pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1017 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask

Chapter 1017 Lake mud mask and seaweed mask (9)
But when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he became puzzled. After all, what An Xin was holding was just simple soil, how could it be compared with those petals?
After all, even if An Xin's soil was brought up from the bottom of the lake, there is still no way to change its nature as soil. Why is An Xin so precious at this moment?

And when An Xin seemed to understand Qin Yihan's confusion, she said, "This is not ordinary soil, because it contains minerals, which are very effective in whitening, and look at this."

Then he showed another thing to Qin Yihan, it was a piece of white salt, "This is the bottom of the lake is salt, this lake is very magical, the top is a freshwater lake, but the water below is a saltwater lake, and there are Salt, this salt is much better than the salt we bought."

After all, the most beautiful salt has been tributed to the palace, and now in this small village, the salt in every household is yellow and rough. Still rough.

It's just that the salt that An Xin was talking about at this moment became fine and dense immediately after being crushed like this, and the taste of this salt is also very good, "Han, I plan to buy this lake,"

At this moment, there are guarantees everywhere in this lake, not to mention that the carp essence is also in it, so she wanted to buy this lake, but Anxin knew that the price of this lake would definitely make this mountain much more expensive.

After all, there are a lot of things that I want in this lake. In addition, if the severe drought comes, the petals will be useless.

But at this moment, the mud at the bottom of the lake is different from the seaweed, because An Xin knows that even if there is a severe drought in such a large lake, it will not hurt the root cause. This lake is much, much wider.

So for everyone at this moment, it may be worthless bottom line, but for An Xin at this moment, even if it is expensive, it is worth it, because it is her way of making money, and it is the first treasure her baby uses.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, although he didn't know why she cared so much about the lake, he still nodded and supported her, but his eyes dimmed a bit.

At this moment, Qin Yihan is worried about his inability to enter An Xin's world. He entered An Xin's world at a very young age, and he is very young to know what An Xin is talking about at this moment?
Although An Xin never cared about it from the beginning to the end, but at this moment he is very important, although he can listen quietly, but he doesn't know when to start, he wants to take a step closer to An Xin.

I was just thinking about it, and then Qin Yihan said, "If there is no money, I can use it first." Qin Yihan looked at it and said in peace. After all, he didn't know whether this girl likes to use other people's money. ?
And when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she immediately nodded her head and said, "When I want it, I will ask Han you for it." There is no such word in her dictionary.

What's more, this person is still Qin Yihan at this moment. After all, I will always be with this Qin Yihan in the future, so there is naturally no difference between myself and Qin Yihan's things at this moment.

When Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he immediately smiled softly, scratched An Xin's nose and said, "Xin'er, if you want to go into the water in the future, let me go. I don't worry about you going into the water alone. "

After all, Qin Yihan was really worried about letting An Xin go down that lake alone at this moment, but when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she shook her head and said, "I know you are worried about me, Han, but Han Na Lake is just as you said. The same is very deep, and although you know kung fu, you still have to take a breath after all, but you can take a breath underwater, compared to you going down, I think it is safer for me to go down, not to mention after I get the things , can be placed in the space, but you have to drag it up by yourself, it will be very tiring, "

When Qin Yihan wanted to attack, An Xin refused without even thinking about it. After all, this Qin Yihan was different from him at the moment. Even if he didn't meet this carp spirit, nothing would happen at the bottom of the lake.

After all, if there is danger, she can stay in today's space, and if Qin Yihan goes down now, he doesn't have his own magic weapon, not to mention he doesn't have the carp spirit's help, it will be even more difficult.

At this moment, the reason why An Xin didn't tell Qin Yihan about the carp spirit was because it was her secret with the carp spirit. She knew that the carp spirit would never want to tell it by herself. This carp spirit kept secret for the sake of the existence of this friend.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, although he was very unwilling, but at the moment he didn't say too much, after all, what An Xin said was right at this moment, and he was going to go down now.

At the bottom of the lake, she just didn't have time to dig things, because at that time she had to take a breath, but now An Xin was different. An Xin had that mysterious fear, so naturally she didn't have this trouble. At this moment, she really had a little jealousy and a little loss. , There is no way to help you feel at ease when you are lost.

(End of this chapter)

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