pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1018 Buy sea mud mask

Chapter 1018 Buy sea mud mask (1)
In the next few days, An Xin went down to the lake several times, but Qin Yihan also followed him into the water. After all, Qin Yihan was not worried about An Xin, and when An Xin saw this, he never objected.

After all, An Xin also knew very clearly at this moment that if Qin Yihan was not allowed to follow at this moment, Qin Yihan would probably not be reconciled no matter what. Seeing this, An Xin could only agree to Qin Yihan.It's just that when the two of them entered the water for a while, the more they went downstream, the more pain Qin Yihan felt, especially the feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger, as if something was about to burst in his chest.

And at this moment when An Xin saw this, she still had to go ashore in the end, and at this moment An Xin tried to call the carp spirit out after she and Qin Yihan got into the water.

It's a pity that no matter what I call this carp spirit, he just doesn't show up, and Anxin soon realizes that this carp spirit probably doesn't like Qin Yihan very much, or it should be said that this carp spirit doesn't like to be in contact with any human beings.

After An Xin saw that the carp spirit hadn't appeared, she brought Qin Yihan ashore together. An Xin looked at Qin Yihan who had come ashore and said, "Han, you watch the wind for me from above. You should know, Han, you won't be here long. What's more, I'll be fine, don't worry, "

It's just that An Xin and Qin Yihan haven't noticed at this moment, even after they landed, they have a pair of eyes looking at Qin Yihan with anger, especially after seeing the two of them landed, the owner of those eyes flashed in an instant. After a touch of killing intent, although his face was a bit ugly, he didn't say anything more?
An Xin knew that Qin Yihan went into the water with her because she was worried about her, but at the moment it was so deep and unfathomable, if she insisted on going down, the only person who would suffer would be Qin Yihan.

When An Xin saw this, she was naturally reluctant to let Qin Yihan take risks, so she was resolutely unwilling to let Qin Yihan go into the water again. When Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, she was slightly taken aback.

Although Qin Yihan was very unwilling at the moment, she couldn't refute it. After all, when he and An Xin were beating someone just now, she suddenly found that An Xin was much more flexible underwater than herself.

And even if he held his breath, it would take longer than his own, and when he couldn't reach the bottom of the lake in one breath on the way, Qin Yihan had to agree with An Xin's statement.

After all, if he insists on going down at this moment, I am afraid it will only affect An Xin. When thinking of this, Qin Yihan's eyes flashed dimly, and his expression was a little disappointed. After all, there is no way to help An Xin at this moment, which makes Qin Yihan very sad. Lost, as if my heart has been hollowed out by something, it is really useless.

And when An Xin saw Qin Yihan's expression, she was taken aback for a moment, and quickly stroked Qin Yihan's hair and said, "Hey,,, you just like to be horny, Han don't always think about yourself very much. You are actually great, but you don’t know it yourself.”

The man in front of him is confident in front of others, but he always has low self-esteem in front of himself. Every time he looks at himself, there is a hint of low self-esteem, but why is he so inferior?Because at this moment, Qin Yihan is the best person in her mind.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he nodded, "I'm fine, be careful, if there's anything, just call me."

In fact, he just cared too much, that's why he felt worried about gains and losses, and it was because he cared too much, that's why he was afraid every time, maybe it was really inferiority.

(End of this chapter)

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