pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1014 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask

Chapter 1014 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask (6)
After all, making this submarine mud mask is much more complicated than this fresh flower mask. In addition, there is no reliable equipment here, so it is even more difficult at this moment. An Xin has been working hard for the past few days. experiment.

Even if An Qiao came in with outsiders, An Xin didn't pay attention to it, and still let the food go outside, and when An Qiao saw this, he never made things difficult for An Xin, but there was still disapproval in his eyes.

After all, An Xin stayed for two days at the moment, and he didn't come out of that room for two days and two nights. This person encountered the mud at the bottom of the lake all day long, and his body smelled of mud, but An Xin didn't seem to notice it. .

Seeing this An Xin, An Qiao also had to shake his head, wouldn't this younger sister want to do this and stay for half a month?After all, if he didn't take a bath for half a month, this An Xin is not a stinky An Xin.

It's just that An Qiao doesn't know that at this moment, An Xin naturally won't never take a bath for the rest of her life. She just doesn't want her thoughts to be interrupted. After all, this scientific research and development will not stop even if there is inspiration.

And An Xin is no exception at this moment, and when Qin Yihan saw this, when he saw An Xin who hadn't stepped out of the room for two days, pity flashed in his eyes.

Especially when she saw that pale expression and thick dark circles under her eyes, she immediately became angry. At this moment, she didn't know how to be thankful?Or should it be lost?Fortunately, this girl never took what happened that day to heart.

But what was lost was that when he saw the smile on her face, he felt an uncontrollable sense of loss and sadness in his heart, especially when he saw An Xin's uncontrollable joy, he immediately sighed. tone.

Mingming already knew that An Xin lacked his own existence and had more of these careers, and now seeing that An Xin would forget to be angry with him because of these flowers and plants, he couldn't help being jealous immediately.

When she saw that An Xin didn't sleep for two days and two nights because of these things, she suddenly had the idea of ​​destroying everything, wanting to smash those things, after all, today she can do that for two days and two nights and next time?

At this moment, Qin Yihan is not sure about the next time, An Xin will sleep obediently, but at this moment, although Qin Yihan is very angry with An Xin, he has never taken it seriously, because he knows that it is An Xin's treasure and cannot be touched by others. Including yourself?

But at this moment, after An Xin was happy, her face quickly turned cold, "What are you doing here? I haven't lost my temper, you feel like getting out of here,"

After bouncing around in An Xin's embrace of Qin Yihan for a while, he soon thought of himself, how could he forgive Qin Yihan so easily, even today he was still fighting Qin Yihan coldly.

"I won't leave, and I won't leave." Qin Yihan immediately smiled when he heard An Xin's words, and when An Xin saw that Qin Yihan was actually happy because he was angry, he immediately frowned.

Soon An Xin was embraced by Qin Yihan, Qin Yihan murmured in An Xin's ear, "Xin'er, don't be angry, okay? Do you know that it's a big deal for me if you ignore me in these two days?" What a cruel thing, I have been waiting for you to come to me every day, but you have never come out, I think you are really angry with me, so I don't want to bother with me in the future, "

Qin Yihan held An Xin in his arms, and at this moment, he completely expressed his thoughts for the past two days, and when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, he immediately frowned.

At this moment, Qin Yihan wanted to end the cold war, because he knew very well that if he and An Xin continued the cold war, he would be the one who would suffer in the end, because the girl in front of him was heartless at all.

(End of this chapter)

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