pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 102 An Xin Was Beaten Please Subscribe

Chapter 102 An Xin Was Beaten Please Subscribe (3)
"Thank you, Master Junhua," upon hearing Junhua's assurance, a smile appeared on An Qiao's face, but there was a bit of paleness and worry in that smile. Although he had money at the moment, he felt at ease. The whereabouts of the people are still unknown.

When Qin Yihan on the side heard Junhua's words, he just sat there, and the low air pressure surrounded his whole body. At this moment, he hated himself for being useless, and he couldn't help at all.

And then everyone waited quietly in Yuyue Tower for the news, but after everyone waited for a long time, there was no news.

They waited from around six o'clock to twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, but they still hadn't received any news or letters from the kidnappers. An Xin's disappearance seemed to disappear without a trace.

And when Junhua saw this moment, he couldn't help showing a hint of worry on his face, because according to the usual words, the kidnappers should have already tried to contact them, but there is still no letter from him at this moment. fiscal.

"Master, it's getting late, go to bed first, we'll wait here," and at this moment the shopkeeper of Yuyuelou opened the door and walked in, "It's possible that those gangsters won't write until tomorrow, so you'd better read the letter first, Master." have a rest,"

And when Junhua heard the shopkeeper's words, he sighed, and then said to An Qiao and the others, "Tonight you will spend the night in Yuyue Tower, and I will ask the servants to clean up the place later, and you all go to bed first." , maybe when I wake up tomorrow, I will get the news of peace of mind, "

Although Jun Hua was worried at this moment, he still comforted everyone, and when Qin Yihan heard it, he shook his head, "I'll wait here,"

As he spoke, he looked towards the sky, wondering where that girl was at the moment?Are you cold?Are you hungry, have you eaten, and are you even afraid?
It's just that at this moment, he doesn't know anything, as long as he closes his eyes, there will be a picture of An Xin crying in his mind, the surroundings are pitch black, crying in fear, begging for help.

When he thought of all this, how could he still fall asleep at this moment, damn, why did he leave?If you don't leave, this kind of thing won't happen, why do you have to leave?

"You..." Junhua shook his head when he saw Qin Yihan's expression, then looked at the people around him, and saw that they all looked like I was not sleepy at the moment, "Xueran, go to rest first , your body is not good, don't get tired, "

Seeing that An Qiao and his group were stubborn, Jun Hua looked at Xue Ran beside him and said, but even though Xue Ran had never spoken at this moment, her snow-white face seemed even paler. It is like a corpse.

"No, I want to wait for her, I want to wait for her," Xue Ran shook her head. If he couldn't wait for the girl's news at this moment, how could he be able to sleep?

At this moment, Xue Ran also regretted it very much. If he had been with the girl, then nothing would have happened to An Xin. Damn it, why did he go to find the bracelet?If you don't look for it, you won't be far away from Anxin.

Upon hearing Xueran's words, Junhua shook his head, "Okay, then I will wait with you." Xueran knew that once a decision was made, ten cows would not be able to pull it back.

Just like that, everyone sat in the room together and waited all night, but when the next day came, they still didn't find any peace of mind, nor did they wait for any news.

And when they knew this, cracks finally appeared on everyone's faces, and the only calmness dissipated, because if the kidnapper wanted money, it couldn't have been so long, and no one had sent a letter.

(End of this chapter)

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