." An Xin looked at Qin Yihan and said, reaching out her hand to grab it, but it's a pity that she is so small at the moment. When it reached Qin Yihan's chest, there was no way to get it.

And when Qin Yihan saw this, he also picked up the jar on the ground, then turned his head and walked away, when An Xin saw this, his teeth itched with anger.

At this moment, the two of them were fighting at home all the way, and today Qin Yihan's attitude was also tough, and he resolutely refused to apologize, because there was nothing wrong with him today.

And this An Xin also has her own reasons, when she saw Qin Yihan refused to accept softness, she became even more angry, after all, half of An Xin's temper at this moment was caused by Qin Yihan's favor.

In the past, she was very obedient to herself, but today she suddenly didn't listen to her own words. This immediately made An Xin feel very wronged, and it was inevitable that she would become childish.

And when Qin Yihan and An Xin were on the way back home, they were in a state of cold war, and no one paid attention to the other. After the two returned home, An Qiao discovered a problem, that is, his sister and What happened to Qin Yihan?
That is, when the two of them were eating at this moment, neither of them paid any attention to each other, as if they were fighting against each other. An Qiao didn't say much when he saw this. All right.

Don't say it's wrong for An Qiao to feel relieved at this moment, even this An Shi has let go of what's wrong, An Shi looked at Qin Yihan, and then at An Xin, after her daughter went out today and made a bunch of grass and dirt when she came back, He kept a cold face all the time.

Then he looked at Qin Yihan, Qin Yihan, who used to be obedient and obedient in the past, also had a cold side at the moment, if we say that in the past, even An Shi would have noticed, this Qin Yihan looked at An Xin vaguely every time.

It's just that today, he seems to be afraid to look at An Xin, is it when there is annoyance on his face, thinking he is angry with himself?He also thought he was angry at An Xin, anyway, he didn't even dare to look at An Xin at this moment.

And after An Xin ate the food, she cast a cold glance at Qin Yihan, and then went upstairs directly. Thinking of Qin Yihan's behavior today, An Xin immediately became angry.

Thinking of Qin Yihan who had nothing to say to her in the past, An Xin felt a little wronged when she thought about it now. In fact, this woman is really not to be petted. At this moment, An Xin's temper made Qin Yihan pamper her.

(End of this chapter)

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