pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1013 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask

Chapter 1013 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask (5)
And at this moment, the temper favored by Qin Yihan himself just happened to let An Xin use it on Qin Yihan.

Then she also put down the table and left the seat, and when the little girl saw this, she looked in the direction of An Xin, and after seeing Qin Yihan's discovery, she immediately turned her head to look at An Qiao.

"Sister An Qiao, what's wrong with Sister An Xin? She seems very angry, did someone offend her?" The little girl looked at An Qiao and said, her small eyes were full of doubts, because even if he was here today But you can also find a lot of peace of mind.

When An Qiao heard Xiao Yaya's words, he shook his head and said that he didn't know, "I don't know either." After all, the way these two get along has always been a little strange.

However, An Qiao was never worried. After all, although the two were angry with each other at the moment, An Qiao always had a feeling that the two had a quarrel today, and they might hold hands and make up tomorrow.

When the little girl heard An Qiao's words, she nodded, but for this angry sister An Xin, she was a little scared with this brother Yi Han, especially when she had a cold face. When will my brother reconcile?
And when An Xin returned to her room, she sorted out the mud and seaweed that the servants had brought into her room just now, and distributed these things after sorting out.

Soon I started to make this seaweed mask. After all, this seaweed mask is different from flowers. When making this kind of mask, the process is much more troublesome. After An Xin had a busy day, she unexpectedly saw a figure on the window.

When looking at the figure on the window, An Xin frowned immediately, and quickly closed the window, and when Qin Yihan saw that the window in the corridor was closed, a hint of injury flashed in his eyes.

Soon Qin Yi coldly snorted, after all she was not wrong at the moment, who asked her to wear that kind of clothes, not to mention if that kind of clothes were seen by outsiders, how would she live as a girl in the future?

But at this moment, Qin Yihan got angry after thinking about it, so he turned around and left directly, and in the next two days, An Xin never even went out of the door of this room, whether eating or drinking, he stayed in the room.

The whole person was busy on the pile of seaweed and soil, but at this moment, after two days, Qin Yihan was impatient, after all, he thought that An Xin had reconsidered at first, and he would come to reconcile with himself.

And let alone reconciliation at this moment, this person has never even gone out of the gate, when Qin Yihan saw this, he couldn't help thinking about it, at this moment he wondered if it was An Xin, because he was so angry that he would never Don't care about yourself?
Thinking of this possibility, Qin Yihan hurriedly ran to An Xin's room. When he arrived at the door of this room, he saw An Xin walking out with this black-haired thing. When Qin Yihan saw this, he was slightly taken aback.

What is this dirt-like thing?Seeing that An Xin was holding the thing in her hand at this moment, she couldn't help showing a smile on her face, and when she saw Qin Yihan, she was slightly taken aback.

Soon he walked up to Qin Yihan and said, "Look, Han, this is a sea mud mask. After I used it for two days, I finally made it. Take a look,,"

After speaking, he showed this thing to Qin Yihan. After An Xin made the sea mud mask, the only person who wanted to share it with him was this Qin Yihan. When he saw Qin Yihan, An Xin immediately showed it to Qin Yihan Look.

(End of this chapter)

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