pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 103 An Xin Was Beaten Please Subscribe

Chapter 103 An Xin Was Beaten Please Subscribe (4)
At this moment, the only thing that can be determined is that they are not asking for money but for death.Thinking of this, An Qiao's face turned pale, "Master Junhua, why hasn't anyone asked for money yet? Why?"

As he spoke, he looked at Junhua in horror, and when Junhua saw this, he fell silent. At this moment, he also realized that those people really didn't want money.

"By the way, Miss An, are you going to offend anyone with An Xin?" Soon Jun Hua transferred all of this to An Xin's enemy.

And when An Qiao heard it, he shook his head and said, "If Xin'er offended, yes, but that wouldn't kill Xin'er, after all, they were the ones who came here first,"

Soon An Qiao told Jun Hua everything, and when Jun Hua heard it, he felt sad for An Xin and ashamed for An Jia at the same time.

As an elder, it doesn't matter if he doesn't cherish the junior, but he still sneaks around all day long to try to get some benefits from the junior.

It doesn't matter if this kind of relative is not wanted, if he handles it, he will kill them all and make them jump around.

Soon Junhua frowned. If this is the case, it is a conflict between neighbors. After all, An Xin's actions are useless to anger people. I want to kill her to silence her. If that's the case, then Who is hiding An Xin?

"Xiao Zi, come here." Soon Junhua seemed to think of something, and then said to Xiao Zi, "Xiao Zi, find someone to check, what happened to Xiang Man Lou recently?"

Soon Junhua thought of another point, that is, if those people at this moment are not asking for money, then they still have one thing, which is peace of mind, and the only object of suspicion at this moment is Li Fugui, the boss of Xiangmanlou.

After all, Xiangmanlou is also one of the best restaurants in the city, and there are people behind it, which is why Xiangmanlou and Yuyuelou can stand side by side, because they both have backers to support them.

It's just that all of this was broken by the arrival of An Xin, because of the appearance of An Xin, the performance of Yuyuelou was booming, while the performance of Xiangmanlou was continuously declining.

So Junhua at this moment has to suspect that Xiangmanlou is still angry with An Xin because of her performance, and even covets the menu and brains in An Xin's hands, that's why she kidnapped people so that she can get everything from you.

"It's the young master, I'll do it now, slave girl." Upon hearing Junhua's words, Xiao Zi hurriedly nodded and went out to look for the shopkeeper. When she told the shopkeeper what Junhua said just now, the shopkeeper immediately asked someone to do it. this matter.

It's just that when the shopkeeper came back, he realized that Xiang Manlou at this moment didn't know that An Xin was the planner behind it. After all, they all had life-saving jobs in Yuyuelou, and everyone was strictly controlled. Who has the ban in hand, so it should be impossible to leak the secret.

As soon as he heard the shopkeeper's words, Jun Hua couldn't help showing a look of ugliness on his face, who the hell kidnapped An Xin?
If it wasn't for Xiangmanlou who kidnapped An Xin, who else would there be?Who rushes to fight Yuyuelou, "It doesn't matter, you want to observe Xiangmanlou closely, and let me know if there is any change,"

Soon Junhua said, no matter whether it was made by Xiangmanlou or not, he is the first object of suspicion, so Junhua can't at this moment, because the shopkeeper's confirmation will relax his vigilance against them.

And when the shopkeeper heard it, he nodded, "Don't worry, young master, I will definitely investigate secretly,"

(End of this chapter)

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