pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1024 Buy sea mud mask

Chapter 1024 Buy sea mud mask (7)
When Mr. Jun looked at An Xin's surprised face, he immediately frowned, "Xiaomei, you have to believe that this Jun family's rouge powder has long been tired of others, and now I believe , as long as those things can be obtained, it will be a disadvantage this time. There is no word to be tired of, and you can get more from Xiaomei in the future." If we hand over the things, I will not be reconciled no matter what," the beautiful woman shook her head when she heard the old gentleman's words.

After all, this rouge and gouache is her fate at this moment, and she has finally placed someone in An's house at this moment. If she loses it for this Jun's house at this moment, revealing her identity, how can she play tricks on An Xin in the future.

At this moment, the glamorous woman is unwilling to hand over the formula of the rouge and gouache, after all, she wants to keep these formulas at this moment in order to make a fortune, so how could she give these things to the Jun family.

And when Mr. Jun saw his daughter's appearance, he immediately sighed. At this moment, he didn't know what his daughter was thinking. He knew that his daughter was very ambitious and ambitious.

It's just that this daughter is like this at this moment, but she can't fly out of other people's Wuzhi Mountain. After all, the Jun family has a great career. If I dare to mess with my mind at this moment, I'm afraid I will be wiped out by others long ago.

"Silly girl, listen to your father first. It is absolutely impossible for the Jun family to let you take the formula of those rouge gouache alone. After all, that is what they have always wanted to think about, so I hope you can understand as a daughter," at this moment The old man said in a tone of heart.

"Xiaomei, don't worry, father will make up for you in the future," Jun Lai said to this beautiful woman. After all, this beautiful woman really made a great contribution this time. If the Jun family gets the formula, Then he will definitely thank the beautiful woman in front of him at the moment.

And when the glamorous woman nodded after hearing the old gentleman's words, "Okay father, I know, I will take this rouge gouache formula to the Jun family, father, you don't have to embarrass yourself at all!" Yes, in fact, I was planning to do it when I was there."

When the glamorous woman heard Jun Lai's words, her face became a little difficult to distinguish, not to mention she returned to her usual smile, but that smile was a little colder, so she wouldn't teach it at this moment.

After all, this gentleman is from the Jun family at this moment, and this old gentleman is probably loyal to the Jun family at this moment, but at this moment, this old gentleman has never had one at all, after all, she is not from the Jun family.

At this moment, it is impossible to care about the life and death of the Jun family. After all, what she wants at this moment is just this rouge and gouache, and the person blocking the way at this moment, even her own father, is not acceptable.

It's just that even though this beautiful woman thought so at this moment, she didn't say anything more. After all, if she revealed her thoughts at this moment, wouldn't it be completely exposed.

And when Mr. Jun heard the beautiful woman's words, he immediately nodded happily, "Father knows, Xiaomei is the most well-behaved."

It's just that when he was talking, a faint light flashed in his eyes. Facing the Jun family who asked him to get the formula in An Xin's hands, he thought that he was safe and sound at the beginning, but at this moment he found that there were many more. Few people are against themselves.

As soon as Mr. Jun thought that the Jun family asked him to do his best, but it was not thankful for his efforts, this Mr. Jun could only hope that he would be relieved early, and then he would go back to the mansion to see who was responsible for his failure?
After all, even the elder Jun couldn't help getting angry about being sniped behind the back like this moment, but when he thought of the Jun family at this moment, he didn't say anything more.

After all, the Jun family is kind to him, so he will naturally try his best to do things for the Jun family, and at this moment, when the beautiful woman saw her father's face changing, she frowned immediately.

At this moment, the beautiful woman was thinking in her heart, what else is going on with her father?Hiding yourself in secret?

(End of this chapter)

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